Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 263: Malfurion in distress

  Chapter 263 The Distressed Malfurion

  In the end, the three sisters still did not execute Charlemagne, but Aurelia and Sylvanas, who were holding his hands respectively, took the opportunity to twist a lot of twists on his waist.

  Vereesa also threw a small stone on the back of his head from time to time, and when Charlemagne turned around, the little girl turned her head and looked like I didn't know anything.

  ‘Hey... Sure enough, people will die if they die. '

  The short-lived peace came to an end with a letter from Emeril. When Charlemagne finished his inspection and returned to the Far Traveling Village, Lor'themar immediately handed over Emerel's latest information with a serious expression.

   "So that's how it is... In the end, the tribe failed to attack the city, and now they are retreating to Hillsbrad through the mountain road?"

  Charlemagne touched his chin and thought for a while, "Lor'themar, is there any news from Silvermoon City? How is the recovery of the magic net?"

"It has not been fully restored, but the space passages leading to other continents are already available. Hamuul has returned to his hometown with the members of the Cenarion Council, but the magic net used for teleportation in the eastern continent still needs a period of time. The sorting out of time."

   Speaking of which, Ah Qiang seemed to think of something, rummaged on the desk for a while, and found another letter.

   "This letter was sent back by Ms. Yuejun after the transmission was resumed. I haven't had time to read it yet."

  Charlemagne nodded and took the envelope, went straight to the desk and sat down to read.

   "Oh? It seems that Gul'dan has succeeded in killing himself."

  Charlemagne looked at the contents of the letter with great interest. Ke Lixia mentioned that a building suddenly rose on a deserted beach in the south of Suramar recently. According to her identification, it seemed to be part of the former city of Suramar.

Of course, this building complex has nothing to do with Suramar. This part of the city sank to the bottom of the sea when the Well of Eternity exploded ten thousand years ago, but after that, Aegwynn used it as waste and transformed it into a bound Sagra. A tomb of the incarnation of Sargeras, commonly known as the Tomb of Sargeras.

As Charlemagne told her to pay special attention, Crisha's letter was very detailed, including Gul'dan's fleet still avoiding the attack of the pursuers after landing on the Broken Beach, and Gul'dan's death after entering the tomb. I never came out again.

  In the end, Gul'dan's raiding clan was almost wiped out, and Cho'gall's Twilight's Hammer escaped from the tomb and met the pursuers sent by Orgrim.

After the battle between the two sides, the Twilight's Hammer was defeated, and Cho'gall hurriedly fled to the western continent by boat. When the orc chasing troops were about to continue their pursuit, they were stopped by a red dragon flying to send a message. They headed eastward under the leadership of the dragon knight. The mainland sailed back.

  ‘Wu Goudan is dead, his skull should have fallen into the hands of the pursuing troops, but I don’t know which clan Orgrim sent to pursue. '

In October of the sixth year of the Dark Portal, thanks to the efforts of Quel'Thalas and Dalaran, the chaotic magic net in the eastern continent finally returned to normal. Immorel teleported back from Ironforge almost immediately to inform The latest battle situation of Charlemagne.

   "Now that the Alliance has liberated Dun Morogh, Kilrogg's Blood Ring tribe fled into the forest after being defeated by the Alliance. Lothar signed an alliance agreement with the Bronzebeard Dwarves and Gnomes, and both tribes have joined the Alliance."

  Charlemagne nodded, "As expected, how could a clan with blood ring alone be able to stop the alliance army, what about Orgrim? Have you fled back to Blackrock Mountain?"

Emeril smiled and praised, "I didn't expect you to be able to accurately predict his movements from the back of the town. That's right, the Orgrim Society and some of the remaining Blood Ring clans have already hid in the Black Rock Mountain. Under his leadership, he marched into the Searing Gorge and Burning Plains, intending to crush the Horde in this area."

  Charlemagne led Emeril to the edge of the map, and continued to ask, "Did the tribe get reinforcements from Stormwind City in the south?"

   "No, there wasn't any reinforcements going north from the south, and even the Dragonmaw clan that Orgrim commanded in the wetlands failed to keep up with the tribe's retreat back to Blackrock Mountain."

Alleria pointed to the position of Grim Batol on the map and said, "That means the Dragonmaw Clan can't keep up with this battle under the blockade of the Wildhammer Gryphon Knight and Sunstrider Wing, right? I think They should have retreated to Grim Batol to hold on."

  Sirvanas also looked at the map and folded his arms and analyzed, "The Alliance should not have time to attack this abandoned city of the Wildhammer dwarves. At least these Dragonmaw orcs are safe until the Battle of Blackrock Mountain is over."

Charlemagne rested his chin on his hand and calculated the current forces of the orcs outside. "The troops that went to hunt down Gul'dan should still be at sea. I'm afraid it will not be able to catch up with the battle of Blackrock Mountain. Dragonmaw is not here, and the tribe has no air force. Lost."

  Everyone present nodded in agreement with Charlemagne's conclusion. Without the spellcaster and the red dragon, how could the tribe fight against the now powerful alliance? There is basically no suspense in this battle.

  Aurelia turned her head to look at her boyfriend at this time, "So Charlemagne, are you going to witness this battle?"

Charlemagne smiled and kissed Alleria on the side of her face, "Of course I'm going, the alliance's current military strength has already taken an overwhelming advantage, so it shouldn't be necessary for us to continue to lead troops to support me, so I'll go in my own name." , how about you? If you want to go, sign up quickly."

  However, just when everyone in the room was amused to raise their hands to participate, a tired voice suddenly came from outside the office door.

   "Although it is impolite to interrupt your interest, I have more important things to ask Mr. Theron."

  Charlemagne looked up towards the door in astonishment, and found that the speaker was Malfurion who looked tired and even looked a bit embarrassed, and behind him was a worried night elf woman.

   "Master Stormrage? Your Majesty Ysera? How do you..."

   Malfurion raised his hand and interrupted Charlemagne's inquiry, "I'm sorry, Ms. Ysera and I have important matters to discuss with you. Can you let the irrelevant people withdraw first? It is related to the Red Dragon Army."

  Charlemagne's eyes flashed brightly. No wonder Malfurion was in such a mess. It seemed that he secretly led someone to rescue the Red Dragon Queen.

However, his actions are too reckless. The problem of the Red Dragon Queen is not simply the captivity of the orcs. The deeper trouble is Neltharion, Deathwing who hides in the dark. How could a few mortals in Dar succeed.

   After all, not everyone has the aura of the protagonist (surviving teammates) like Luo Ning...

   There are not many people who know about the Red Dragon Queen. Charlemagne only left Aurelia and Cirvanas behind, and everyone else retreated knowingly.

  After introducing the two distinguished guests to their seats, the two sides began to get down to business. Charlemagne asked deliberately with a serious face, "So, can you tell me what happened?"


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