Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 91 - 91: Fourth Watch (Monthly Pass 150+)

Chapter 91: Chapter 91: Fourth Watch (Monthly Pass 150+)

Translator: 549690339

Jia Xiufang saw her daughter arguing with her sister-in-law over the phone, quickly walked over to take the phone, and asked with a smile.

“Second Sister-in-law, what’s wrong?”

“Your damn mother is causing trouble in my house, she’s lying on the bed now, hurry up and take her away. If you don’t pick her up within half an hour, I’ll throw her out on the road!”

After hanging up the phone, Jia Xiufang sighed.

Xiao Qian’s grandmother was old and now bedridden with paralysis.

The family of Eldest Uncle had all moved away and didn’t take care of the old lady. The family of Second Maternal Uncle took care of her for 20 days a month, while Xiao Qian’s mother took care of her for 10 days a month. The old lady’s pension was all in the control of Second Uncle’s family, and they were also given the house.

Apart from that, Xiao Qian’s mother also had to do the laundry for the old lady.

Put simply, the money was all the son’s, and both son and daughter helped take care of the old lady when it was time to do so.

Though it was supposed to be Second Uncle taking care of the old lady for 20 days and Jia Xiufang for 10 days, the cunning Second Maternal Aunt always found opportunities to drive the Old Lady away and made Jia Xiufang take care of her for more days. The old lady spent more than half of the month here with them.

Second Maternal Aunt threw a fit this time because they fed the old lady leftover food at night, which led to her having diarrhea and soiling the bed. Second Maternal Aunt was furious and insisted on sending the old lady over. “I’m going to pick up your grandma. Ah, when will this ever end? I just don’t understand how someone with such character as your Second Aunt can have a better life than us.”

Jia Xiufang always held the simple belief of a rural woman, thinking that good people should be rewarded.

Xiao Qian scoffed, “Her life will get even better, especially if I hadn’t come back.”

Second Aunt’s family was also a textbook case of shamelessness.

When it came to taking care of the elderly, they always made excuses. They monopolized the old lady’s money but were unwilling to take care of her, and always thought of ways to get rid of her.

The most significant “contribution” of her previous life to Jia Xiufang was her terrible idea of going to her grandmother’s house in the countryside with a group of people after discovering Chen Lin’s infidelity. Jia Xiufang was a dependent personality and didn’t have any ideas of her own. When her husband betrayed her, she relied on her elder brother from her mother’s side without thinking if he was reliable or not.

In the end, the grandmother was upset to death, Chen Lin divorced her, and Jia Xiufang left empty-handed.

On the other hand, Second Aunt’s family put all the blame on her mother and lived a carefree life.

Jia Xiufang didn’t get a penny for taking care of the old lady and still got called a fool.

Jia Xiufang complained as she pushed the tricycle in the courtyard, planning to use it to bring the old lady back.

“Heaven must be blind, forcing the old lady out in the middle of the night like this, those conscienceless bastards…”

Xiao Qian followed Jia Xiufang out.

“Qian’er, are you going with me?”


There are too many bad people in this world, and the Heavenly Lord doesn’t have the time to deal with these trivial matters, but she does.

It wasn’t particularly far from Second Uncle’s house either. Both of them were in the same Urban Village, and it would take about 10 minutes to get there by riding the tricycle.

As they approached Second Uncle’s house, they could hear the shrew swearing inside.

“You old useless thing! Eating and living off our house. You just brought your useless head here, and now you’re freeloading.”

These were still the clean words; many of them were even more offensive and filthy.

They could also faintly hear the Old Lady crying.Jia Xiufang was furious, getting off the tricycle and rushing into the courtyard, with Xiao Qian following behind her. Second Uncle’s house was also a two-story building, but much bigger than Xiao Qian’s. The front and back courtyards, in front, was a two-story building built by grandma and grandpa for their sons when they were young, and behind it, there was a row of low, small rooms where grandma lived.

Passing through the luxurious front yard, they went to the simple rear and entered the room, which smelled terrible.

There were all kinds of unpleasant smells in the room – the stench of excrement, the moldy smell of long-unattended rooms. Second Aunt was wearing a mask, standing by the bed, hopping and cursing, while a frail old lady lying on the bed didn’t fight back, just silently shedding tears.

“Why don’t you just die? All you know is to cry every day, hurry and go find your daughter. Don’t stay at my house,” she said.

Jia Xiufang lifted the curtains, saw her sister-in-law scolding her own mother, and felt irritated, yet had to endure it.

“Second Sister-in-law, what are you talking about?” she asked.

“Xiufang, you’ve come at the right time. Take a look at this old lady, my family can’t afford to take care of her any longer. Always seeking death! Day in and day out, seeking death!” Second Aunt pointed at the old lady, who had diarrhea, and her pants hadn’t been changed.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Qian felt an indescribable feeling.

Her grandma was a person who heavily favored men over women. Almost all the good things were given to her sons. A few years ago, all the savings went to build a house for the second son. At that time, Jia Xiufang also wanted to rebuild her house and borrowed 500 yuan from the old lady.

She was refused.

No matter how much was spent on the sons, even 500 was too much for daughters.

When the old lady was young, she was also very clean, but now, she was incontinent and bedridden, with no one to change her. Jia Xiufang had to come to help.

Second Aunt kept complaining to Jia Xiufang about how annoying, dirty, and troublesome the old lady was without admitting that without her, they wouldn’t even have a house to live in.

Jia Xiufang didn’t like to hear others talking about her mother. But she dared not talk back. She knew that if she argued with her second sister-in-law, the paralyzed old mother would suffer in the end. After all, the old woman had to live with Second Uncle’s family, so she had to endure it.

Suddenly, Xiao Qian narrowed her eyes and noticed a large bruise on her grandma’s body and a big patch on her head.

“How did this happen?” Xiao Qian pointed to the injuries on the old lady and asked.

“Your grandma fell on her own,” Second Aunt replied.

“Why didn’t you go to the hospital?” Xiao Qian continued.

“Hospital fees aren’t free, are they? Will you pay for it?” Second Aunt questioned.

“Qian’er, don’t say too much,” fearing that Xiao Qian would quarrel with Second Aunt, Jia Xiufang, who didn’t even dare to offend Second Aunt, warned Xiao Qian.

Xiao Qian pulled her mother behind her, turned her head and warned her.

“Mom, shut up, I’ll handle this.”

“Oh, the daughter you’ve raised is now speaking to me? No matter how well you raise a daughter, can she provide for you when you’re old?” Second Aunt muttered.

“Is it so great to have a successful son? If he marries a shrew who doesn’t reason, you’ll still end up bedridden and driven out of the house in the middle of the night!”

Xiao Qian spoke slowly and deliberately, striking Second Aunt speechless with her words.

Looking at Second Aunt’s pale face, Xiao Qian added.

“My grandma’s present may be your future, Second Aunt. I don’t know if you have enough fortune for both your sons to marry daughters-in-law who are different from you. I hope you age gracefully, not end up bedridden like my grandma. If you become paralyzed, and your daughter-in-law behaves like you…”

Xiao Qian shook her head, looking regretful.

Jia Xiufang was moved. What her daughter said was just right! It summed up what she had been thinking about for a long time but couldn’t articulate!

A young master at tearing others down, sharp and on point, and able to stand in front of her mother during critical moments – she would love to have more daughters like this one!

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