Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 93 Please Die For Me. I Only Have Power In My Sight...

Nora immediately did as Chiron had asked her.

She wore her clothes and hurried home as fast as possible.

She did not know why Chiron was suddenly excited, but if he was happy, then she was happy.

Meanwhile, Chiron used the herbs he had and some he found in the forest to mix up a particular concoction for this Phase of his plan.

By the time he was done, the sun had started its descent on the Horizon. However, this was no problem for him. After all, for the plan he wanted to execute, it had to be dark.

Chiron went back home. just like he had instructed, Emma had bought the very expensive wine.

Lily was also ready to move out. Chiron had instructed Nora to tell her that she was going to act as his guard as he went to his mother's grave.

Chiron took the wine from Emma and placed it in a bag. All was set and done and Chiron was ready to move out.

At the same time, Aleen also came out of the house. He had also heard from Nora that Chiron was going to pay his respect to his mother's grave and this made him proud.

Ever since he could remember, Chiron had always refused to go pay his respects, but this time around, he was taking the initiative.

For a moment there, Aleen thought of how wonderful it would have been if Chiron had joined him and Nora when they went earlier on in the day.

Even now, he was tempted to tag along. But he had a meeting with the other Elders of the Clan that he needed to attend.

Aleen was not exactly one to always follow his brother's orders and have even challenged him on several occasions, however, at the end of the day, he was still an elder of the clan and had duties to fulfil. Attending meetings was one of them.

Aleen did not like the fact that his only son whom he had placed all hopes and dreams on had ended up being a Tamashi, and at one time a long time ago, he wanted to kill Chiron.

But he had also seen the efforts that Chiron had put in over the years just to catch up to other cultivators his age. He knew that with the effort Chiron put into training, If he had been a cultivator, he would have grown very fast.

As it stood, Chiron already had achievements to his name and was already if not more popular than Nora within the clan.

The only problem was that every time Aleen saw him, all he saw was broken hope and dreams trying hard to resuscitate themselves. In his eyes, it was totally pathetic.

Aleen nodded at Chiron before turning to leave. He placed his hands on his back as he walked away.

"You and your father are not close. Are you!?" Lily complimented.

"Oh! on the contrary, we are nearly similar," Chiron answered.

Lily raised a brow at him, "enlighten me!"

Chiron turned to her and smirked, "We both believe Power is the most important thing in the world." Chiron turned and walked onto a different path that led to the clan's graveyard.

"But to what lengths we will go to achieve it is where we differ," Chiron added in his mind.

The Clan's graveyard was a bit far from Chiron's home.

Although it was not as far as going to the Chief's manor, it still had its lengths.

The graveyard like any other graveyard in history at this time of the day was silent.

Generally speaking, nobody liked the company of the dead. This was very common knowledge among people.

In truth, the major reason why no one ever liked coming to graveyards was not because of fear of the dead, or of ghosts. It was because the place gave a strong reminder that one day, the person standing above would be lying down below.

No one wanted to remember that life was temporary and death was inevitable. And this place was a strong reminder of that.

Chiron walked through the graveyard. By now, it was already dark. However, it was at the end of the month and the twin moons acted as enlarged lamps in the sky.

Their light reflected upon the earth, on the stone slabs that signified the living quarters of the dead below.

Chiron had not been here before. But the MC of the book had.

According to the Novel, the MC ensured to follow Aleen and Nora here every year to pay respect to Chiron's mother's grave.

The only person he met on his way was the gatekeeper in charge of cleaning the place.

Chiron walked around the graveyard like it was his backyard as he traced the location of his mother's grave, while Lily followed behind him.

Lily like anyone else, really did not like this place even a little bit, but orders were orders. Elder Ellen had instructed that she acted as a bodyguard for Chiron and that was what she was going to do.

Chiron reached his mother's grave. It was just like he remembered it to be.

Unlike many of the other graves that had grasses growing out of them, this one was clean. Chiron remembered that his father always ensured to tip the gatekeeper in other to do extra work on her grave.

"In the Loving memory of mother and wife: Nora Chivalry." These were the words that were written on her tombstone. [Ps: Nora was named after her dead mother. For those that have forgotten.]

Chiron saw this and a smile appeared at one corner of his lips.

Suddenly, his eyes caught something. It was something that the MC of the book never noticed all the other times he was here.

It was in the way his mother's name was spelt. After the 'N' came the 'O', but the 'O' was written in a weird way. It had three slashes cut across it, and for some reason, Chiron felt as if he had seen that symbol somewhere before.

He stepped closer and touched it. Those slashes looked like claw marks, but there were not. While he contemplated what it was, Lily's voice brought him back to reality.

"What kind of son are you? You are visiting your mother's grave without any flowers."

Chiron turned to her, "that's because I have my own way of paying my respect to the dead." As he spoke, he reached for the bag he had brought with him.

From within it, he pulled out two cups and a bottle of wine.

Chiron went on his knees and clasped his hands in prayer in front of his mother's tombstone.

At this moment, he really looked like a filial son. After a while, he opened the alcohol bottle. And then he poured some on her tombstone.

"I hope you taste this sweet wine in the afterlife mother, knowing that your son still has you in his heart."

When Chiron was done, he stood up. And then he turned to Lily, "Please join me. Today is still my mother's memorial."

Lily did not want to, but the pleading look in Chiron's eyes forced her to take a step forward.

Chiron handed her one of the cups and then he poured some wine for both of them.

Immediately, he drank all the wine in his own cup.

Lily saw this and did not want to be impolite. She also drank the entire cup of wine.

Chiron went down on his knees again and bowed to his mother's grave.

He noticed that Lily was still standing.

"I know that you are a high-rank cultivator, but please can you have some respect for my dead mother?"

Lily understood what he meant. She sighed at this, but still reluctantly went down on her knees and bowed in front of the grave.

This time around, Chiron said a prayer that lasted several minutes. When he was done, he stood up to his feet.

"Thank heavens, it's finally over," Lily said in her mind.

She tried to get up. However, she noticed that she could not move. She tried as hard as she could, but she could not move.

"Don't worry Lily," Chiron's voice came from behind her. "There is no need for you to try moving at all. I have already poisoned you with a very strong drug. It was one that I made myself. It is so strong that even talking is not possible."

Lily did not understand what was going on. She could clearly hear Chiron's words, but processing the meaning skipped her.

"I know what you are wondering right about now," as Chiron talked, he waved his hand and Devil's touch appeared.


He swung his sword and her arms were off.


He swung his sword again and her legs were also cut off. Even though Lily was in unimaginable pain, she remained in the bowing position. She couldn't even scream out her pain. The wine that Chiron had given her was poisoned, and of course, as one would expect, he had already taken the antidote before coming.

"I know you want to know How and why I'm doing this. Well, I won't mind telling you before you die. Like I told you before, I and my father have power in our sights, but unlike him, that does not mind living under another's thumb, I do."

Chiron had an evil grin on his face, "I'm going to use your soul in exchange for my mother's from the underworld. Please die for me. I only have power in my sight."

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