Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 106 The Target And The Snow White Tulip Healer...

>>See how Fate Changed<<

Every time Fate attacked him, Chiron was given the privilege of seeing why it happened.

Regardless of what Iron Stab had told him before he died, he still used this feature of the system to know what happened.

It was while watching how Fate worked against him that he saw a particular face.

A particular face that was linked with a particular person that was very useful to him.

Chiron had made it to the Bureau for Cultivators. But he did not rush in. As many would say in his former world, he needed to play it cool.

Chiron was very aware of his current goals.

Firstly, he needed to repair his wounded Dantain, if not, he would not be able to increase in strength again.

Secondly, he needed to get the dragon egg in mount Chikit in other for him to be able to use Spirit energy.

As the saying went, 'A bird in hand is worth more than two in the bush'.

Chiron knew this, and that was why repairing his Dantain came first before acquiring the Dragon egg for his Spirit energy cultivation.

Of course, there was always the possibility of healing his Aura Dantain wall and still getting the Spirit energy cultivation with the dragon egg, but just in case, he was also going to up for the method provided to him by the system.

The system provided the option of healing his Dantain with a healing drug, which had a cost price of one thousand Fate Change points.

It had come t Chiron's knowledge that he could acquire more points by changing the Fate of people that had a significant influence on history. Especially if that person was to affect his own future.

This was the reason for this target.

Chiron landed in front of the Bureau for cultivation.

This was a large building in the clan that had a flight of stairs leading up to it.

Many people could be seen leaving the place and other people going into the Bureau.

This place managed the missions that were given to cultivators within the clan. It also formed a centre for exchanging materials gotten from hunts for other materials.

Since the method of monetary transaction in the clan was by Beast cores, the cultivators were allowed to keep their gains from missions but were also required to drop a fee for missions assigned.

One might think that this monetary system would cause inflation in the clan's economy, but that was not so. The reason was quite simple. The Clan cultivators were not allowed to leave the clan without mission permission from the Bureau.

In other words, hunting was not rapid and the bureau always had a rough idea of the gains to be made during missions and balance it out with the fee to be paid to the Bureau. Of course, there was always a rare lucky case of finding maybe a Blue cored beast that had reached the end of its life and harvesting its blue core, but that was as rare as winning the lottery.

Every cultivator was considered a clan asset. Basically, you lived your life for the growth and development of the clan.

In order words, you are not your own property, but the clans.

This was the Clan system by which the cultivators in this world operated.

Chiron had taken his time to wait for all the cards to align rightly before coming to the Bureau.

With his very big sword that was now known as his identity on his back, Chiron climbed the stairs into the Bureau. As he did, whispers flew all around him.

How could they not?

He was practically famous. For hundreds of years, he was the first Tamashi that had officially become a cultivator. And he did it while he was still an ordinary cultivator.

In the minds of these people, he was still an ordinary human being.

This was good for Chiron. As the saying went in his former world: 'Nobody is threatened by a lion without claws or fangs.'

In other words, no one feared a powerless man.

If no one feared him, it also meant that they would underestimate him. This was indeed good news.

Chiron went through the stairs. Just high up on the building was the stature of a giant broad sword with a Volcano behind it. One look at it and Chiron knew that it was a depiction of the Ancestor's broad sword that was used to Unlock Dantains within the clan and mount Chikit.

The Broad sword with a Dormant volcano in the background was considered the Insignia of the Chikitsa clan.

Inside the building was a well-spaced hall. The floor was not tiled, but it was still clean and the air was clear and smelled nice. The ceiling was high up and the copper walls had carvings of the Ancestor of the clan Fighting against the great dragon and establishing the Chikitsa clan.

There were other carvings too of other dignified figures in the clan and the marvellous things that they achieved. However, that of the Ancestor was the most significant one.

Chiron had come from a world where almost every turn on the street was labelled with an advertisement. He understood that these were subliminal messages in other to create a subconscious effect on the minds of the clan members.

After all, which man did not look up to great men?

This way, the young ones have mentors they aspire to emulate. Of course, all this still translated to the benefit of the clan.

Straight ahead were counters with staff attending to the clan members that came through. It was quite busy. Some staff attended to merchants and transactions were made, some attended to cultivators and some others were assigned to collecting the fee from cultivators from hunts.

Still, eyes remained on him even as he joined a small queue for cultivators. It did not take time before it was his turn.

Chiron was already nine, but the counter was still a bit high for him and he had to stretch a bit to reach it.

"Welcome to the Chikitsa Clan Bureau for Cultivators. How may I help you?" The lazy-worked tired voice of an elderly woman came from the other side. She did not even look in his direction and was busy filing her nails.

"I'm here for my Cultivators badge," Chiron answered.

"A cultivator's badge!?" she hissed, "kid! were you children not instructed to come for your badges like a month ago? You know you'll have to pay a fee for coming late right?"

"Yes, I do!" he dropped two yellow cores on the counter.

"hmmm! so what's your name sport?"

"Chiron Chivalry!"

The woman opened her eyes in shock and the surprise made her fingers drop her filing nail.

She had not been paying attention before. But now she had to.

Who had not heard of the ordinary human that went against all odds to be a cultivator?

This was the cultivation world. People admired the strong, and they also acknowledged their achievements.

Although passing the cultivation test was nothing in such a clan, it was still a very big deal for a normal person to do it. After all, rumours had it that Chiron had killed a green-cored beast.

No one cared if he had used his intelligence or if he had cheated or had been helped. The bottom line was that he had killed a green-cored beast that was equivalent to a stone-ranked cultivator as an ordinary human being.

Even if she did not want to acknowledge him, she had to.

Seeing the unsmiling face of the nine-year-old boy, she nodded, "just a moment please."

She went through a door, and after a while, she was back with a badge in hand. This was a wooden badge. It carried the clan insignia of the broad sword and the Volcano on it.

The wooden badge was for wood-rank cultivators. The stone badge was for stone-ranked cultivators, and the copper badge was for copper-ranked cultivators.

"You are supposed to..." she froze mid-way as she saw what Chiron was doing.

It was required for each cultivator to use a drop of blood on the badge. But before she even told him, Chiron bit his finger in front of her and did it.

Cultivators were required to always were their badges. this was how the clan tracked their members outside the clan.

It was at this time that another person on a counter across from him arrived.

Chiron looked to his right and saw it was her. She was even here with her parents. from the looks of things, she really is trying to get that thing.

Chiron looked to the elderly woman at the counter, "please! I'll like any mission for the Snow white Tulip healer."

The moment the girl on his right heard those words, she looked to her left.

"Chiron!" she called out to him.

Chiron turned to her with a smile on his face, "hey, there Carla! it's been a while."

Just as Chiron planned. This was his target...

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