Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 277: Orc slave army? nonexistent

  Chapter 277 Orc slave army? nonexistent

  After Torsedrin was resolved, the last problem for Elesalas now was the extremely weak demon Immortal who had been sucked in for 10,000 years.

   Confirmed repeatedly with Modant and the scholars, Charlemagne was finally sure that this demon dog did not have advanced intelligence.

   "Okay, send the Buddha to the west, scholars, please go to close the crystal tower separately, Mordant, you and several other magisters stay to help, let us send this guy back to the Twisting Nether."

  Aurelia looked at her boyfriend with some concern and asked, "Are you okay? Didn't you just go through a big battle?"

Charlemagne smiled and kissed Alleria on the forehead, "It's okay, I'm protected by two layers of protective shields, and I'm not injured. If we solve it sooner, we can take these Syndra back together, the alliance's wrangling I don't know what happened yet."

  Aurelia touched her forehead and gave Charlemagne a white look, and finally agreed to his proposal under the persuasion of her lover.

  Facts have proved that this ferocious-looking demon has become weak after 10,000 years of absorbing magic power. Charlemagne has never seen it use any powerful abilities from the beginning to the end of this battle.

It is nothing more than relying on one's own physical ability to attack and summon some low-level demons who have nothing to do with Uzuki. Sora has epic-level strength, but after Charlemagne attracted its attention, he was jointly cast by Modant and other mages with a large-scale Pyroblast. .

  Alleria, Modant and the others stared dumbfounded at Immotar, who had turned into a dead dog. At this time, the body of the demon dog was still burning in the flames caused by the arcane technique.

"It's that simple?"

Charlemagne laughed and patted his girlfriend's cute head, "Of course it's that simple. How much of a threat do you think a demon that is about to be sucked into a mummified corpse will be? Besides, this guy's struggles have consumed a lot of it recently. Physical strength, do you think it can really destroy the world?"

  Modant and Master Syndra stared at each other speechlessly for a long time, and finally he said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect that such a powerful demon would make the prince think it is Syndra's hope. It's really ironic..."

After solving the final problem, Modant and others hurriedly gathered the people in the central garden area. When he announced the death of the prince, some Syndra who were loyal to Torsedrin jumped out to attack Modant, but In the end, these diehards were quickly shot and killed by Charlemagne and Aurelia who were on guard with bows.

Other citizens of Syndra have different attitudes towards moving to a new home. Some people feel a little worried about the environment and safety of their new home. Another part of the civilians who have had enough of absorbing demonic energy are very excited after hearing about the existence of the Sunwell. expect.

Such a large personnel teleportation must not be carried out in such a hasty manner. When Modante, Daros and others were appeasing the people, Charlemagne first took Aurelia to teleport back to Silvermoon City. Tell the Silvermoon Council and King Kael'thas.

  Since he advanced to Epic, Charlemagne has been able to open the portal smoothly to travel around Azeroth, which makes it much more convenient for him to travel between the two continents in the future, at least not having to find someone to provide magic power every time.

   Coincidentally, during these days when Charlemagne was away, Prince Kael'thas had initially resolved the problem of dividing the spoils in Lordaeron. After all, what the high elves needed was only some red dragon young dragons.

  The subsequent Alterac benefit distribution has been handed over by Kael'thas to Osis alone. Quel'Thalas is only asking for some resource compensation, and has no interest in Alterac's land and population.

   After Kael'thas heard about Charlemagne's actions, his depressed expression of attending the meeting for several days was gone. The injection of nearly 50,000 elves' population was great news for Quel'Thalas.

"Thank you Charlemagne, with the addition of these Syndras, the population base of Quel'Thalas has increased to 200,000 at once, and the natural increase in population every year in the future will be much more, and these Syndras A large number of precious books that have been collected for tens of thousands of years will definitely play an important role in our future research in various aspects."

  Charlemagne bowed politely and said, "Your Majesty has praised you, everything is for Quel'Thalas."

There is no need for Charlemagne to worry about the reception of Syndra. Li Reza and Solanian will arrange for these newly joined Highborne compatriots, and gradually provide them with the help of the Arcandor Fruit They are free from addiction.

   Kael'thas took Charlemagne back to the garden of the Sunstrider King's Court and began to chat about the alliance's post-war arrangements and distribution of spoils, and asked for his opinion.

   "Under the leadership of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Alliance finally decided to build a large number of orc shelters, and the countries of the Alliance provided funds for maintenance. King Greymane of Gilneas seemed very dissatisfied."

Charlemagne shrugged his shoulders and smiled, "It's not surprising. Gilneas has always pursued an isolation policy. The Kingdom of Lordaeron originally established this shelter not out of any humanitarian idea, but to tame orcs for their use. Unfortunately, Tai Reynas doesn't understand the race of orcs at all."

  Kel'thas showed an interested expression on his face, "Oh? So, do you know some customs of the orcs? Let's hear it."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I had some brief exchanges with Orgrim during the Battle of Quel'Thalas. Before being contaminated by the blood of demons, the orcs were a race that valued honor very much. They believed that they died on the battlefield with honor. It was an act of honor, and the act of being captured and imprisoned...was a humiliation in their eyes."

   Kael'thas showed a fleeting sarcasm smile, "Hehe, so that's the case, so Terenas' plan is doomed to fail."

   Then he straightened his face and said, "Then do you think we should provide funds for the establishment of the asylum? Recently, noble officials expressed firm opposition to this matter."

   "Of course it has to be paid. After all, this is also a responsibility and obligation of joining the alliance. We in Quel'Thalas are not short of this money. There is no need to get into a stalemate with the alliance over this."

  Charlemagne certainly knew that those nobles didn't care about money, they just simply thought that the high elves didn't need to pay the funds. After all, it wasn't Quel'Thalas' idea to build an orc shelter. Let those humans play by themselves.

  The ideas of these nobles represent the opinions of the old-fashioned conservatives in Quel'Dorei. However, after experiencing the shadow of war, some more enlightened reform officials opposed their opinions.

  They think that the power of the alliance may be used in future unpredictable crises, and it is not worth the loss to break up with the alliance over such a trivial matter.

  The two factions of elves have recently had a lot of trouble in the House of Commons, and their opinions will inevitably affect the attitude of the House of Lords and the king.

   Kael'thas nodded thoughtfully. Charlemagne's thoughts were similar to those of most of the senators. At this time, the king had basically made a decision.

   "Okay, the next thing is about the distribution of young dragons for red dragon compensation..."


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