Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 285: The head of Wu Goudan, powerful

  Chapter 285 Wu Goudan's Head, Powerful

   A group of bored heroes in the hall are gathering under the hammer of the Silver Hand to listen to Alleria explaining the origin of the tomb.

  Sister Windrunner just told the story she heard from Charlemagne to other people, but she also paid attention to the exclamation one after another.


  Vereesa's three leopards were surrounding a newly-spawned shadow monster. The three mischievous guys refused to give it the final blow. Out of boredom, they hit the shadow monster one by one, obviously playing with it.


  The movement in the depths of the tomb affected the hall, and the entire Tomb of Tyre began to shake violently.

  Turayang looked worriedly at the top of the tomb where small stones and dust kept falling down. "I'm afraid this tomb won't last long. I don't know what's going on with Charlemagne and Chief Lothar."

   "Zakaz has been completely resolved, and the mission of this tomb is over. Take down the Silver Hand Warhammer, let's retreat too!"

   It happened that Charlemagne’s voice came from the entrance of the passage not far away. He and Lothar, who carried a two-handed sword on his back, were trotting away from the passage that was gradually beginning to collapse.

  Tier himself is still alive, so this tomb is of course not very meaningful. Now that the final task of suppressing Zakaz has been completed, this tomb can be completely retired.

   Alleria nodded first. She and Charlemagne both got the method of closing the tomb defense system from Azadas. The elder sister of Windrunner went to the sources of several energy conduits and closed the four spheres respectively.

  As soon as the energy supply stopped, the Silver Hand hammer fell from the sky, and Liadrin just caught it right below it.

   Charlemagne, Tire's weapon, plans to find a chance to go to Uldaman in the future and return it to his original owner. With the help of the artifact, Tire's stone man body should also be able to display good combat effectiveness.

  As for Liadrin, Charlemagne is more inclined to let her use the Guardian of Truth. After all, although this female man also has discipline and holy light, her core specialization is protection.

  The goal of obtaining the artifact was successfully achieved this time, and the troll slayer, Stromkar, has already obtained it. With this divine sword that has a great deterrent effect on trolls, it is more certain to capture Zul'Aman.

Back then, Emperor Thoradin relied on this two-handed sword to kill countless forest trolls. Among the trolls, Stromkar has been spread as a destructive artifact. It will have a great morale blow to the troll.

   And I don't know if some kind of mutation has occurred after drinking the blood of the troll. This artifact seems to have an extraordinary lethality against the troll.

The three iron cans took off their armor again and left the gradually collapsing tomb with other light armor units. When they shook off the water drops on their bodies and returned to the shore, with the loud noise from the small passage, the whole Tyr's Tomb collapsed completely.

  Charlemagne sat down by the lake in relief and breathed a sigh of relief, "Phew... Now Tyr's tomb is finally dead, and this mountainous area has returned to normal."

The dark power that originally diffused around the small lake due to the existence of Zakaz can no longer be felt. The quiet and beautiful small lake makes Charlemagne and his party who have just experienced the battle look relaxed a lot. I don’t know Terena Will the old fox of Si develop this place as a new settlement in Lordaeron in the future.

   But this is not related to Charlemagne. Anyway, the tragedy of Terenas will be presented by the first filial son of Azeroth sooner or later. It is hard to say who will own the entire land of Lordaeron in the future.

After resting for a while, everyone stood up again. Charlemagne opened two portals and said to a group of teammates, "Let's go back, and we will start preparing for the war with the Amani trolls. Anduin, you should have decided this earlier." Take the ultimate destination of the Excalibur."

   Lothar nodded and sighed, "I will. Anyway, let me help you win this war first."

  In fact, Lothar originally planned to pass the sword to Varian, the descendant of Ryan, but the shadow power on Stromkar caused by the erosion of Zakaz made him hesitate.

  The little king is still young after all, I wonder if he can resist the temptation and erosion of this shadow force.


   After all, the preparations for the war could not be completed overnight. Charlemagne sent Lothar and Turalyon back to Stormwind City, and he brought a group of relatives and friends back to the capital of the duchy, which has now been upgraded to a small town.

  Time passed by quickly, and when the high elves initially completed their preparations for war, another race was also ready to launch another invasion.

  The remnants of the orcs who fled back to Draenor told the remaining clans about their fiasco in Azeroth. These orcs who knew that their new homeland was hopeless fell into a bloodthirsty rage again.

Although Talon Gorefiend has been feared by Azeroth, he still wants to conquer other weaker worlds again. However, to access other worlds, he first needs a powerful spellcaster, and at the same time, he needs some artifacts to provide energy.

  The death knight leader found Gul'dan's teacher, Ner'zhul, and handed Gul'dan's head to him, hoping that Ner'zhul would lead the orcs to invade Azeroth again.

  This time, there is no need to launch a full-scale war with the Alliance. Just steal a few artifacts quietly to open the portal to the new world and find a new home for the orcs.

  The artifact that Gul'dan told him before leaving became Talon Gorefiend's confidence. He tempted the future of the orcs, and after a long period of persuasion, Ner'zhul finally agreed to open the Dark Portal again.

  Before Gul'dan came to power, Ner'zhul was an old shaman who commanded the clans of the orcs and had a high status. At the beginning, he was confused by the illusion of his wife released by Kil'jaeden, leading the orcs into a dangerous path.

After discovering the true face of Kil'jaeden, Ner'zhul was no longer willing to provide convenience for the demons, but it was obviously too late at this time. His more ambitious disciple Gul'dan was selected by Kil'jaeden to lead the orcs to invade Ai. Zelas.

   "Ner'zhul, why did you come to us? Since Draenor has no hope, why don't you let us continue to fight until the day the world is destroyed?"

   This orc with a huge ax looks old, but his powerful muscles and red eyes with bloodthirsty fighting spirit told everyone that he is still the most powerful warrior among the orcs.

   This person is the chieftain of the Warsong clan, Grom Hellscream, who is called Lord Roar by later generations of players, and he is the most well-deserved strongest among the orcs.

  Because this person has a tough personality and is difficult to control, Gul'dan left his Warsong clan, Shattered Hand clan, and Mok'Natha clan in Draenor during the last invasion.

  Ner'zhul reached out and took out Gul'dan's skull. "I think you all know the failure of the last war. I plan to open the Dark Portal again."

   There was some commotion from the chiefs present. From Talon Gorefiend, they knew that the world called Azeroth was not easy to deal with.

Ner'zhul shouted loudly with his staff, "Quiet! We don't want to fight the alliance of Azeroth. We just need to find a few artifacts according to Talon Gorefiend's guidance to open the portal to other worlds." .”

Under the persuasion of the venerable Ner'zhul, the clans who stayed in Draenor finally agreed to his plan. The clans assembled their forces and came to the ruins of the Dark Portal again, and it took several months to rebuild the building. Door frame.

  Ner'zhul raised Gul'dan's head high under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of orcs. The huge evil energy overflowing from the skull quickly refilled the Dark Portal with energy.

  The first time to open this huge portal across the world requires the cooperation of powerful spellcasters on both sides, but it is much more convenient to open the portal that has already been built.

  With the opening of the Dark Portal, Grom was the first to roar excitedly, leading the wolf cavalry of the Warsong Clan to rush through the Dark Portal and enter the opposite Azeroth again.

  Ner'zhul himself didn't intend to enter the opposite world, he was a little dazed looking at the revolving portal in front of him.

  "Hope everything goes well, the orcs really need a new home, may the ancestors bless us..."


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