Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 208: Explanation

Chapter 208: Explanation

I was sitting down with my gaze fixed on the various royalties that has just appeared before me. Their heads were lowered as they were nervously led by the priests to their designated seats.

There was a total number of five royals, each representing their respective country. The emperor of the Lumia Empire was seated in the middle, with the emperor of the Yadour Empire to his left, and the empress of the Zasal Dynasty to his left. The king of the Rimor kingdom was accompanied by what looked like his wife, while the king of the Tinada Kingdom was alone.

From the meager amount of knowledge, I had, the Lumia Empire was the strongest followed closely by both the Zasal Dynasty and Yadour Empire. The two kingdoms on the other hand had to create an alliance to stand up to the power of the other Empires. Before, although their relationship wasn't always that good, Piya was also part of their alliance, so now with it gone their overall strength had also dwindled.

This put them in danger from sudden attacks coming from the north. And since I destroyed Piya, neither Rimor nor Tinada dared to expand and take over the land since they did not know whether or not I would be offended and launch another attack, wiping them off as well.

So in a sense, my presence created a strange period of peace that was not seen before in the mortal plane. With a common 'enemy' and the looming threat I posed, none of the countries were in the mood to fight each other.

As I thought back on all of this. The leaders of the human world had their eyes lowered in nervousness. I could not sense any haughtiness or arrogance as they sat before me. Instead, I could feel their nervousness

The Emperor of the Lumia Empire was a strong white-haired middle-aged man with an impressive beard. He was tall for a human and had the body of a warrior. I could sense that he was not a stranger to the battlefield.

The Yadour Emperor, on the other hand, was a bit shorter and skinnier with dark skin and equally dark hair. His eyes, however, were honey-colored.

Then there was the Emperess of the only Dynasty. She had soft features, smaller eyes, and short black hair. Her dress could be considered revealing for an empress, but what would I know? I did catch a few priests stealing glimpses at her, so I suppose she was considered quite attractive.

Lastly were the two kings. Starting from the Rimor kingdom, he had a gentle slightly chubby face, and brown hair, while his wife was a blonde mature lady. The Tinada king looked eerily similar, the only difference being his hair which was blonde instead.

'Are they related, I wonder?'

After a long period of silence, the leaders could not handle the pressure anymore, and so the first one to speak was Lumia's emperor.

"Honorable Dragon lord, we have come from afar to answer your summons." He said and lowered his head in respect. The rest followed his example and lowered their heads as well.

"Hmm, good. I hope the journey was not too difficult."

"Not at all, it's an honor to be able to meet one such as yourself." The empress was the one to answer this time.

I nodded before continuing;

"I shall keep this short and go straight to the point. The reason I summoned you all is that your entire race faces the danger of extinction."

Silence descended on the crowd, even the priests that were standing a distance away nervously gulped. The Yadour emperor frowned and asked in a respectful manner;

"Honorable dragon lord, can you please explain, where will that danger come from?"

"It's simple. Your use of mana is harmful to the world. Your mages are akin to parasites that contaminate the mana stream, which is the essence of the world. Most of the other Dragons ignored your race since they could not be bothered, but some do not mind wiping you off the planet to maintain the balance. Do you understand what I mean?"

Hearing my reply, the leaders' eyes widened in shock as they suddenly began to whisper amongst each other. I didn't mind, and instead allowed them to discuss what they had just heard. After a while, the Lumia's emperor asked again;

"May we be so bold to ask, what is the reason for your visit in that case?" He tried to sound as respectful as he can, but I could sense how nervous he was when asked.

"I came here to give you salvation. I come here to guide you, and teach you the error of your ways. Should you choose to follow my guidance, then you have nothing to fear, if not then you should he ready to bear the consequences of your actions."

They nervously gulped and began to hastily whisper amongst each other. This time, the one to speak was the king of Rimor. His wife gently placed her hand on his back to calm him down as he spoke;

"We dare not disobey you, my lord. Please, enlighten us on the errors of our ways."

And so, I began to explain the mana to them, what their mages were doing wrong, and what effects that had on the mana stream. By the end of the explanation, the leaders had complicated expressions on their faces. It was understandable since they were quite reliant on the mages in their day-to-day activities. The use of magic made building for example a much easier process. It helped cultivate the land. It had many uses, the only problem was their way of handling the mana.

I turned to glance at the church leader, he met my gaze and quickly dropped his head.

"Bring them over," I said, and he quickly nodded.

"Right away, my lord." He said and whispered something to a priest next to him, who in turn hastily ran to the church.

The leaders of the mortal world seemed confused as they glanced about. After a few minutes, the priest came back, behind him were Jon, Morena, and Wane. They came over to the platform, glanced at the leaders, and then at me before they bowed respectfully.

"My lord." They all spoke at the same time.

"Rise," I said and turned to the leaders before I continued;

"The ones that stand before you, are the future pillars of magic."

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