Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 272: Chromie's Awakening

  Chapter 272 Chromie's Vigilance

  Turayang, who was worried about Lothar's unfavorable battle situation, suddenly felt a thrust from behind his buttocks, and his body staggered forward involuntarily.


   The inexplicable Tulayang turned his head and looked behind him. Didn't he know that his shiny silver shoulder armor happened to allow the sun to shine on it to form a strong reflected light.


It just so happened that Orgrim's last hammer with destructive power broke the sword in Lothar's hand. Lothar himself had shown a desperate and relieved expression, but the light reflected from Turalyon was just right. It shined on the face of the great chief who raised the hammer again to smash Lothar's skull to boost the morale of the orcs.


The structure of the orc's eyes is not much different from that of humans. Orgrim closed his eyes reflexively when he was suddenly irradiated by the strong light. At this time, his eyes were covered with a golden light and he could not see anything. The reflex slowed down by half a second.

  Lothar's eyes flashed when he saw this situation, and he immediately rallied his last remaining strength to avoid the attack of Doomhammer, and swung his deadly counterattack with the Broken Sword.


The notch of the broken sword knocked off Orgrim's head who had just opened his eyes, and the huge impact immediately stunned the great chief. There was a long wound, and blood sprayed out immediately.


   The comatose Orgrim fell to the ground together with his Doomhammer. In the center of the field, only Lothar was gasping for recovery with a broken sword.


   "Long live the Alliance, Long live Marshal Lothar!"

   "We won!"

  After a brief silence, the alliance soldiers who were still in fear just now raised their weapons and gave a loud cheer. On the contrary, the orcs lowered their heads in frustration, and some of the orcs even dropped their weapons and lost their fighting spirit.

   "Ah... so many days."

   "This is Mark Gora. If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to say."

  Brothers Varok and Brooks had also given up their resistance, and they sat on the ground at the same time, waiting for the soldiers of the alliance to come and take their lives.

However, not all orcs could agree with this ending. Instigated by Talon Gorefiend and his death knights, a small number of orcs who did not respect tradition broke out while the alliance was celebrating, and fled in the direction of the southern Stormwind Kingdom. and go.

   "Bah! You really deserve to be the guy that Gul'dan made."

   "Hmph! Forget it, don't bother with them, anyway, returning to Draenor is just waiting for death."

   Fenris and Niruel looked at the fleeing Talon and a small number of orcs with disdain, and the two chiefs had given up resistance.

  However, to the surprise of the orcs, these alliances chose to imprison them instead of killing them on the spot, which made Saurfang and others who were ready to die feel humiliated.

  Lothar regained his strength a bit, turned his head and smiled when Turayang, Danas and others surrounded him, but he glanced at Charlemagne standing in the distance with meaningful eyes through the crowd.

  'Uh...was it discovered? '

  Charlemagne scratched his head in embarrassment, but Lothar didn't attack at this time, which proved that he didn't mean to blame, but he didn't know whether the result of changing history this time was good or bad.

   At this moment, a childish voice pretending to be old-fashioned came from beside him, "Hey... I told you to take part in this war, but you still can't help it."

   "It's you... This small change should be harmless, right?"

Chromie crossed his arms and looked at Lothar who was surrounded by generals in the distance and said, "Actually, I think it might be better for him to die on the battlefield. Since you can see part of the future, you should know that in the battle What kind of ups and downs will the alliance experience in the future?"


  Hearing Little Lolita talk about this topic, Charlemagne was stunned.

"After the war with foreign enemies is over, it's the turn of the internal division. Now that Alterac has betrayed the Alliance and Azeroth, it is almost only a matter of time before it is banned and exterminated. Do you think the other major human kingdoms will let this piece of fat go? ?"

"It is also doomed that Lothar's military power will be taken back after the war. No king can let people who still hold the command of the army and have high prestige in peacetime exist. Then Lothar, who has lost his restraint ability, will look at the alliance brought out by himself. How would it feel to be caught up in infighting?"


Chromie turned to look at Charlemagne's tangled look, changed his serious expression, patted his waist lightly and smiled, "Okay, don't regret it after doing it, I just want to remind you, you Every move you make may make a huge difference in the lives of others, and you'd better think twice before trying to change history in the future."

  As soon as Chicken Soup for the Soul finished speaking, the dwarf bronze dragon with a small target disappeared in front of Charlemagne, Alleria, and Cirvanas who noticed her whereabouts.

  Aurelia looked at her boyfriend's pensive expression and came up to hold his right hand and asked in a low voice, "What did Chromie say? Did you object to your rescue of Lothar?"

  Charlemagne let out a long breath, "No, not really, but she really gave me a wake-up call."

   "The war has been won, but the real troubles are yet to come..."

   But looking at the ecstatic expressions of the surrounding alliance soldiers, let's save this issue for consideration when the accounts are actually divided.

  After this battle, under the strong request of Turayang and the generals, the exhausted Lothar retreated from the front line, and he could feel that his energy had obviously failed to keep up.

Fortunately, the new generation of generals such as Turayang have gradually grown up. Lothar confidently entrusted them with the task of chasing down the remnants of the tribe and closing the door of darkness, and he followed the large army to recover his motherland. — Kingdom of Stormwind.

After learning of the defeat of the tribe's army, most of the orcs who remained in the south had fled to the Black Swamp with Talon Gorefiend. Talon personally led the death knights to break the tribe's rear, and let most of these remnants escape. Back to the other side of the Dark Portal.

   "Hmph! These dirty and barbaric invaders have finally returned to their original world."

  Modera, who replaced Kel'Thuzad and led the team of Dalaran mages, looked at the death knights who finally fled into the Dark Portal and snorted coldly. She didn't feel any favor for these invaders.

  Tura Yang stopped the pursuit of the alliance army, "Don't chase after us! We don't know what is waiting for us in the opposite world. Master Modera, can you close this huge portal?"

  Modra looked at the portal emitting green light with great interest, "It should be possible, but we need some time to study, Khadgar! Come and help me."

   "Okay, here we go, hey, I'm already old and still working so hard."

   "Stop being a slob! You're only in your 20s and you want to be lazy!"

  Tulayang looked at the two mages who were arguing and smiled softly, then looked around at the desolate land with no grass and sighed.

"it is finally over…"


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