Realm Wars

Chapter 114: Her Reason

Chapter 114: Her Reason

Seraphina was glad that she at least could laugh still. The weight that had been dragging her since Masha showed was lifted somehow. But still, she wanted to tell Ryu the reason why she desperately joined Griffin Wings to the point that she even made the Seal of Promise.

"I. .. ," Seraphina started. Didn't know where to begin, "The only known family I have, is my father . . . and he. .. he is sick and dying."

Ryu didn't say anything, urging Seraphina to continue with his silence while Kai's ear seemed to enlarge as he leaned closer in their direction.

"The reason why I became a mercenary is because I wanted to explore the Mortal Realm and find a cure for my father until I stumbled on information that there is an item in the Nightmare Sea that could help him."

Seraphina sighed and shook her head a little. "I didn't know where to begin searching in the Nightmare Sea, and that is when I seek Griffin Wing's help. They were famous hunters known throughout the Mortal Realm. If anybody could find it, it's them. And without thinking of the consequences. .. I made a Seal of Promise. In exchange for my loyalty and obedience, they will help me search the Nightmare Sea for my item."

"Until when?" asked Ryu.

"Until I find the item."

".. . That could be a long time."

Seraphina bit her lips. She opened her mouth, wanting to say something but decided against it. She flashed a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I have a feeling that it's here in Tethyt's lair."

".. ." As Ryu looked into Seraphina's blue eyes, he found himself being pulled by its deep. It contained mysteries, and Ryu wanted to uncover its secrets. Was she hiding something?

"Ahem!" Kai coughed between his fist, and both Seraphina and Ryu pulled away from each other. They didn't know that they were just inches apart, and Kai was already in front of them with a hand on his waist, sporting a blank face.

"It's good that you're getting close and all but don't forget that we still have to deal with him." Kai jabbed a finger in Vein's direction, who was still busy in his world of poisons.

Ryu even thought that Veins was a little kid if only he weren't so insensitive to everything when it's not about poisons.

"If we don't do anything about our situation, then how are we going to acquire our mountain of riches? How am I going to buy my mansion and properties for my harem?" Kai said, voice agonizing as his face.

"Aren't you more concerned about your life?" Ryu asked, not really interested in the answer.

"That too. But what good is a life without your harem who'll wait for you in your mansions?"

Kai really has his priority backward.

"Mmm. . ."

A groan pulled Ryu, Kai, and Seraphina's attention.

"Jane!" Seraphina chortled and went to Jane's side when she finally regained consciousness.

At the same time, Theodore was also regaining his awareness as he moved his fingers and opened his eyes.

"W-what happened?" Jane asked in a daze.

With a twirl of her hand, Seraphina produced pure aqua drops and gave them to Jane. "You lost consciousness and slept for thirty minutes, but everything is okay now."

Jane drank the aqua drops in one gulp. Her throat was parched, and she needed that refreshing taste of spring to revitalize her body. "Thanks."

Now that she was fully conscious, Jane realized what she was doing, and she slapped Seraphina's hand away. "My brother? Where's Theodore?"

Ryu scowled, but Seraphina just rubbed her hand and pointed in Theodore's direction with a smile on her face. "He's fine. He's right there."

Seeing her brother regaining consciousness, Jane went to her feet. She raised a hand when Seraphina was about to come close to her when she wobbled. "I'm fine."

It was not that she hated Seraphina or anything. Jane just didn't want to get close to her because it would be harder later on. .. for the both of them.

Regaining her poise, Jane helped Theodore on his feet while Seraphina produced aqua drops for Theodore to drink.

"W-what happened?" Theodore asked.


Jane didn't get to finish her sentence when Kai butt in, "When a needle got stuck in your hand, you cried buckets and wet your pants and lost consciousness."

Blood left Theodore's already pale face, and he immediately checked his pants. His clothes were somewhat damp still, and he looked at Jane with watery eyes. "I. .. I did?"

"Of course not." Jane shot a stern glare at Kai before her expression softened as she raffled Theodore's hair. "You pass out because you took the needle that was for me."

Kai rolled his eyes. "That's why the quirt isn't growing cause you cuddle him too much."

Jane stood and ignored Kai. "Our family lacks the height, to begin with. Don't associate my brother's shortness because of too much love."

"That's not what I meant, though." Kai shut his mouth when Jane looked at him with an overflowing threat.

"Are you done now?"

Ryu and the others looked at Masha's bored face.

"If you are. Can we hurry onwards now?" she said and turned her back.

Vein was also wrapping his experiments on the side as he stood on his feet and looked at the group. "Alright. Let's go."

Grumbling in silence, Kai went ahead but was stopped by Vein's voice.

"Wait." Vein swiped his chin. Then he pointed at Ryu. "You be the vanguard."

".. ."

".. ."

Seraphina stepped forward, but Ryu already walked ahead without complaint. He didn't have any problem with being in the lead while Kai took after him. Vein was probably taking his revenge when he grabbed his throat before.

"Will resume the same position as before," Vein said, and the group marched ahead.

"Have you seen anything strange?" Vein asked Masha since the latter went exploring on her own when he dissected the Drake Corals while the others did whatever they did.

Masha stuck out her tongue and shrugged. "Nothing. I didn't find anything. I didn't go far, though." 

Masha didn't want to admit that she was scared when she heard rattling on the other side of the tunnel. That was why she didn't go further ahead.

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