Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 249: Orgrim: MMP

  Chapter 249 Orgrim: MMP

Daelin Proudmoore, the king of Kul Tiras has two sons and two daughters including his illegitimate daughter, the eldest son Drake, the second son Tanred, the illegitimate daughter Finna Golden Sword and the second daughter Jaina .

  The half-elf Fenner had long since broken contact with Daelin because of her irresponsible resentment towards him. Now that the eldest son has passed away, Daelin only has two children left, Tanred and Jaina.

The loss of a middle-aged son made Dai Lin furious. The eldest son Drake was the crown prince he spent the most energy on training, and he was buried in the hands of the red dragon and the orcs without a trace. The fleet stormed the wetland, but fortunately he finally calmed down under Lothar's persuasion and comfort.

  However, this admiral buried his deep-rooted hatred for orcs and red dragons. He will never forgive these cruel green skins and red dragons who help others.

The kings of various countries also sent their greetings one after another after hearing the sad news. Of course they knew that the death of the crown prince who had been trained for many years would cause great harm to the entire country and the king himself. Dendu specially sent Haas to send his condolences.

   When the Hillsbrad battlefield gradually stabilized, Turalyon, who was pursuing him, finally learned of the Horde's whereabouts from the Barov family in Kael Darrow.

   "Going northeast? Are you sure?"

Barov Patriarch Alex nodded affirmatively, "No mistake, I watched them go north in the castle with my own eyes, but the tribe seems to be led by trolls all the way through the mountains and forests, I am afraid that the defenders of East Lordaeron It is very difficult for both residents and residents to witness the tribal army."

Turayang thought for a while and confirmed Charlemagne's guess. He raised his head and thanked Alex, "Thank you, Mr. Barov. Then I will lead the army to continue the pursuit. I hope your family can also improve." alert."

   "Thank you for your reminder, I wish you a smooth journey, General Tulayan."

   On the way to leave, Tulayang recalled the history of the Barov family in his mind. This family has a very pure Arathor blood. Over the years, with many territories and caravans, they have owned wealth beyond rivals.

Due to the good relationship with King Aiden, the development of the entire family in the Kingdom of Alterac has not been hindered in any way. This time, many of the rations for the Alliance army were provided by this family. After all, Hillsbrad Most of the land is the property of the Barov family.

Turalyon attaches great importance to Alex's intelligence. He led the Knights of the Silver Hand and Kurdran's Griffon Knights to march all the way, leaving the infantry behind. The battle for Quel'Thalas is drawing near.


As Tulayan expected, when he left Kael Darrow, Orgrim, led by Zul'jin, crossed the mountains and reached the southern part of Quel'Thalas with the troops of the moss troll. Entrance.

   "...What the **** is this? There was no such door when I left!"

Zujin looked at the wide giant gate in front of him with a bewildered expression. Although he chose to climb over the mountain most of the time when he left Eversong Forest, he still clearly remembered that there was only one more ornately decorated gate at the time. When did the small path and a small door that is not in use become like this.

  If Charlemagne knew Zujin's thoughts, he might mock him for being away from home for too long and not being able to understand the changes of the times.

Now Charlemagne, who has already known in advance the arrival of the tribal army through the bird warning, has personally led a group of generals to the wall of the Salas giant gate to check the tribal army below, "Sure enough, the number of coalition forces is about 50,000, and there are no It was way beyond my expectations.”

  Aurelia, who saw the orc for the first time, held her boyfriend's hand and asked solemnly, "Is this an orc? It does look very strong, and what are those big, stupid looking men?"

Sylvanas, who was holding Charlemagne's other hand, answered the eldest sister's question, "Those ogre slaves of the orcs are said to have low intelligence because they have been enslaved by the orcs for a long time. Charlemagne said that they also used to live in Dera promise a great empire."

  Alleria turned her head to look at Cirvanas and couldn't help but twitch her brows. Since she came back this time, the second sister has become more daring. She dared to hold her boyfriend's arm in front of her face. She was shameless!

  Charlemagne, caught between the eyes of the two sisters, could only force himself into a sage state, and the strange eyes of the people around him made him extremely embarrassed.

   "I haven't seen the red dragon that Mr. Theron mentioned, but these orcs... can indeed feel the breath of evil energy from them."

The person who rescued Charlemagne was the archdruid Malfurion who had just arrived in Quel'Thalas for a few days, and he was accompanied by three other archdruids in the Cenarion Council. Dar Staghelm, Koda Steelpaw, and Shaun Moonpaw.

  After the Cenarion Council received Hamuul's report, Fandral voted for it without much hesitation. He didn't want Sas'ara, which he hadn't finished researching, to be polluted by orcs.

  Although Koda and Shaun still had some instinctive aversion to the high elves, business was the most important thing. In order to see these pioneers of the Burning Legion with their own eyes, they also voted for it.

Speaker Malfurion took advantage of the opportunity to give the last vote, and then they immediately came to Quel'Thalas through the portal of Ashenvale, and now they finally saw these rumored orcs. The orcs who have invaded Azeroth have learned something new.

  Zujin was already a little annoyed at Orgrim's questioning. He had agreed to lead the tribe into the Eversong Forest unimpeded, but he was slapped in the face by the high elves outside the gate.

The leader of the forest troll didn't bother to make any more guesses, and directly ordered his troll troops to launch an attack. Although Orgrim was a little helpless, he could only follow the trend. How could a mere city wall gate stop it? 50,000 tribal troops.

However, the reality gave Orgrim and Zul'jin and other tribal generals a big slap in the face. With the rain of precise arrows from the high elf rangers and the range spells of the mages to wash the ground, the orcs and trolls knocked and smashed The door was beaten for a long time, but only some wall dust and clods came out.

Even the huge stones thrown by the ogres can hardly cause any major damage to the gate of the city wall. Orgrim and Zul'jin, who left corpses all over the place, can only withdraw from the attack range of the elves in desperation. Back in my tent, I began to think about life.

Orgrim got angry at Zujin with a look of displeasure, "Zujin! You said that the high elves are weak, but this is what you call weak? Not to mention the strong gate, why did the magic power of the elf mage become so much stronger? ?”

Zujin's cheeks twitched. Although he was very unhappy with Orgrim's tone, he also knew that this failure was indeed caused by his lack of information. In Song Forest, they can rely on the sun well, and their stamina and output are much stronger than outside."

Orgrim really wanted to say something at the beginning of M, but since everyone has reached the gate, if he can't get in, it will cause a devastating blow to the morale of the tribe. The next day he tried to let Gul'dan and other warlocks And the death knights used fel energy and death magic to corrode the city walls, but the results were still not ideal.

  The outer wall was corroded, exposing the inner steel structure. Although Orgrim was confused about this new construction method, he probably knew that this gate would be absolutely impossible to break without siege weapons.

   "Wait, now we can only wait for the Dragonmaw clan to come over and use the red dragon's high-temperature flames to burn down this gate. I only hope that the alliance's pursuers will not come in such a hurry."

   Thanks to book friends "I may be a fish" and "Shipwreck COCO" for their support.




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