Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 125 Raising The Middle Finger!

"No! No!" Carla shook her self out of Ponzi's hold. She took several steps back as she looked at Ponzi, Duna and Luna. She shook her head. "I can't believe any of you. He is a part of our PARTY! and you let that beast take him like that."

"It couldn't be helped!" Duna shook his head, "It was bound to happen away. After all, he is a Tamashi."

As Duna said this, he had obvious disgust on his face.

"Senior! Duna?" Carla looked at them in a different light. This were not the loving party members she had come to know.

She turned in the direction that the beast had taken Chiron and wanted to run after it.

"What are you trying to do!?" Ponzi asked, "just forget about him. That is a Blue cored beast. There is no saving grace from that thing."

"i know! but I rather die trying!" she only took the first step when a sword was set in her face.

"don't forget! we came here, risking our lives for the Snow white Tulip flower to heal your mother. If you are really going to sacrifice your life, then I won't mind cutting you down now."

Carla traced the blade of the sword to the stern face of her party leader.

She could clearly see in his eyes that he was dead right serious about this threat. he was really going to kill her if she took another step.

"Don't do this!" Ponzi advised, "We are almost there. Just think about your mother."

Carla turned to him, there were tears in her eyes.


Not that Chiron expected true team work, but not withstanding, he at least expected Ponzi to act the part a little more.

And about Duna and Luna, he already knew. It must have been hell for those two to have kept up their pretense for so long.

After all, how nice they acted with him was all too sudden, and from the beginning, the only thing they were truly interested in was his sword.

They were probably people in the clan that did not care if he was Tamashi or not such as Carla and Zi, but it was only his prowess and exception that had blind the love stroke women.

Such a narrative that Tamashi was trash and walking curse that had been passed down for hundreds of years, generation to generation was not something a few missions together was going to erase.

This people were thought their discrimination long before they even knew how to talk.

Even Chiron had to praise the acting so far.

Nevertheless, he had is own situation to deal with right now.

The Essence draining spider had wrapped him up in its web, and was pulling him towards its lair.

Coincidentally, this route was a bit familiar with Chiron. At least certain parts of it were.

After all, this was the route that the MC of the book had taken with Nora while they tried to hide in the forest.

For days, they ran from their pursuers until by coincidence, they got to that cave.

This was a very big broad tree. It was so huge that it would have taken ten grown men holding hands to fully wrap around it.

The spider climbed it excitedly.

From the speed it used up the tree, Chiron could tell that this guy could not wait to just sink its teeth in him.

This tree was the biggest in the general area. Also, it brought back subtle memories, but just to be sure, Chiron used 5 points on a memory booster.

The moment he did, he concentrated on the memory and then he saw it clearly.

The MC of the book had ran through this parts, staining this exact tree with his blood.

It was somewhere not so far from here that he had dropped Nora's corpse.

She had died trying to protect her weak brother.

For some reason while the clan was being annihilated, he was the biggest target.

And many high level cultivators came for him.

Chiron had not noticed it before, but with the memory booster, he could see that Something had paused the advance of the cultivators pursuing the MC.

Now it made sense to him.

It was this spider. Those high level cultivators were picked up for dinner.

Even though the MC had high Spiritual energy, it was binded by the seal on his body. Also he did not have a Dantain to concentrate all that energy.

For this reasons, the Spider had left him alone.

It was morning and even this high up in the mountains, it still got brighter as the sun rose.

Far off in the distance, Chiron could see it.

The walls of a small hill. That was the entrance he was searching for.

The MC of the book in his panic had mistakenly activated a secret mechanism that opened the entrance, and he got in.

This was exactly what he needed to do.

That hill was the target. But getting there was another thing.

He was currently wrapped silly. Only his head was not in a cocoon.

Chiron looked at this lair. It was the typical spider web hanging from a tree scenario.

On all sides were many dead bodies of animals or cultivators wrapped up in cocoons.

Some of them had long been drained dry of any energy essence.

for Chiron, this was good news. The reason was because this was essentially a graveyard.

Meaning that as a child of death, this was his domain. His chances of survival had just been doubled.

Slowly, he spread his aura out as he actively took advantage of the death energy all around.

The spider web must be very tough. Regardless of the weight of the spider and the long pointy legs it had, the webbing did not break.

All eight blue glowing eyes were on him. Inching closer as the spider did.

He waited patiently until the beast was right above his head. This was a Blue Cored beast. Getting it to drop its guard against him again would not be so easy.

