Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 230: Stupid Tulayan

  Chapter 230 Confused Tula Yang

Since Anduin Lothar brought the little prince Varian to the King City of Lordaeron, he has asked the kings of various countries to report the danger of the orcs many times, but because of the rumors quietly spread by Deathwing, most of these kings Don't take orcs seriously.

  Terenas of the Kingdom of Lordaeron expressed sympathy for what happened to the Stormwind Kingdom, and promised to teach Prince Varian the qualities he needs to have as a future king.

Lothar expressed his gratitude to Terenas for his willingness to lend a helping hand. Although he knew in his heart that the King of Lordaeron was actually planning something, but now the Kingdom of Stormwind, which is almost subjugated, has no other choice but to temporarily Send someone under the fence.

Under the leadership of Terenas, after many meaningless wranglings, the alliance was finally officially established. Out of consideration for the interests of many parties, I, a subjugated slave who has no political involvement with the northern countries, was named as the general manager of the entire alliance army. handsome.

Two of my childhood friends have died directly or indirectly in the orc chaos, and my country has been torn apart. Of course, Lothar's hatred for the orcs is needless to say. He shouldered this burden without hesitation. And with the support of the kings of various countries, a frontline command was established in the town of Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Hills, and began to study the route of the orcs.

   Lothar pointed to the map of the eastern continent on the table and said, "According to the dwarves and gnome refugees, the orcs have left the Dun Morogh area and entered the wetlands. The only way for the wetlands to go further north is here."

   As he spoke, he nodded heavily on the Sador Bridge, and all the generals present also nodded.

Danas Trollbane, who represented the Kingdom of Stormgard, said, "Now that our King Solas has personally led a heavy army to guard the Sador Bridge, it is not so easy for the orcs to attack, and according to the recent According to the news, they don't seem to have any intention of attacking the Sadol Bridge."

  Lothar put his chin on his hand and carefully observed the map between the wetlands and the Arathi Highlands, "Don't take the Sador Bridge? That is to say..."

  At this time, a handsome middle-aged man with a beard stood up straight and said, "Those green skins want to bypass the Arathi Highland directly by sea?"

   "His Majesty Proudmoore..."

  Before Lothar finished speaking, the middle-aged man waved his hands boldly and said, "Just call me Dai Lin. At this time, I am just a general."

This person is King Daelin Proudmoore of Kul Tiras. Like the mighty Kingdom of Stormgard, Daelin is also a hero who has been fighting goblin pirates at sea all year round. He simply represents Kul Tiras himself joined the Alliance High Command.

  Lothar changed his words in a polite manner, "Then Admiral Dai Lin, the naval blockade of the tribe will be handed over to you. It is not yet clear about the orc's naval combat capabilities. Be careful as much as possible."

  Dai Lin smiled heartily, "Don't worry, Marshal Lothar, I, Dai Lin, have lived at sea for most of my life. I know the basic elements of naval warfare very well, and I won't underestimate the enemy."

After he finished speaking, he strode outside. The Kul Tiras fleet and the warships supported by various countries had already docked next to Nanhai Town. The admiral was full of confidence and planned to give Orcs a lesson.

  After Dai Lin left, Lothar continued to discuss with the generals the map on the table where the orcs might land. At the same time, he began to think about attracting more allies.

   When his sight swept to the Eversong Forest in the northernmost part of the mainland, Lothar finally made up his mind.

   "Turayang, take this sword and my family tree and go to Silvermoon City to seek help from the high elves. I hope they can abide by the covenant with Emperor Thoradin and join the alliance to fight against the orcs."

   As Lothar said, he untied the great royal sword on his back—Quelzalam and handed it to his adjutant Tulayan, and at the same time gave him a thick scroll of sheepskin.

  The origin of Quel'zalam is no longer available, but based on its name, it can be roughly judged that it should be cast by elves, similar to Quel'sera and Quel'Delar.

What Lothar knows is that this sword is indeed a holy sword that existed during the time of Emperor Thoradin, and the high elves should still know this sword. With this sword as a token, coupled with the proof of genealogy, it should be Make them believe in their origin and fulfill that ancient covenant.

  Turayang immediately stood up straight and saluted after hearing Lothar's order, "Yes! The task must be completed."

   Lothar smiled and patted this good guy on the shoulder. He was very optimistic about this young paladin with great potential in the future.

  More than ten years have passed, the little boy Charlemagne met back then has grown up under the careful teaching of Alonsus, and like his senior brothers, he also joined Lordaeron's Holy Knight Legion, the Silver Hand.

As one of the original paladins, coupled with his outstanding talent and charisma, his status in the Silver Hand is now second only to Uther, Saidan and Tirion. This time he is the representative Lordaeron joined the high command and was promoted to adjutant by Lothar, who was very optimistic about him.

  After receiving the task, Turayang asked for help from a silent mage sitting beside him, "Master Kel'Thuzad, can you help me open the portal to Eversong Forest?"

The cold-faced Kel'Thuzad didn't speak. He just nodded on behalf of Dalaran, and stretched out his hand to easily open the space channel for Turalyon. He who has reached the 8th ring is not counted as opening such a short-distance portal. How difficult.

Lothar looked at the Kirin Tor councilor and frowned. He instinctively felt some incongruity from Kel'Thuzad. However, since the leader of the Kirin Tor, Antonidas, granted him the status of councilor, he should be trustworthy. Bar.

Don't you know that Antonidas has already despaired of Kel'Thuzad at this time, and granting him the status of a member of parliament is just a matter of business. Now Antonidas has begun to train a new student he has received with all his strength. Now he is only 8 years old and has shown extraordinary talent. Princess Jaina Proudmoore of Kul Tiras.


  When Turayang recovered from the dizziness, he was already in an empty room, and in front of him stood a black-haired male elf mage who was looking at him curiously with a smile on his face.

  Just as Turayang was about to make a question, the elf first said, "Mr. Human, please follow me. Your Excellency is already waiting for you."

   "Lord? Can I ask where this is? As far as I know, Taquilin doesn't seem to be a fief of any nobles, right?"

The elf was taken aback by Turalyon's question, then he shook his head helplessly and said, "It seems that your news is out of date. Lin's portal has been temporarily moved here."

  Amid Turayang's bewildered expression, the elf mage took him outside, and what caught his eyes was a golden rice field and a delicate and gorgeous high elf-style building in the distance.

   "Welcome to Quel'Thalas, this is the Far Traveling Village, the domain of Count Charlemagne Theron, the State Advisor."



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