Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 225: step into epic

  Chapter 225 Entering the Epic

For the past two years, Charlemagne certainly didn't just sit in the office and wait for the trolls to attack. Thanks to the first-hand battle reports secretly observed by members of the Hidden Passage such as Emeril, he could still deal with it even in the Far Traveling Village. The whole battle situation is well known.

Last year, he also got information from King Kael'thas. The members of the High Elf Tirisfal Council saved by Charlemagne and Anasterian sent news that the former guardian Aegwynn discovered the dark side. The door and Medivh were the same, so he came to the door in person, and finally the two had a big fight.

The battle between the two generations of guardians spread far and wide. With the help of the adult blue dragon Akenagos, Aegwynn once pushed Medivh, who was possessed by Sargeras, into a desperate situation, but in the end Sargeras still relied on absorbing Karazan Tower. The life force of everyone inside except Moroes defeated her.

Under the influence of his last shred of sanity, Medivh just exiled his mother from Karazhan, but Akenagos was not so lucky. This blue dragon was finally made into a new species by Sargeras, Nightmare .

No one knows where the exiled Aegwynn went. The members of the Tirisfal Council have been unable to find her since then, and the surrounding area of ​​Karazhan has been completely turned into a realm of death since then, except for Medivh and the mad old man. No one other than the housekeeper, Moros, dared to approach.

  The follow-up progress of the Tirisfal Council is unclear. They have been completely intimidated by Sargeras' power and dare not approach the cursed tower.

  However, Charlemagne knew that although the Kirin Tor council in Dalaran was aware of the outbreak of the war, they did not know the reason and finally sent a spy into Karazhan to serve as Medivh's apprentice.

   This spy is also very famous in later generations, and his name is Khadgar.

   Out of caution, Charlemagne and Kael'thas didn't send anyone close to Karazhan after that, so it's unclear what entanglement happened between the two young Khadgar, Garona, and Medivh.

  However, Emeril recently sent back information through Xueyu that Lothar had suddenly disappeared from the barracks. Charlemagne could probably guess that Medivh's death was imminent.

  However, he didn't intend to get involved in this matter. After all, he and Medivh had no ties, and the Fallen Guardian would never be as lenient as the other three.

  ‘Medivh’s death is imminent… that is to say, Gul’dan is about to pass out, and Blackhand’s life will not last long. Orgrim should be about to take over, right? '

  As Charlemagne expected, through the intelligence reference provided by Emmoreel and Quel'Thalas, what happened next basically confirmed his guess.

  Lothar, Khadgar, and Garona finally killed Medivh under the resistance of Medivh's self-consciousness, and at the same time eliminated the soul of Sargeras lurking in Medivh's body.

The sad Gul'dan was directly connected to Medivh's spirit at that time. This power-hungry warlock wanted to know the whereabouts of the tomb of Sargeras from Medivh's mind. He caused a huge shock and passed out immediately.

  When Medivh died, it triggered a huge explosion of fel energy. This explosion completely changed the entire landscape of Deadwind Pass, and even the adjacent Dawn Forest was affected.

  The forest has been shrouded in eternal night since then, and the local human resistance gradually began to call this area Twilight Forest.

The process of the next two years was also the same as in history. Orgrim, who succeeded in seizing the throne, immediately killed most of the warlocks in the Shadow Council, leaving only the slick Cho'gall and the comatose Gul'dan. He ordered the march to Stormwind to continue.

In the absence of Lothar, the army on the outskirts of Elwynn Forest was completely unable to resist the surging orcs, and was finally forced to return to Stormwind City to defend the city. At this time, Garona was one step ahead of Khadgar and Lothar Back to Stormwind City.

However, due to the influence of Sargeras' control during the previous battle in Karazhan, Garona finally succumbed to the order in her mind when reporting the situation in Karazhan, and stabbed her pair of artifact daggers into the defenseless place in front of everyone. The heart of King Lane.

   This scene had a major impact on Prince Varian, who was only 14 years old. The death of the king also caused a devastating blow to the morale of the entire Stormwind army that was still resisting.

  When Lothar and Khadgar returned, most of Stormwind City had been captured by the Horde. Lothar could only take over the power in Stormwind Fortress as regent, and led the remaining nobles and royal families to board the northward ship and flee.

  In the chaos, Queen Thalia was killed by hysterical mobs, the young Prince Varian lost his parents, and only Regent Anduin Lothar became his last support.

   "Hey... It seems that history is still going on as before, and the next thing is the second orc war, a war that really affects the entire eastern continent, right?"

  Charlemagne put down the information that was delivered by Emmoreel. She and the members of the Hidden Passage had also left Stormwind City in the south and started heading north. The next place they were going was Ironforge.

   Originally, Charlemagne hesitated whether to go south to rescue King Ryan and Queen Thalia, so that he could sell favors to the Kingdom of Stormwind in the future, but a sudden incident caught his attention.

  His strength, which reached the Hero Advanced level four years ago, finally reached the edge of breaking through the epic some time ago. In order to have greater confidence in the turbulent era that followed, he chose to stay in Yuanxing Village to retreat and break through.

  When he left the customs again, everything that should have happened has already happened, and now Lothar has led the refugees from the Stormwind Kingdom to land in South Sea Town.

  Charlemagne stretched out his hand to check the surging energy on his body, but after all, he still didn't regret the choice he made.

   "Epic level, I have already touched the rules initially."

   The epic level is theoretically the highest level that mortals can reach. Charlemagne only discovered the huge gap in strength between epic and heroes after entering this stage.

   After reaching this stage, basically there is no need to fear that one's own energy will be exhausted. The energy system that circulates continuously in the body can already ensure that epic-level professionals last as long as perpetual motion machines.

   Moreover, Charlemagne also felt an inexplicable feeling on the way to the breakthrough. He only knew it after King Kael'thas clarified it.

Of course, both Kael'thas and Charlemagne, who are new to the epic, still don't know much about the rules. Kael'thas himself also learned something from Anasterian's mouth and the books of his predecessors. I haven't figured out what type of rules I have.

  But the power of rules inherited from the Sunstrider family... is actually easy to guess, anyway, 99% is related to fire. In this regard, Kael'thas has the guidance of books from his predecessors, but it only takes time to gradually understand.

   But Charlemagne is more tragic. He has reached a state that even his father Sigma has never touched, which means that his next road will be very difficult.

  He needs to spend a lot of time to understand what his power of rules is, and then he can continue to improve after mastering the rules.

  When he clearly realizes his power of rules, he can enter the middle level of epic, and he can enter the advanced level after preliminary mastery. As for the peak, he needs to use the power of rules freely.

  In addition, according to the books of the Prince Kael'thas family's records, if a mortal wants to break through to a demigod, he must completely transform his power of rules into the instinct of his body, and he must have a certain opportunity to enter this legendary realm.


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