Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 182: Balance

Chapter 182: Balance

Inside my soul space, the small strand of poison mana was floating in the middle of it all a small distance away from the statue of the cosmic element. All of the other elements on the other hand seemed to be keeping a distance away from it.

Strangely, I could feel the water and earth mana backing away from the poison element, almost as if in disgust? The poison mana on the other hand was giving off a dangerous aura, making it seem like it would destroy my whole soul space.

A frown made its way across my face as I materialized my body. 'It's painful...' I inwardly mumbled. The strand of poison mana was slowly wreaking havoc inside my body. The cosmic element that lazily circled the statue appeared to be unconcerned whatsoever.

Even the poison element avoided it. The small strand of darkness mana as well, circled the borders of my soul space, undisturbed. Water and Earth elements, on the other hand, struggled to push back against the sudden intruder.

I could 'see' the various elements circling the small poison strand closely, yet not quite touching. Waves rose menacingly forming a cage of sorts that surrounded the poison mana which took the form of a sinister hornless purple dragon.

The dragon's features were twisted as he roared in defiance against the waves. Mountains quickly followed behind further blocking the purple dragon. Yet he did not seem to care. This only served to further enrage him.

He instantly launched himself against the waves, dyeing them purple. The water suddenly began to boil as an acid stench flowed out causing my frown to deepen. The green mountains withered and turned as dark as twilight.

And in the middle of it all, the hornless dragon stood victorious. He threw his head back and roared in defiance. That was when the pain abruptly assaulted me. It was enough to down me to my knees.

I forced my head up only to meet the dragon's arrogant smirk as he glanced at me. 'Oh, you mother-!'

"Argh!" With a roar, I pulled myself to my feet and forced back both the water and earth elements. The waves receded and reverted to their original blue color, the mountains regained their vitality and green color.

The purple dragon, on the other hand, was enraged. With a roar, he instantly launched himself towards me. 'You are inside MY BODY! You WILL follow my will!'

A gigantic dragon claw quickly materialized above his head. The dragon had no time to react before he was downed to the ground. Not giving him any time to rest, a mountain quickly followed, and another, and another...

Topping it all off, I summoned another massive wave to drown everything. 'Ah, didn't Amanita say I have to calm the poison down? Something about balance.' thinking about that, I cast my glance towards the countless collapsed mountains submerged underwater.

"Eh, doesn't this count as calming him down?" I awkwardly scratched my head and continued with a nod, "Yes, yes, definitely! Balance? I'll just beat that into him!" Satisfied with my decision, I slowly took a step forward before pausing.

"Ah, damn it. Why is he so stubborn?" I clicked my tongue in annoyance before stepping back.

The mountains suddenly evaporated as the earth elements retreated in a hurry. The sea receded as well, leaving behind a bruised, but otherwise unscathed purple dragon. The only difference was that it now seemed enraged.

"Fuck me, how am I supposed to tame this little shit?" I mumbled.

The dragon gave me no time to think, he quickly launched himself towards me once again. Rolling my eyes, I made my body disappear sending him tumbling to the ground. I then hurriedly launched a few ice spears, followed by earth spikes at him.

The dragon cried out in pain as he turned to glare hatefully at me. "This is my body, my soul space you little shit. Do you want to beat in my home ground? Well, tough luck." Saying that my body disappeared before reappearing behind him. I calmly swung my tail hitting him square in the chest which coincidentally sent him flying towards the cosmic mana statue.

The dragon was unable to reach it, almost as if it was blocked by a barrier of sorts. His defiant expression suddenly turned docile as he glanced at the statue. To my shock and surprise, the dragon appeared to be shaking in fear.

The unfinished dragon statue was lightly glowing with cosmic mana. I did not know why but in that instance, Amanita's words resounded in my ears. "Mixing poison with the pillars of existence at your level is the same as throwing yourself to a Shade-infested planet to die."

My body reacted almost instinctively, I reached out to the water and earth elements hastily forming a water and earth claw that pulled the purple dragon away from the statue. The cosmic mana was not happy. That, I was sure of as I felt the elements' annoyance when I pulled the dragon away.

I wasn't quite sure of what had just happened, but It felt as If I had avoided a massive calamity. After his encounter with the cosmic mana, the purple dragon was eerily docile. I used my water mana to hold it from one side, while my earth mana held it from the other.

It did not struggle, however, almost as if he had lost all of his willpower. The purple poison dragon was still shaking. 'Just what the hell did you see?' I inwardly muttered. My eyes were subconsciously drawn to the unfinished dragon statue. The cosmic mana was repressed so the statue was no longer shining.

'Pillars of existence.'

Shaking my head, I pushed back all my various thoughts to the back of my mind and turned my attention to the now bound and defeated purple dragon. Amanita had said I should use water and earth mana which will give me two different types of poison.

"You better corporate now, you hear?"

I then hesitantly pushed a few of my water elements towards the purple dragon's body. Following that, I also moved the earth elements. Since the dragon no longer resisted, the results were almost instantaneous.

Before my eyes, the purple dragon was suddenly split into two smaller dragons. One black which was mixed with the earth element, the other green, which was mixed with the water element. The two dragons were born out of completely new elements, causing my eyes to widen in surprise.

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