Rebirth of a Farming Wife

Chapter 144: The Beauty is Gone

Chapter 144: The Beauty is Gone

Translator: 549690339

Apart from the initial period of adjustment, things slowly got better. Han Yu became gradually less busy, able to return home every other day or two. Su Wenyue also got to know the neighbors well, and her stomach started to grow bigger, yet from the back, she still looked slim. Paired with the baby fat on her face, if it weren’t for the bump, she would hardly look like a pregnant woman.

After the first three months entered a stable period, Su Wenyue didn’t have to stay home so cautiously and would occasionally go out and visit the neighbors’ homes. Su Wenyue was generous and straightforward, seemingly without guile. She got along well in her circle, and everyone liked dealing with her.

Of course, things couldn’t always go so smoothly. Su Wenyue was well-liked and beautiful, which inevitably made some people jealous and left her facing their scorn.

“Madam, what’s with Madam Zhou? She’s so infuriating! She may give you the cold shoulder, but to actually say you’re carrying a girl in your stomach is too much. They say you’ll have a boy if you’re craving sour food and your belly is pointed, which is exactly your case, Madam. I think she’s just jealous of you. Lord Zhou might be a single rank higher than our master, but what’s so great about that? Our master is young and promising, headed for greater achievements. He will surely surpass that mediocre Lord Zhou someday!” Xiao Xi said angrily. Since Grandma Chen’s arrival and her strict demands, Xiao Xi’s way of addressing Han Yu and Su Wenyue changed, no longer calling them uncle and Miss informally. Now that Han Yu held an official position, such casual address was not advisable. Moreover, with other servants in the house, she could not set a bad example.

“Xiao Xi, don’t talk nonsense. Lord Zhou and Madam Zhou are not for us servant girls to gossip about. What if someone overheard you? It would only bring trouble for the master and madam!” Even though Grandma Chen was quite furious with Madam Zhou’s attitude, being the older and more stable figure she was, she quickly scolded Xiao Xi for speaking out of turn.

“Grandma Chen, my apologies, I’m just too upset. Madam Zhou is jealous of our madam. It’s one thing to be snide every time she sees her, but now it seems like she’s cursing our Miss, what terrible intentions!” Xiao Xi was still somewhat indignant.

On the contrary, Su Wenyue remained calm and not at all upset by Madam Zhou’s words. To her, whether the child was a boy or a girl was irrelevant, as long as it was her child. She was happy. The only reason she hoped the child in her stomach was a son was because of a lingering desire to atone for her previous life’s abandonment of her son, hoping he could return and she would have a chance to make amends.

“Xiao Xi, if I’m not upset, you shouldn’t be either. Madam Zhou didn’t say much, and no matter whether it’s a boy or a girl, the child is mine. My husband also said he’d be happy with either. I just hope for a healthy child. Besides, getting upset only harms oneself, right?” Su Wenyue said while blinking playfully, and Xiao Xi suddenly wasn’t angry anymore.

Grandma Chen looked at Su Wenyue with loving eyes. She had watched the madam grow up from a little girl to this age, and truly, she had become nothing short of kindhearted. Previously a bit spoiled and temperamental, she had become tolerant and gentle after getting married. Surely, a great fortune awaited her in the future.

“Madam, I’ve heard there’s a Lingyin Temple not far from town, and the Bodhisattva there is particularly effective. Why not go pray there, perhaps your wish will be granted! Although the Master says he’s happy with either boy or girl, men’s hearts are all similar, and who doesn’t hope to have a son soon to continue the lineage? It would be best if the firstborn is a boy. After that, give birth to a pretty girl like yourself, madam, it would be so adorable,” Grandma Chen said.

Grandma Chen was not too keen on Su Wenyue going out, especially because she was pregnant. It was fine to visit nearby, but it was better to avoid other places. However, when Xiao Xi brought up this idea, Grandma Chen surprisingly did not object and even showed agreement.

“Madam, Xiao Xi’s suggestion isn’t bad. I’ve also heard that the Bodhisattva at Lingyin Temple is quite miraculous. If you pray sincerely, it will certainly fulfill your wish!”

Is Lingyin Temple really that miraculous? Su Wenyue had heard a lot of people talk about it. She used to not believe in ghosts and gods, but after being reborn, she encountered such a phenomenon and inexplicably started to believe. Upon hearing Xiao Xi and Grandma Chen’s suggestions, Su Wenyue felt moved; if she prayed to the Bodhisattva, could she ensure that the son she had wronged in her previous life would be reborn in her womb?

Seeing Su Wenyue seemingly persuaded, Xiao Xi pleaded more earnestly, and with Grandma Chen adding her voice of support, Su Wenyue made up her mind to visit Lingyin Temple the following day.

When Han Yu returned home that evening and heard about his wife’s wishes to visit the temple, he wasn’t very superstitious himself. He believed that whatever you wanted you had to strive for on your own; what’s the use of praying to a Bodhisattva? Nonetheless, since his wife had set her heart on it, going for a visit might bring her peace of mind. He just reminded Grandma Chen and Xiao Xi to take good care of Su Wenyue.

Upon arriving at Lingyin Temple, Su Wenyue felt even more in awe of its bustling activity. There were so many people! Describing it as a mountain and sea of humanity was no exaggeration. There were not only locals but also many who had traveled from distant places, mostly seeking children.

Xiao Xi and Grandma Chen guarded Su Wenyue closely, fearful of any mishaps. Su Wenyue made a donation, and a Little Monk led them in front of the Buddha.

For some reason, Su Wenyue’s recently restless heart felt an exceptional sense of calm as she stepped into the main hall. Even the sins and guilt from her previous life seemed to dissipate, leaving her feeling incredibly serene.

Kneeling before the Buddha, she prayed with her hands pressed together – never before had her face shown such tranquility and harmony, shining with a maternal glow and boundless love, radiating a soft, sacred light.

All of this was observed by a watchful pair of eyes. To think that Xinye County had such a striking beauty, outmatching the vulgar fineries at home – the woman in front of the hall had truly captivated him. A pity that this beauty was already another’s wife, carrying someone else’s child. It could only be deemed a regret.

“Young Master, what are you looking at? The Master has invited you to meet with him inside,” the servant inquired curiously, following his master’s gaze. By then, Su Wenyue and her entourage had already risen, and all he saw was the solemn Buddha statue.

The Young Master did not wish to reveal his thoughts. If it were just any woman, it wouldn’t have mattered, but the yearning he felt for a pregnant woman made even him think his own thoughts were somewhat sordid. Still, he couldn’t help but want another glimpse, yet when he looked again, the beauty was gone.

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