Realm Wars

Chapter 117: Three Lairs and Three Tablets 3

Chapter 117: Three Lairs and Three Tablets 3

As Vein's group flipped the coin, Ryu and the others could only watch bitterly at the side.

Kai was grumbling, and Jane was fuming mad while Theodore had tears on his eyes as they watched Vein took most of the items while Masha took the ores and Seraphina with the jewels.

Ryu didn't know what kind of items they were but based on Vein's brightened face. It was definitely worth coming here. 

Ryu wasn't interested, though. He was on the lookout for the Lost Jewel of Tethyt. Maybe it was the time to tell the others about the antidote? Ryu thought since Vein's group was still busy dividing the treasures.

"Everyone," Ryu started and proceeded to tell Kai and the others about his immunity to poison and that he was storing his antidotes.

"Immune?" Kai whispered and peeped at Vein. When they were still busy, he muttered again, "Is that your special skill?"

Ryu shook his head. "I don't know."

"Must be a beast thing." Jane wasn't interested in Ryu except for the information that they might turn the tables around.

"A-as far as I know. .. beasts aren't exactly immune to poisons," Theodore squeaked.

Kai held his head. "That's not important. What's important is, we might find an opening and kill Vein."

"Not until we get the real cure of this poison," said Jane.

"Can we just get his traveler's ring after he's dead?" Ryu asked. This was bothering him. He didn't have time to ask, but what would happen to the traveler's ring once you're dead?

Jane shook her head and bit her thumb. "You made a blood pact with the ring in order to wear it. No one can access its contents but you. And if you're dead, the contest of the ring would be lost forever."

That didn't sound good. Ryu was in a dilemma. How would he save Ferris then? "Is there another way?"

"Hmmm. .. the only way I could think of is threatened Vein to give us the cure but. . ." Kai scratched his head. "That bastard is rather slippery and hard to deal with. Who knows if he'll just give us another poison?"

Jane nodded. "The best chance we have is Ryu store many antidotes enough for us to escape this place and kill him. There might be a chance to find the cure above then here." 

Who knows, maybe some of the mercenaries have a cure, or if they were lucky, they'd find a cure within Tethyt's many treasures or meet up with Marcus.

But if worse comes to worst, Jane crossed her hands, and the scowl on her face deepened. "I'd rather die with him than be canon fodders for them."

Kai and Theodore felt the same. If there were no hope in acquiring the real cure, they'd instead take Vein with them.

However, Ryu didn't want to die since he still had to save Ferris. 

".. ."

".. ."

The group was at a standstill.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Ryu and the others were startled when Seraphina appeared out of nowhere with a big smile on her face.

"N-nothing," Kai stammered, looking at the ceiling.

Jan's brows tightly knitted. "What is it to you what we are talking about? You're an outsider now."

Seraphina just giggled and handed out the jewels in her hands. "I'll give this item to you. These might not be much, but it's better than nothing."

Jane's eyes stretched wide as they could. Her attention then focused on the emerald drops with pearls and diamond bracelets among the jewels in Seraphina's hand. It was so beautiful from most of her collections. What's more, it emitted a faint greenish glow like it was calling to her.

Kai gulped, eyes never blinking at the precious stones. Though there weren't many, a single Chrysoberyl, Amber, and Zircon were worth at least a single-story house in the capital! "Y-you sure you're going to give this to us?"

Seraphina nodded with a smile. "Yes. Too bad that Vein and Masha got the most of the treasures, but I think it's better than nothing."

Kai's mood lifted as he picked the precious stones. 

"Hmp." Jane flipped her hair and grabbed the bracelet. "I'll pick this then." It wasn't just an ordinary bracelet. It boosts her wind magic by twenty percent.

"U-Uhm. .. t-thank you very much." Theodore bowed before he chose a silver ring that boosted his defense by also twenty percent.

Jane couldn't believe that a single bracelet lying around in the cave could already provide many attributes. Items with attributes in the Mortal Realm were hard to find, and only a skill smithy or crafters could forge one. Besides that, the attribute was usually only at ten percent.

Are all items are likat that in here? If so. .. madness crossed Jane's eyes. They have to find a way to kill Vein if they want to have part with the treasure here.

"This is for you, Ryu." Seraphina handed two Lizards' tails to Ryu. 

Ryu tilted his head. It was dried, and it felt like it would snap in his fingers. He was about to give it back to Seraphina when he noticed that runes were marking the Lizard's tails.

"What is this?" Ryu couldn't get his eyes off from the runes. They seemed to be pulling his consciousness.

"Hmm. .. I don't know too." Seraphina placed a finger on her lip before she giggled and leaned closer to Ryu. 

"But I heard rumors that there are shops in other dimensions, and you need a special pass to access them. Lizzaforth's tavern might help you if you wanted to access the contents of a traveler's ring," Seraphina whispered.

Ryu's eyes bulged, and he stared at the innocent face of the beautiful woman. Seraphina still had her usual dazzling smile, but Ryu thought, for a moment, her blue eyes turned to slit.

Ryu blinked, and Seraphina was back to her cheerful, innocent self. 

"Who are you," Ryu asked in a calm voice, being careful not to let Kai and the others hear their conversation. However, he doubted it since they were still occupied with Seraphina's gifts.

Seraphina clasped her hands on her back and beamed. "That's not important. What's important is that. .. I'm on your side."

Ryu was about to ask some more when Seraphina turned and conversed with Kai and the others, signaling the end of the conversation.

Ryu wanted to be wary of Seraphina. The woman was much more than just a pretty face. She knew too much and even heard their conversation about the traveler's ring when they were a hundred meters apart. Was she a beast? Only beasts have a kin sense of hearing. But there was no indication that she was, except maybe if she was a Rank-S or above beast who could transform into a perfect human.

The more Ryu thought about her, the more confused he became. But try as he might, he couldn't feel any animosity towards her.


Level of Beasts from highest to lowest:










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