Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 232: The unruly red dragon

  Chapter 232 The Unscrupulous Red Dragon

  It has been more than three months since the orcs received the assistance of the goblins. Under the urging of the orcs, the goblins cut corners and slightly remodeled some of the former alliance's old merchant ships and delivered them to the orcs.

90% of these seemingly new ships satisfied Orgrim. After inspecting them, he readily paid the final payment to the goblins. He bought the gold coins, while laughing in his heart that these orcs were taken advantage of.

  In order to avoid being held accountable by the orcs after the accident, the goblins bid farewell to Orgrim immediately after receiving the money. They planned to find a place to hide. Perhaps Kalimdor is a good choice.

  Having a boat to cross the sea, Orgrim is determined to take a boat to bypass the well-defended Sardor Bridge, but before that, he needs to add an insurance for the orc tribe who are not good at water warfare.

   "No! These three adult red dragons can't be tamed at all, I'm afraid they will attack the tribe's army in turn!"

  Nekros shook his head like a rattle after hearing the chief's request. These three idiots were also controlled by the demon soul (dragon soul) when they came to find their queen.

However, these three adult dragons have no intention of obeying the orders of the tribe. After all, adult dragons are not as easy to manipulate as young dragons. The queen dare not resist because of the safety of her children, but the three red dragons It's different.

  "We will only obey the Queen's orders, don't expect us to help the evil, lackeys of the Burning Legion!"

  How could the evil aura on Warlock Nekros hide from the red dragons? Reminiscent of the news that mortals handed over, they could easily link these invaders with the Burning Legion.

It's a pity that the will of the three red dragons is not as firm as they thought. After receiving the death order from the great chief, Nekros could only force them to attack. The unscrupulous Red Dragon chose to submit.

  ‘Anyway, they are just some mortals. After rescuing the queen, kill these orcs as compensation for them. '


   Alliance Admiral Dai Lin is in a very good mood recently. Recently, he has sunk many ships when he led the United Fleet swimming on the sea.

   But what aroused his vigilance was that these ships were not warships of orcs, but small boats used by trolls.

  ‘Has a clan of trolls joined the Horde? '

  In the end, the cautious Dai Lin reported this information to the commander-in-chief Lothar, and this issue also caused a commotion in the command department.

   "Crack! This group of damned trolls! I knew there must be some reason for their recent strange behavior. It turned out that they ran to join the orc tribe!"

  Danas Trollbane patted the table angrily. Recently, news came from his uncle Solas that the Witherbark troll had changed. He didn't arouse much vigilance at first, but he didn't expect this to be the final result.

Speaking of hatred with trolls, apart from the high elves, it belongs to the Kingdom of Stormgard, the country that stayed behind in Stromgarde. Due to the existence of deadwood trolls on the Arathi Highlands, they have been in the country all the year round for more than two thousand years. Fighting the trolls, the hatred between the two sides has long been inextricable.

   Gavinrad Doom, representing the Stormwind Kingdom, frowned and said, "The Witherwood troll has joined the tribe? Is it just the Deadwood clan or..."

  Daelin shook his head solemnly, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. The badges I found on the corpses of the trolls already have more than one pattern. I'm afraid the trolls have made a big bet on the orcs this time."

  Lothar thought for a while with his chin in his hand, then turned to Danas and asked, "Danas, as far as you know, how many clans of forest trolls are left? Which ones are likely to join the tribe?"

Hearing the words, Danas barely calmed down his emotions, and after thinking hard for a while, he said, "The forest troll tribes I know include the Witherwood clan entrenched in the Arathi Highlands and the Hinterlands. They live in the huge Hinterlands. Clan Vilebranch in the city of Simtharo and Clan Moss in Eastern Lordaeron."

   "The other is the Amani clan living in Zul'Aman, the capital of the forest trolls. I don't know where some other small tribes live."

  The High Lord Darius Crowley, who joined the High Command on behalf of Kyrgyzstan this time, interjected somewhat uncertainly, "I remember... Zul'Aman seems to be in the Eversong Forest where the high elves live?"

Just at this time, a reply came from outside the door, "This general is right. The Amani clan of Zul'Aman is entrenched in the Eversong Forest where our high elves have lived for generations. Their leader, Zul'jin, has been missing for several years. , we have reason to suspect that it was under his tandem that the forest troll clans joined the orc tribe."

With the sound of this voice, the door of the headquarters was opened, and a handsome male elf dressed as a ranger with a striking scar on his face walked in first, followed by several elves in different clothes, without exception They are all handsome men and pretty women.

  Lothar saw Turayang next to the leader Scar Elf while several generals were in a daze, and confirmed his guess in the young man's excited nod.

Lothar looked happy, and hurriedly stood up to welcome the arrival of the elves, "All allies of Quel'Thalas, welcome to the Alliance Command. I am Anduin Lothar, the Alliance Commander. Who are you? "

Turayang stepped forward and walked to Lothar's side to introduce the alliance generals in the room, "Commander, generals, this is the State Advisor to Quel'Thalas, Earl Charlemagne Theron, this is Quel'Thalas. A lord with real power in Erthalas."

At this moment, Charlemagne interrupted Turalyon's introduction with a smile and waved his hand, stepped forward and saluted Lothar with an elegant gesture in line with the etiquette of the high elves, "It's an honor to meet you, the last blood of Emperor Thoradin, Anduin Sir Lothar, in accordance with the ancient covenant, I bring the assistance of Quel'Thalas on behalf of the Sun King Kael'thas and the Silvermoon Council."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to introduce the people behind him one by one, "This is the commander of the ranger army who has been guarding Eversong Forest all year round, the ranger general Sylvanas Windrunner, and this is Liad, the leader of the Dawnguard Legion. Lynn, this is the Legion Commander of the Air Force's Sunstrider Wings, Saladley."

  All the people introduced by Charlemagne saluted the alliance generals present with decent manners, and the generals quickly returned the salute.

"This time, we dispatched a total of 600 rangers from Quel'Thalas, 500 paladins from the Dawn Vanguard, 200 from the Sunstrider Air Force, and 600 Farstriders. Fifteen ships have joined the alliance, I hope you will take care of me in the future."

   Lothar hurriedly expressed his gratitude to the high elves for their assistance, "Thank you for coming, with your joining, we will be more confident in defeating the tribe."

Although the troops sent by the high elves sound like a small number, the generals of the human countries are not fools. They know that the population of the high elves is small, but the elite level of the soldiers is far superior to that of the human countries. This time they sent a team of nearly 2,000 people It is already considered a very large handwriting.

In fact, Charlemagne only introduced the leaders of the three major legions, and he did not specifically mention the civilian army, the Farstrider. Both Linde and Eleanor participated in this expedition.

As the future lord's wife, Alleria leads Vereesa, Valeira, Hawksbill, Rommath and Sylvanas' adjutant Halduron, as well as the two mages Shaun and Lena, to stay in Eternity. Southern Song Forest.

  Charlemagne knew very well that Zujin's ultimate goal was to attack Quel'Thalas, and the orcs were just a powerful support for him just in time.


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