Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 274: How to deal with mental retardation? pump him!

  Chapter 274 How to deal with brain damage? pump him!

  Before setting off, Charlemagne had already reported his actions to the parliament. He had already reported to the Sun King and the Silvermoon Council about these Syndra highborne a few years ago.

Unsurprisingly, the five councilors who stayed behind in Quel'Thalas all gave the green light to his actions. Even the most conservative Likert and Muric didn't think that the addition of these scholars would be of great help to Quel'Thalas. What a big impact.

On the contrary, the addition of a population of nearly 50,000 in Elesalas is great news for Quel'Thalas. A greater degree of pro-birth policy has been implemented, but how much the population growth rate can be increased...God knows.

  The birth of a new baby is indeed related to the time of intercourse, but the high elves' original bid winning rate is only so high, even if it can increase the birth rate of some newborns, it should not be much.

  50,000 population, according to the high elves' population growth rate of about 1% every ten years, I don't know how long it will take to get the 50,000 population...

   It is because of this that Charlemagne will do everything possible to increase the presence in the alliance while reducing the population consumption of the high elves. The population growth of the high elves is just over 100 a year, and the population growth of a few more years of death will be completely useless.

  Among the kingdoms of mankind, although the proportion of children who can grow to adulthood due to living conditions is not high, their base number is large...

  Humans with a population of one million will have tens of thousands of births every year even if the growth rate is 1%. Although not many can survive to adulthood in the end, it is much better than the high elves and other long-lived species.

  If it wasn’t for the Nightborne’s own magic well, Charlemagne wanted to merge all of their hundreds of thousands of people into Quel’Thalas after contacting this group of Suramar compatriots…

Speaking of the Children of the Night, Elisande is also calm. It has been more than ten years since Charlemagne contacted Crisha and other nightfallen elves. The meaning of the people.

  However, according to Luti’s calculations based on thousands of years of previous experience, it is probably only in the past few years. After all, it has been several decades since Elisande exiled civilians last time, and it is almost time for the next batch.

The journey all the way to the great library in the depths of Eresalas was very smooth. There were leading parties such as Mordant and Daros leading the way. The ancient guards and tree people along the way did not do anything to Charlemagne and Alleria. any obstruction.

The structure of the central garden area of ​​Eresalas is not much different from what the traveler remembers, but it has been magnified countless times, and the locations of the crystal towers that built Immotar's cage along the way are also as in his memory. .

Along the way, Charlemagne and Alleria could see some elves in the form of souls after the death of night elves from time to time. Only after Mordant, Daros and others explained with sorrow, these elves were ordered to be slaughtered by the prince before. civilian soul.

Through the small door behind Tedis Twistwood, who was already a little unconscious, Charlemagne and the others entered a huge underground space. From here, they could already see Immotar covered with huge arcane The cage of enchantment.

At this time, the two-headed dog-shaped ferocious demon was still lying on the ground like a dead dog, and there were some highborne elves with intoxicated faces outside the cage, absorbing energy from Immotar through the magic pipeline. .

   "That is Immotar, the source of Syndra's magic power for ten thousand years, but now the energy that can be absorbed from it is getting less and less, and this demon will break out in less than twenty years."

As soon as Mordant finished speaking, Immoltar stood up and let out a roar all day long, and began to hit the arcane barrier surrounding the edge of the entire cage with his body. Draw energy out of it to strengthen the enchantment.

Modante led a group of people to the library while smiling wryly, "The resistance of this demon used to be measured in millennia, but now it will start a new round of struggle almost every ten days and a half months. It will consume a lot of magic power to strengthen the confinement."

As he said, after the high elves of Syndra strengthened the energy from the crystal tower, Immotar lay down unwillingly again, but this time it did not close its eyes, but looked at it with its ferocious compound eyes. Looking at the surrounding highborne who are absorbing its energy.

Charlemagne looked at this ugly demon with great interest. Judging from the breath on his body, he was just entering the epic. This is too cheap for a high-level demon of the Burning Legion, and he should have been sucked Ten thousand years of magic itself is too weak.

   "Is this guy intelligent?"

  Modant shook his head, "Probably not. It's just a pure beast. It may have some biological instincts, but it doesn't have the high intelligence that intelligent creatures should have."

   This is easy to handle. Anyway, after killing Torsedrin, this demon can't stay. If you don't have intelligence, it will be much easier to kill it.

Entering the library, Modant greeted some scholars with a smile, some of them would respond to Modant in a friendly manner, while the other looked at Modant and his group with tyrannical eyes and contemptuously. .

  Daros explained in a low voice in Charlemagne's ear, "These people who look down on us are the fanatics under Torsedrin's command. After the war, they should attack us."

   "What about the others?" Charlemagne pointed to the other researchers who were concentrating on their own work.

"They won't hinder us. As long as these researchers and scholars can continue their own research, they won't mind changing places. It might be better to say that avoiding the research on strengthening the Immortal Barrier will allow them to focus more on their own subject."


  Charlemagne looked at these researchers meaningfully. He remembered that these nerds used to have many tasks and weird outputs.

  Slightly turned her head and glanced at Alleria beside her, the female elf nodded knowingly. The long-term relationship between the two made them understand each other's thoughts without talking.

Walking down the steps, Modante was already talking to a night elf man with a very manic expression. This silver-haired man in ugly plate armor was none other than Torsedrin, the prince of Eresalas. Last time, Charlemagne and Aurelia were mercilessly driven out.

"Enough! I don't want to hear you talking nonsense anymore. That group of untouchables has taken up our share of magic power. Only by clearing them can I and the scholars continue to survive! If you dare to resist me again, I will fight with those untouchables." Let's die together!"

  Modant sighed faintly when he heard Torsedlin's ultimatum, "Unfortunately, Your Highness, then please make compensation for the hundreds of thousands of compatriots who lost their lives that year."

   "Mr. Theron, please do it, this person is completely hopeless!"


  Charlemagne immediately shot an arcane arrow at Torsedrin and smiled mockingly, "Wouldn't it be enough to do this earlier? What's the point with the brainless!"


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