Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 128 Tamashi! Reminder Of A Curse.

The Blood Dragon had really done a lot.

Rearranging Chikit's veins to accommodate more Spiritual energy.

Dragons lived for very long years, and the stronger the bloodline of the dragon, the longer it was going to take before it hatched.

Most dragon eggs took about ten years before hatching.

Of course in a Dragon's eyes, Ten years was really nothing. A matured dragon could sleep out those ten years and not be bothered about the things that happened around it during that time. Unless disturbed directly, they really did not care.

This Dragon egg had two strong bloodlines mixed in it.

It's shell was literally made of Runes. This Dragon was destined to have command in the world.

Naturally, its period in the egg was also going to be much much longer.

The blood dragon with her abundance of knowledge estimated at least a hundred years.

Even though she had given Chikit so much, she could tell that he did not have that much Talent.

And he really did not possess the demeanor of one that would push far in the cultivation world.

And so she ensured that what she had blessed him with will also affect his bloodline. Even going as far as to planting the potential to give birth to children with high graded Dantain, and gifting him a cube that could create a private space that could cultivate plants of different types of energies.

In this manner, if Chikit died off, his offspring would continue in his stead.

The truth was that deep down, she was sure that her child was going to become so strong that breaking out of the master-servant bond with this lowly human was going to be possible.

Lastly, she blessed his broadsword by the blood of her death.

A dragon's first breath and last breath were very important.

Many looked for the opportunity of capturing either to use for their cultivation or for experiments.

She was dying anyway and did not mind it.

The broad sword was going to be proof of their contract.

And So she put down her defenses and Chikit cut into her neck.

Reading this far, Chiron remembered the stature in front of the Chief's Manor. It was of the Ancestor cutting the head of a dragon.

The story that was taught to later generations so greatly differed from this that this story sounded a bit fictional.

But Dragons were very straight forward. The only time they usually tried swinging a lie was when it concerned them acquiring treasure.

Much less this egg that had been locked up in here for a thousand years.

Chiron continued reading--

The Blood Dragon died with hope for the future. But she had greatly underestimated the cunning of this human.

Be a guard to a dragon egg? Hell No!

Chikit had other ideas. He made his own research on the creature. Considering the war with the Elves at that time, Such information was not so hard to acquire.

Chikit decided to use this divine fruit that had fallen on his lap for his own benefit.

Back then, this Dragon egg was so strong that this entire underground room was always filled with fire.

Chikit was the only that could enter the place and he built and made some adjustments to the plan of the blood dragon on his own.

Firstly, he planned to abuse the dragon egg and knew that Dragons had a way of communicating even from birth with Runes to other Dragons.

He used the Blood Dragon's Ribs as Pillars to fight against this attribute.

And then instead of letting the the volcano nourish the Dragon egg into maturity, he used Seals to reverse the process.

This way, it was the egg that nourished the land.

This was why the Chikit land had abundance of Spirit Plants and Cored beasts. It was because they were drawn to this rich energy.

It was really a place to thrive and grow.

This Dragon egg was so strong that for a thousand years, it had blessed the land so richly and was not yet dead.

Chiron paused to think. It was easy to figure out that the Blood Dragon was Probably a Black cored beast.

Most Dragons started out at Blue core or Red core. But Chiron thought hard and figured that this Dragon egg was probably ranked higher. Maybe a Violet cored beast at birth.

"Hmmm!" He closed his eyes as he touched the egg once more.

After a while, he was sure. Normally, those of the lower rank could not sense the cultivation of those that of the higher rank, but this beast had a connection to the Chikit bloodline, and therefore to him, but most importantly, it had blood oath with the Tamashi.

The Dragon egg had fallen to becoming a very low ranked Red Cored beast. Even this rank was still a strong force not to be tampered with, and it was still very valuable.

This was something Chiron figured out as he read further.

Chikit was draining the egg of its power to provide a nice environment for his future generation to thrive. This might have looked a bit selfish, but then again, everybody was so. Even the blood dragon had only given Chikit that much power in its selfishness to let its child survive.

Chiron was not one to judge and really could careless. In fact the circumstances then allowed for his opportunities now.

Chikit had passed the information of this place to his first son. Who became the first Chief of the clan over his nine siblings.

However, the moment Chikit died, A child was born within the clan with the Tamashi veins.

Naturally, the child was given the cultivation method which Chiron now found out was actually the broad sword.

However Fate was a mysterious thing. And the Blood dragon had dealt with Runes to cast the bloodline oath it did.

Fate had led the Tamashi at the time to this cave. The child then had seen the Egg and informed the chief.

Fortunately, the Chief at the time was mentally strong enough to make the better choice of killing the child and keeping the knowledge a secret.

Five years later, the next Tamashi was born.

And soon, from Chief to Chief, a realization was made that the Tamashi would always be led to this Cave by Fate. It was the power of Runes governing their Fate.

Even though all of them so far had the terrifying ability to cultivate and become really really strong, this could not be allowed.

Also, no matter how many times a Tamashi was killed, the next five years would see the birth of a new one. And every time, the discovery would be made with a spiritual energy explosion.

This was not loss that the clan could continue to take. To make matters worse, the Spiritual energy of the child would blow up every once in a while without the cultivation method to control it.

Finally, methods to cup this were put in place.

An example was the Essence Draining Spider that was outside. Apparently, the beast was not there by accident.

If for any reason, a Tamashi came along these parts, the Essence draining spider would be attracted by the juicy energy that the Tamashi had and do a good job.

Until eventually, a Tamashi Sealing technique was created and in its research, it was discovered that the Tamashi could even be used as a weapon against other hostile clans.

All this was knowledge that the original MC of the book did not know.

As of the time the clan was destroyed, The broad sword had gotten lost in battle and the MC never knew that he had such an heritage till the end of his life.

There was a time when he met certain Scaly individuals that called him Kin and gave him nice treatment because they felt at a bloodline level that they were close to him, but that was the closest he ever came to figuring out.

By the time the MC had gotten to the Egg, the Oath could no longer hold him because the dragon within was dead, and in this manner, he developed the means for cultivation.

Chiron read so far and it now made sense why the Tamashi were considered a Curse. The truth was that a Tamashi was really a curse.

A never ending reminder of an oath that was never fulfilled. That was a Tamashi.

The story had ended. Everything if not most of what Chiron had known about the Chikitsa clan was apparently a lie, or better still, it was a fabricated truth.

Even now, that lie was still ongoing.

Reading this made Chiron sit on his ass and think. This was much information to process and he needed time to sort all of them out on his own.

But most importantly, he needed to flesh out as much benefit from it.

After about half an hour, he opened his eyes in enlightenment.

Till this moment, he could still feel the dragon's cry. It was hurting from the pain of a thousand years. And feeling the Master servant bond, it was begging for release.

"Release!? Did I say anything about that?" Chiron chuckled as he made a cut on his palm and used his blood to draw a rune on the egg.

"I have a better Idea! you have suffered much. Why don't you give I, your master, your power..."

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