Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 161 - 161: The Origin of Distance

Chapter 161: Chapter 161: The Origin of Distance

Translator: 549690339

“If you don’t wake up, he’s going to give you artificial respiration.” Xiao Qian said with a teasing smile.

Yu Minglang and Zheng Xu both showed a disgusted expression at the same time.

What Zheng Xu thought was, if he had to receive artificial respiration from this idiot Yu Minglang, he would rather just suffocate and die.

What Yu Minglang thought was, if he really had to perform artificial respiration on Zheng Xu, he wouldn’t have the face to hang around in their circle anymore.

Thank goodness!

Both of them heaved a sigh of relief at the same time. Such a disgusting thing almost happened, it was too horrifying!

“What just happened to me?” Zheng Xu looked at the dust on his body. He only remembered going into the warehouse, and then everything after that was a blank.

“You…” Xiao Qian was about to say something when she caught Yu Minglang eavesdropping with his big ears, out of the corner of her eye.

“Let’s eat dinner first and talk later.” The patient’s privacy must be protected.

“I won’t eat.” Zheng Xu was thinking about how disgusting it would be to have a dinner with Yu Minglang that could last half a year.

“Come on, I went through all the trouble to save you, and almost had to give you artificial respiration. You have to at least give me some face and have a meal. If I really had to give you artificial respiration, even using disinfectant to rinse my mouth wouldn’t be able to wash away the taste of humiliation.” Yu Minglang wanted to take the opportunity of having dinner together and declare his territorial sovereignty with a high profile.

“On the contrary, if you really did resuscitate me, I might just crash into a wall and die.”

Xiao Qian patted both of their shoulders, “I know you two have a close relationship, so stop bickering and let’s have a nice dinner together. It’s not easy for us to get together. Zheng Xu, we don’t have much to entertain you with, so will you give us face and join us?”

“Since you put it that way, how could I not give face?”

Zheng Xu took out a roast chicken from the car, “I’m not eating your fish soup for free. I’ll chip in too. This is a roast chicken my fellow villager brought for my dad, made by a traditional farmhouse recipe. My old man has been missing this taste for many years. You two are very lucky to try it.”

“We can just eat one, why do you have to take both out?” Xiao Qian asked.

“My dad’s stingy, if you just steal one from him, he’ll remember it for a long time. If you finish both of them, I can just go to any deli on the way home and get him two.”

The roast chicken that Commander Zheng had been longing for was intercepted by them like this. Xiao Qian couldn’t help but admire Zheng Xu, who was capable of big things. His courage and decisiveness were just like in the past life.

Yu Minglang was making fire with a dusty face. He looked up and saw Zheng Xu and Xiao Qian exchange a look and laugh, which irritated him.

“Hey, Zheng Xu, come over here and help with the fire. Don’t wait to be a freeloader!”

Zheng Xu raised his eyebrows at Xiao Qian, “Is this the magnanimous man you were talking about?”

Xiao Qian gave a dry laugh, thinking Yu Minglang was such a blabbermouth. She had always tried to portray an impressive image of Yu Minglang in front of Zheng Xu, and had finally managed to put a magnanimous label on him, but this stupid guy ruined it by himself.

“I’ll go help him, your Husky is too petty.” Zheng Xu said while turning his head. Yu Minglang was holding a burning branch and yelled at him.

“Hurry up!”

Upon seeing the flame in his hands, Zheng Xu suddenly felt his vision go dark, as if the world had become blurry.

“Zheng Xu!” Xiao Qian quickly supported him.

Seeing the situation, Yu Minglang hurried over and supported Zheng Xu to sit down. It took a while for Zheng Xu to regain his senses, his face pale.

“Zheng Xu, how are you feeling now?” Xiao Qian searched around but did not see any sawtooth, feeling strange that Zheng Xu had fallen ill without the presence of sawtooth for the first time.

“I’m fine…” Many images flashed through Zheng Xu’s brain rapidly. He looked at Yu Minglang and narrowed his eyes, trying hard to remember.

Seeing that he was alright, Yu Minglang returned to the woodpile and found the small branch he had carelessly placed on the fire had ignited it.

“After all that effort, I unknowingly managed to light the fire with just a tiny twig. Let’s heat up the fish soup and start eating!”

Yu Minglang’s words made those thoughts in Zheng Xu’s mind even clearer.

A small burning stick igniting a big fire, almost choking a fellow student to death…

“Zheng Xu, are you alright?”

Xiao Qian’s voice woke Zheng Xu from his memories that had been buried for many years.

Zheng Xu looked at Xiao Qian with a complicated expression.

“Chen Xiaoqian, did you ever say that if I could remember things from when I was 14 years old, I would be cured?”

“I can’t say for sure, but there’s a high chance of getting better.”

“If one day, my illness is cured, would you still see me?” He was almost holding his breath while waiting for this answer.

This question was also asked by Zheng Xu in his previous life.

Xiao Qian had originally forgotten about this detail, but when Zheng Xu brought it up today, those memories came back to her.

She had jokingly said at that time: who would care about you after you get cured? Just go wherever you like.

By coincidence, their daughter Xiao Wei was nearby at that time, hugging her leg and saying: Mom, when you get better, I’ll go find my real dad, he’s so handsome.

At that time, Xiao Wei was just a few years old and kept nagging to see her dad. Xiao Qian casually told her that her father was a very handsome man who had gone far away for work.

Looking back now, it was a bit cruel to Zheng Xu back then.

He had helped her and her daughter many times, but she had made this kind of joke with him.

“Of course, even if you’re cured, we’re still friends.” After two lifetimes, she could finally say this answer calmly.

“Friends…?” Zheng Xu repeated, with a bitter taste in his heart.

Yu Minglang had been listening attentively the whole time and interjected at this point.

“We must be friends. I, Yu Minglang, am a genuine person with an open mind. Just look at my future wife having so many male friends, and I have no objections. You two can become friends without worry, I won’t have any problems.”

Xiao Qian looked at him with amusement. Was Yu Minglang getting jealous?

“You better make the fish soup delicious, or else I’ll make you eat chicken heads!”

“Don’t worry, my fish soup is the best in the world. Zheng Xu, you’re welcome to my home anytime you want to drink it. Xiao Qian and I will welcome you, and I will personally cook the soup for you. When you have a wife in the future, our two families can go out and have fun together, just like our parents did, and our friendship will last forever.”

After Yu Minglang finished speaking, he glanced at Xiao Qian. Qian Bao, did he make a good impression?

Xiao Qian gave him a thumbs up.

Zheng Xu was left speechless by Yu Minglang and his thoughts were thoroughly disgusted.

Although Yu Minglang sounded enthusiastic, didn’t this mean he would keep an eye on Xiao Qian and never let Zheng Xu have a chance? Even if they had a lasting friendship, it would be enough to disgust Zheng Xu for half a year.

Zheng Xu wanted to snap back at Yu Minglang, but he accidentally caught the look in Xiao Qian’s eyes at that moment.

Xiao Qian looked at Yu Minglang and laughed. Although it was a gentle laugh, this kind of look had never appeared on her face before. Even though Xiao Qian often teased Yu Minglang, that kind of affectionate teasing was something Zheng Xu had never been able to achieve, even after two lifetimes..

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