At the moment, this creature was about to dine. This was the moment its guard was down the most.

After all, who would ever suspect that in a dish, the meatball was out to choke you?

"Devil's Touch, you may take some."

The sword on his back immediately entered its liquid state from back and broke out of the cocoon.

Immediately, Chiron stabbed forward into the beasts mouth.


His eyes stared wide open, "Shit!" he cursed.

He had underestimated this beast.

It had defended against his attack with one of its leg.

It screeched loudly in annoyance and stabbed at him.

Devil's touch defended in front of its master.

Chiron opened his eyes in surprise.

"How strong is this things body?" he thought to himself.

He had already given Devil's touch some of his aura, but it had not pierced through the beast's blade.

Chiron gritted his Teeth. Apparently, his Aura alone was not going to be enough.

"Devil's touch, you may drink some."

The sword glowed brighter, but this time around, it had a shade of red to it.


Devil's touch managed to cut off one the beast's blade before it could reach him.

Immediately, Chiron activated his shadow pool ability and sank into the shadow world.

He swarm inside to another part of the tree.

But he had richly underestimated this beast.

It rushed and stabbed for the Shadow pool which surprisingly cut it into two.

Chiron was forced out and to roll over to his side as he fell from the tree to the ground.

"HUNTER!" he called out as he fell to the ground with his face facing the Essence draining spider on top the tree.

The spider shot its web to catch him as he fell, but he used his sword to cut the webbing as it reached him.

He fell back straight to the ground from a height of almost eighty feet high.

However, before his body touched the ground, a shadow pool opened up under him and in fell into it.

Hunter the green skinned shadow leopard had opened the shadow pool.

Chiron held it by its tail, "Go!" he ordered and the little beast swarm as hard as it could.

Its destination was the hill that had the secret cave.

Even though the beast was still a cub, underestimating it was not right.

After all, it was still a green cored beast and this was its domain.

The Essence Draining spider naturally gave pursue in anger.

Surprisingly, it jumped down from that height like it was just taking a skip.

Even in the shadow Pool, it could see Chiron.

Normally, this was not supposed to be so. those in the outside world were not supposed to see those in the Shadow domain.

Chiron suspected that maybe it was because of the kind of organism the Essence Draining Spider was or maybe it was because it was a blue cored beast.

Only a little effort by the Essence draining spider and it had caught up to them.

It pierced its long legs into the ground, but Hunter was small and that allowed the young cat to execute its flexibility very well.

But this spider was a hunter that hunted other hunters.

It was not long before one of its blade legs pierced into the Shadow pool.

Unfortunately, it had pierced right by the side of hunters abdomen.

The green skinned leopard was forced to come out of the shadow pool, and so was Chiron.

Chiron could see the wound on his pet beast.

The wound was bad, but it was not something that a little healing could not fix. He carried Hunter under his armpit. This Green cored beast was asset that could become very valuable in the future.

The next attack followed. This time around, it was Chiron that fell victim.

It was his shoulder.

The moment the beast pierced into him, Chiron felt his Dantain pool reduce in size.

The beast was not going to wait this time around. Any opportunity it had, it was going to feed.

He controlled Devil's touch in its liquid state with his mind, and it cut the spider's leg.

By now, Chiron was not so far from the hill, he only had about ten steps to take, but this ten steps felt more like ten miles.

But no matter what, he could not give up. He had to make it.

Yet again, another bade though his body. This one was his leg.

Once again, he felt his Dantain reduce in size. By now, it was at a dangerous low.

"F**k it!" he cursed and sent ten points into LUCK as he used his one good leg and kicked against the ground in leap.

Suddenly, it all stopped.

The hill was still at least five steps away, but the Essence Draining spider refused to come closer.

All it did was screech in annoyance and frustration.

Chiron was a bloody mess, and the Adrenaline from all most dying made most of the pain feel numb.

He knew the reason why the Essence Draining spider did not want to draw closer.

The reason was actually very simple. It was because of the dragon egg.

Even though the dragon was still in its egg form, it was a higher level cored beast. its aura alone was scary.

This Essence Draining spider was not going to take the risk.

Chiron took out bottles of healing potion and emptied them in his mouth. Although he felt numb now, this feeling was not going to last forever.

He had to heal as fast as possible.

He also put some into Hunter's mouth, which the beast drank greedily.

After a while of resting, the effects of the potion kicked in and the healing process was ensured.

The Essence Draining Spider was not so far away. In its anger, it destroyed trees around.

Chiron smiled as he raised his middle finger to the beast.

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