Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 209: report! something bad...

  Chapter 209 Report! something bad...

  Because of the national army mobilization order issued by the Sun King half a year ago, the two major armies, which were already ready for level three combat preparations, quickly ordered troops to go out.

The Morning Herald Legion sent more than 500 elves, mainly paladins, and although Sunstrider sent less than 200, the role of this air force may be compared to Liadrin's Morning Herald Legion. more important.

   Sean, who had heard the news a long time ago, specially teleported it from his Tower of Morning Light next to the Temple of the Sun. He was also a little surprised when he saw the neat army in front of him.

   "How many years has Quel'Thalas not gone abroad? At least I haven't heard of it since I was born."

Charlemagne put his arms around Sean's neck and said with a smile, "Aren't you talking nonsense? Since the founding of Quel'Thalas, apart from cooperating with humans to defeat the Amani trolls more than 2,000 years ago, when has Quel'Thalas ever gone abroad? ? Aren’t they all fighting with trolls in the forest?”

  Although Sean also wants to go to Kalimdor to meet the tauren, his uncle has spent all his time cultivating his political literacy in recent years. Apart from meditating in the mage tower, he doesn't even have much free time.

  After sighing depressingly, Sean pushed Charlemagne, "Okay, go quickly, Liadrin and the others are ready, remember to tell me about the battle situation next time when you come back, and may the sun guide you."

   "May the sun guide you. Farewell, my friend!"

  With the help of the mage brought by Sean and the mages left behind by Taquilin, Charlemagne opened a huge portal that was enough for 50 people to pass through. Only then did he realize how difficult it was for Ke Lisha to open the door.

  Although with the help of a group of mages, his own mana is still being consumed at an extremely fast speed.

   "Hurry up! Liadrin, take the Dawnguard Legion there first, and Saladley will follow. The mana consumed by this portal is no joke."

  Shawn joked with a relaxed face at this time, "So why don't you absorb arcane energy from the Sunwell, and make yourself so tired."

  Charlemagne, who has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, shook his head helplessly. Anyway, it has been like this for so many years. He is going to wait for Alcandor to mature before trying to absorb magic power from the Sunwell.

Speaking of Arcandor... For more than half a year, Faredin's brainless druid hasn't taken a step away from the growing Arkandor. With the lesson from last time, he can only sleep Outside, he stayed close to the tree.

  According to Charlemagne's words, Arcandor has now entered the third stage, and Faredin recently went to Sunstrider Island to abduct some Mana Wyrms...to catch pests.

  Under the huge supply of magic power from the Sunwell, Arcandor will enter the maturity stage in about half a year at most. Before that, there is the last difficulty, which is the harmony of natural energy and arcane energy.

   But with the Garnier twig provided by Fandral, Charlemagne doesn't need to worry about this issue. He just waits for the Miracle Tree to mature and sit in a row with a group of bigwigs to eat fruit.

  The mages with their backs to the Sunwell opened the portal without pressure. In the end, Charlemagne simply withdrew his supply of magic power. Anyway, he only needs to provide a coordinate...

At the other end of the portal, Magatha, Kane and others came to the scene almost as soon as the giant portal appeared, and witnessed with their own eyes the high elf paladins riding tall Quel'dorei war horses, The scene of walking out of the portal with neat steps.

  The leader, Liadrin, turned her head to observe the surrounding environment after arriving at the destination. The desolation of Desolace made the female knight frowned deeply.

   "Sure enough... Except for the last piece of grassland at the foot, the surrounding area is completely barren. There is no way to survive in this kind of place."

In order not to block the troops behind, Liadrin temporarily suppressed her inner thoughts. Under the leadership of the excited Hamuir, she led the paladins of the Dawnguard Legion to a lawn outside the tauren settlement. camp.

Immediately following the Dawn Vanguard Legion came out was the flying troop led by the head of the Sunstrider Wings, Saladley. The huge giant eagle came out on foot, and the dragon eagle behind was slowly flying with its own knights. out.

Kane is not sure about the fighting power of the dragon eagle, but Kane is looking forward to the conspicuous hundreds of giant eagles of Sunstrider Wings. There are only ten giant eagles from the Tianhorn tribe brought by Barley, but this is just ten. The Giant Eagle Knight made a lot of contributions to the battle situation.

   Now under Charlemagne's suggestion, Saladre gradually separated the responsibilities of Giant Eagle Knight and Dragon Eagle Knight completely.

   Magic swordsmen, rangers and a small number of paladins ride these huge flying mounts. Their duties are mainly to seize air supremacy and suppress the enemy's long-range firepower on the ground. Simply put, they are equivalent to fighter jets or fighter jets.

The mages who originally existed in the Dragon Eagle Knights were arranged to continue riding the Dragon Eagle, which had smaller targets and was relatively difficult to hit. Implementing fire coverage, they are equivalent to bombers.

Although this is said in theory, since Charlemagne told Saladre the new tactics after the Battle of Fadores, this tactical idea has not been verified in actual combat for the time being, and now, Saladre is looking forward to The long-awaited actual battle is finally approaching.

  Although the total number of these high elf troops is less than 1,000, just looking at the energy flow emitted from the light armor worn by the knights, it can be judged that this army is definitely not just a show.

  Great Chief Kane welcomed Liadrin, Saladre, and Charlemagne who followed the troops across the portal into the main camp. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the high elves for their assistance.

"We tauren will not break our promise. As long as we can finally reach the prairie, I, Kane Bloodhoof, as the great chief of the Kalimdor tauren, is willing to sign an alliance agreement with the high elves. Once the high elves are in trouble, we will definitely Do your best to support.”

Charlemagne nodded with satisfaction, "We are the same. Once the covenant is concluded, both parties will have equal responsibilities. Although I don't think you will be attacked by centaurs on a large scale after arriving in your new homeland, but if there is an emergency, you can also You can tell the high elf ambassador to contact us at any time."

After all, the prairie that was later named Mulgore by the tauren was surrounded by mountains, and only the side near the barren land had an exit. As long as the tauren sent someone to build a solid fortification here, the centaur would not Just don't even think about getting in.

  At this moment, Alleria and Vereesa gathered around Valeira while the men were talking about business, chatting and caring about the little thief, for fear that she would be wronged.

   Fortunately, Valeira has always been smiling. It seems that she has been doing well with the tauren during this time.

  Because the giant eagle knight sent by Barley to investigate has not yet returned, the high elves and tauren can only stay in Desolace waiting for news for the time being.

However, when Kane saw the army sent by the high elves, he actually agreed in his heart that the new homeland that Charlemagne said did exist. After all, no one would be bored and send an elite army across the endless sea to Another continent.

   After discussing with Magatha and Hamuul, Kane has ordered the tauren throughout Desolace to pack their bags and be ready to go on the road at any time.

  However, just when Kane and others were ready to leave at any time with the expectation of their new homeland, bad battle reports suddenly came from the front line.

   "Chief Kane, something serious happened! The centaurs of the Kirghiz and Magram tribes also joined the attack on us!"


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