Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 112 The Heart Of The Party Members...

Chiron had not been kind with the effort he put into his kick.

And he went right for her face too.

However, after her tumbling on the ground, the rest of the party looked at him in surprise.

But before any of them could reprimand him, something rose from within the waters.

Behind Chiron was a towering stinger.

And then there was another and another.

"RUN!!!" Ponzi screamed but Chiron was already ahead of him.

Before the giant stingers had the opportunity to prey on them, they ran once more into the depths of the forest.

The party found a safe spot to catch their breaths.

"Ahh! Dear ancestor! all this running is killing me." Luna lamented as she spread herself on the ground.

"What was that?" Duna asked.

"That was a water head Jellyfish," Ponzi replied.

"Damn! That thing was huge," Duna added.

Ponzi looked around, "We have strayed too far. There are too many green-cored beasts here. We should go back!"

Everybody agreed and carefully, there traced their way back.

This place was behind the Clan. However, it was still a very dangerous place, especially if one was to pin hopes on the assumption that the clan area was safe.

There were certain places that younger cultivators were not supposed to approach. In other words, there were territories with creatures that those of the wood rank were forbidden from entering.

Of course, the greater the danger, the greater the profit made, but greed has been the seductress that had invited many inexperienced cultivators to her chamber of death. Where they had forever laid in peace with her.

Ponzi proved that he was a wiser leader. The incident with the Rabid big foot rabbit was one that was not supposed to happen.

However, errors occured from time to time.

The party found their way back to their hunting site to loot the gains from the trap they set.

However, they found that someone had already made it there before them.

All the Rabid big foot rabbit meat that they had hunted was gone.

The party members had sad expressions on their faces.

All that effort was totally gone.

"Some wild animal must have eaten them while we were gone," Luna suggested, and the rest of them nodded in agreement.

It had been a long day, but it was getting dark. If death had chased them thus far during the day, then the night was going to be the apocalypse.

Lazily, they dragged their feet back to the clan.

As one would expect, they had to report back to the Bureau of Cultivators to show that they had returned safely.

They got to the counter with the elderly woman.

"No hunt today too!?" She asked in a little mocking tone.

Ponzi shook his head as he bowed in disappointment.

She saw he was really down and felt a bit guilty for mocking him, "Hmmm! don't worry sport. I'm sure you'll get a better harvest tomorrow."

Just then, Ponzi heard a shout behind him.

He turned only to see Luna being held back by Duna.

Ponzi hurried to her, "what happened!?"

She pointed to the party submitting their hunt for the day.

It was Jan Jan's party and they were submitting Rabid big foot rabbit meat.

"You assholes! that's our meat," Luna continued her screaming, "You stole our meat. You fucking..."

Duna covered her mouth to prevent spilling angry curse words.

Jan Jan walked up to them, "What do you mean your meat? Was your name written on it when we found it? It was obviously the good graces of the ancestor shining on us, and we happened to find some rabbit meat."

Jan Jan had an obviously cocky smile as he looked and enjoyed the sour look on Ponzi's face, "are you saying that you are going to fight us here and now for meat that we found and brought it!?"

Ponzi gritted his teeth and balled his fists as he heard Jan Jan's words.

Chiron watched from a corner. He was really interested in seeing what was going to happen next, and he was very sure that Ponzi was going to use his fist on Jan Jan's smug face.

However, Ponzi suddenly loosened his fist, and then he pulled Luna by her collar, "come Luna, let's go! Jan Jan's luck was obviously guided by the light of the Ancestor's good graces."

He pulled Luna away.

This control of emotion even impressed Chiron. However, Jan Jan was not satisfied with this result.

"Yeah! you coward. Run away with your tail in between your legs. Like your ever drowning in debt father!"

Ponzi immediately paused.

"Shit!" both Luna and Duna cursed out loud together. They were aware that this was Ponzi's sour spot

and then he turned with a punch heading right for Jan Jan's face.

However, before he could land his attack, Luna and Duna dived and held him down.

Duna held his hand while Luna pulled at his body.

Chiron could clearly see it. In Ponzi's eyes was not just rage, but a mixture of frustration and helplessness. This made a smile form at the corner of his lips.

"Don't do it, Ponzi," Luna pleaded with him, "we are at the Bureau for cultivators. We are already in bad debt as it is. If we fight, the debt will drown us. It will drown your dad!"

Hearing her words, he calmed down. He shrouded off the hold of the twins, turned and walked away.

Both of them took one last look at Jan Jan and his party members. They nodded and followed after their party leader.

Once outside the Bureau for cultivators, the party said their farewells. The plan was to meet the next day at the same time in the morning.

Once everyone had dispersed, Chiron followed Ponzi in the shadows.

Even Chiron had to admit that he was not the best at stalking, but he had no Dantain to focus spirit energy and Ponzi was too dispirited. Therefore, he had not noticed Chiron.

Besides, this was within the clan. It was practically the safest place in the world.

Ponzi's nerves had been tensed all day. There was no way he could tell that someone was tailing him.

Chiron had many reasons for choosing to follow Ponzi. One of them was the look he had seen in Ponzi's eyes that time Zi was in trouble.

Chiron tailed Ponzi to his house.

Just in front of the door was a man passed out on the floor with a bottle of wine in his hand. He smelled like a mixture of piss and alcohol.

Even from Chiron's hiding spot, he could smell it.

Ponzi looked at the man, and shook his head, "come on dad! I'm home."

He pulled the man from the ground, but the man pushed him away, "Leave me alone you asshole cultivator! leave me alone," the man mumbled.

But Ponzi did not.

"I said leave me alone!" the man took a bottle of wine and broke it on Ponzi's head.

Chiron remained watching.

He could see as blood trailed down Ponzi's head. But all he did was activate his spiritual energy to stop the bleeding and help the man into the house.

Next, Chiron went to the window and observed as Ponzi helped the man change his clothes before helping him take his bath.

Then he took him to bed.

However, as Ponzi was about to leave the room, the man held him by the hand, "I'm sorry Ponzi!" he broke into tears, "it's just that I miss her! I miss her too much, and I.." he stammered, "I can't help myself."

"I know father! I miss her too." He hugged the man and also broke down in tears.

Chiron nodded his head, "good! very good!"

He had seen enough. He turned and went back to his house.

He was only a distance away when he saw a surprising guest in front.

It was Zi.

"Chiron!" she saw him and ran up to him.

Chiron frowned a bit. This was not expected.

Apparently, while everyone had gone their separate ways, Zi had taken another route to come to see him privately.

"I came to thank you for earlier today. You saved my life twice."

"Saved!" Chiron thought to himself.

Both times that he had supposedly saved her life, he had practised his kicking skills on her body.

Even now, one side of her pretty face was still swollen because of his kick.

Both times, he could have just stretched and pulled her from danger, but then again, where was the fun in that?

"So, erm..." she fondled with her fingers behind her back, and her eyes avoided his as much as possible.

Night had fallen, but Chiron could still tell that she was blushing like a tomato.

She suddenly leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek before she turned and stormed away like her life was in danger.

Chiron remained there surprised.

He really had to admit that many times, women did not think straight.

He had abused her with kicks, and here she was developing mushy stuff for him.

"It seems you have an admirer, master!" Chiron turned to see Emma. She was on her way to the Lost Treasure.

"Hmmm! it seems."

Chiron waved his hand and a list appeared, "before you go to the lost treasure, have this delivered to the elder. I want these herbs before you come back, and find what you can about Ponzi's father for me."

"Yes master!" she bowed.

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