Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 243: Smart tongue (300 monthly ticket plus update)

  Chapter 243 Skillful Tongue (300 monthly ticket plus more)

  The initial contact between the Alliance and the Horde came to an end with Charlemagne Theron, the ranger-lord of the high elves, with a charged shot.

  The alliance had a slight upper hand in the whole battle. Although the appearance of the death knight caused a burst of confusion in the alliance army, the battle situation was finally stabilized with the help of the returning morning vanguard.

   Talon Gorefiend suffered a lot in the battle with Uther. If it wasn't for the rescue of several other chiefs, he might have been purified to ashes by Uther's pure holy light.

  In addition, the Horde also suffered a big setback in the air force. The Red Dragon Knight, who had high hopes from Zuluhed and Nekros, was pressed and beaten by Sunstrider Wings from beginning to end.

   Zuluhed realized the importance of air force tactics after this battle. Today's Dragonmaw Knights are nothing more than infantry riding on red dragons.

  The alliance also discovered some problems through this battle.

   First of all, the use of paladins. The appearance of death knights reminded Lothar. In the future, the mixed training of paladins and fighters will also be put on the agenda by the alliance commander.

  The second is the assault of the orc chiefs. The orc tribe seems to have some differences from the customs of races such as humans, elves, and dwarves. They prefer to use personal force to open a breakthrough.

  This time Saidan and Tirion were caught off guard when facing the assault of Fenris and Niruul Burning Blade, and they were almost rushed to the rear by the two.

   It goes without saying that Fenris, who was born in the Thunder King clan, is a peak hero with proper strength. Niruel is also a sword master who came from the Burning Blade clan. Not only is he powerful, but his skills are also outstanding among the orcs.

  The Burning Blade is not a big clan in the tribe, but the Sword Master of the Burning Blade clan has a very high prestige throughout Draenor, and even the Draenei have a lot of respect for them.

It's a pity that this clan, which once valued glory more than life, also fell after drinking the blood of the devil. Their current chief, Nirul, even learned some tricks from warlocks. The method and the strength of his own hero peak made Tirion tired of coping for a while.

Generally speaking, in this battle, except for the loss of the tribal chief Orgrim, neither side suffered any big losses. Even the red dragons who lost their knights in the air battle mostly fled back in the end. Lothar did not Let Sunstrider chase after him.

   But this battle undoubtedly made the alliance realize the strength of the orc tribe positively. Darius and Haas, who had been somewhat disapproving under the influence of their respective kings before, began to write reports to the king with solemn faces.

   "The high elves have no record of death in battle, and the ratio of human and orc soldiers to battle losses is 2 to 1, which is much better than that of the Stormwind Kingdom, but..."

   Lothar sighed at this point, wondering how much the countries will be affected after the war against the orc tribe is over.

  Of course, this sentence is not up to him, a member of the Stormwind Kingdom. Now His Majesty Terenas is willing to teach Prince Varian how to be a king. In return, he will try his best to lead the alliance army to help Lordaeron reduce losses.

But other than that, he doesn't want to participate at all. Several kings can vaguely feel some of Terenas' Lordaeron Great Empire planning, but what he has done is not too much now, and everyone will Didn't break skin with him.

  ‘I only hope that the political calculations in the rear will not affect the soldiers on the front line. '

  After the first tentative contact, both sides need to take time to digest the results of the battle. The alliance is training mixed formations and studying the fighting styles of the chiefs, and the tribe is also stepping up time to spawn and train the Red Dragon Knight.

  But there is one person who does not intend to wait any longer. He is the chief of the tribe, Orgrim. After all, the tribe has traveled across half of the continent, and it will take a lot of time for the reinforcements from the Dark Portal to come.

  Besides...according to Orgrim's last visit to Draenor to check the situation, the remaining clans have succumbed to bloodthirsty desires, and have conquered each other. It is very difficult to wait for reinforcements from the rear!

   This means that the war of attrition between the Horde and the Alliance is the next best thing to do. He must take the King City of Lordaeron as quickly as possible, and only then can he secure this new home for the orcs after completely defeating the Alliance.

  During the few days of recuperation, the sense of urgency in his heart urged Orgrim, and he called Zujin, who was a little depressed recently, to ask for advice.

   "Zujin, I don't intend to fight a meaningless war of attrition with the Alliance here. Is there any way you can bypass this line of defense and go directly to the Hinterlands?"

  Zujin's eyes lit up immediately when he heard Orgrim's words. Originally, he didn't want to waste time here with the orcs. His purpose has never changed, to regain the territory belonging to the Amani Empire and completely wipe out the high elves.

   Zujin strode up to the map contributed by him, thought for a while, and stretched out his hand on the map to point out a way for Orgrim.

   "Look, Great Chief. If my predictions are correct, the human towns of South Sea and Tarren Mill should have a large number of troops, and their supplies must also be transported from the west. That is to say, the west cannot go through."

  Orgrim looked at the map and nodded. Although Zujin, an old fox, had his own plans and was not completely aligned with the orcs, Orgrim always had a lot of expectations for his wisdom and familiarity with the local area.

   "Most of our ships are now sunk by Kul Tiras, and there is no way to retreat. The north is the alliance defense line, so the only option is to go from the east."

   Orgrim looked at the positions on the map representing Thoradin's Wall and Dunholde Castle and asked hesitantly, "But there are also alliance strongholds here? How can the tribes without siege weapons fight there?"

  Zujin hurriedly shook his head and denied, "No, no, no, instead of fighting over, we can only lead a small group of troops to sneak over, and at the same time let the Hillsbrad battlefield continue to fight to paralyze the alliance's judgment."

  Orgrim frowned, turned his head and looked at Zujin majestically and questioned, "You mean to let the large army stay here as abandoned children, and I will lead a small number of elite troops to escape?"

  The aura of an epic-level warrior instantly fell on Zujin's shoulders, causing a drop of cold sweat to flow from the forehead of this violent headhunter at the peak of a hero.

"Great Chief, please listen to me. After we enter the Hinterlands, we will be able to meet my forest troll troops. At that time, we will be able to enter East Lordaeron directly through the path north of the Hinterlands. Now Lordaeron All the troops have assembled to the front line of Hillsbrad, we can easily march along the road all the way to the King City of Lordaeron for a surprise attack!"

  Orgrim frowned and stared at the map, lost in thought. He was still a little undecided about this gamble.

   "You go down first, I'll think about it."

Zujin lowered his head and urged, "The great chief, please make a quick decision. There are very few defenders in Dunholde and Thoradin's Wall. After the war started, they focused on defense and reduced patrols. Once Thoras Tor Albain led his troops back from the Sadore Bridge..."

  Zujin's words did sound reasonable. Orgrim walked back and forth in the tent for a few times, and finally nodded in agreement after considering the gains and losses clearly.

   "Okay! We have made all the arrangements today, and we will set off tomorrow night. I hope your troll troops can really have the powerful combat power you said."

  Zujin bowed respectfully again and saluted, "We will definitely not disappoint the great chief."

  From an angle that Orgrim couldn't see, a smug and cunning look flashed across Zujin's face.

   Big guys...I didn’t expect you to get 300 monthly tickets at the end of the month.




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