Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 239: Clash & consequences

Chapter 239: Clash & consequences

I spread my wings and let out a mighty roar, the possessed knight charged forward, their sword flashing in the sunlight giving me a dangerous feeling as I sensed the Shade's aura emitting from it. I moved a step back, my large frame narrowly avoiding their strike, and then unleashed a blast of water ball that hit him head-on.

The knight did not falter, however, the magical attack did not seem to have done him any damage. Instead, he continued to press forward, striking out with his sword again and again. Each wave of the blade made me feel a sense of unease, yet with no other option I continued stepping back.

'What is this feeling? I'm sure he's weak, he cannot use his full strength, so why do I feel anxious?'

As the knight kept trying to land a hit, I continued to dodge. Although his speed had far surpassed human limits, I was anything but human. Even with my massive form, my agility was terrifying, to say the least. Still, I was confused.

I did not strike back with my claws or tail and instead opted to avoid a direct physical confrontation. Something deep inside of me warned me against it, and I wasn't going to question it. It was too dangerous to do so, and I did not plan to underestimate my opponent.

I jumped to the sky as the possessed knight's speed increased by another fold. The earth morphed under his feet and grabbed him by the ankles. He struggled to move for a second, but that second was all I needed.

I reached out to my cosmic mana, and the thin thread appeared from within my soul space and connected itself to a place far in the distant sky above. The Shade must have sensed the imminent danger, he hurriedly swung his blade at the ground and freed himself before he pointed the tip of his sword toward the sky to intercept my cosmic attack.

The cosmic mana descended just in time as a hazy shadowy shield appeared before him. The two collided and the world suddenly went silent. For a second, I was frozen in place as I watched the cosmic elements clash against the Shade's repulsive energy.

My inability to move only lasted for a second before I hurriedly flapped my wings and flew higher in the sky, running far away from the point of contact between the two elements. The knight did the same without a second of hesitation. His figure flashed as he ran across the ruined mountain, jumping over the collapsed rocks.

It only took a few seconds for both of us to leave the scene, but the aftermath was far worse than any could have expected. It was catastrophic to say the least. First came the shockwave, a massive burst of energy that made my body shudder and pushed me even further away as I struggled to maintain my balance. The impact of it left a deep impression on the surrounding landscape, the snow being displaced and thrown about.

After which, a muffled explosion occurred, leaving the air thick with dust and debris. It looked as if space itself was collapsing. A tear in the world appeared, followed by another, and another, each one ripping apart the very fabric of reality itself.

"What the fu-"

My eyes widened as I watched in horror, I could see the world around me disintegrating, falling apart in a way that defied all comprehension. It was as if our clash had unleashed some kind of primal force, something so raw and powerful that it threatened to consume everything in its path.

The sky itself seemed to split open, revealing a vast and terrifying abyss that seemed to go on forever. The very stars themselves flickered and faded as if they too were being consumed by the chaos that had been unleashed.

I had no time to think, no time to do anything. It all happened so fast, it was simply ridiculous. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. The tear in the world closed up, and the world fell back into place, as if nothing had ever happened. But the scars remained, etched into the very fabric of reality itself.

I looked around, dazed and confused, and saw that the landscape had been completely changed. The snow had been replaced by ash and smoke, and the once-majestic mountains had been reduced to rubble and debris. It was a scene of devastation.

Just as I was wondering what had happened, an ancient familiar voice spoke in my mind. "You have done a very foolish thing, Aether," the Dragon King spoke, his voice rumbling like thunder.

"My lord," I lowered my head. Although I could not see him, he could see me. The extent of his powers was beyond my understanding, after all.

"You have used your cosmic mana to fight against an ancient shade in the mortal plane. That act endangered the entire world and threatened its very existence."

Hearing that, I hung my head in shame. I did not know that things would escalate that far, that quickly. And an ancient shade? What was even that?

"Your actions have consequences, young one. You have placed the fate of the world in jeopardy, and now you must work to set things right."

Confused, I could not help but ask, "I'm sorry, my lord, but I do not understand. What happened?"

"The Shade that possessed that knight is no ordinary one. It's an advanced ancient Shade. It is not supposed to be here, since Nilath is guarding the realm against its main body."

"Nilath- Ah!" The namewas familiar, it was the dragon I had encountered that time with Sidus, back when we came across the ominous door.

"T-Then the monster behind that door?" My voice cracked as I remembered the horror I had felt that time.

"Yes, it is the same one. Although it's only using a whip of its power to possess the knight. But the plane is restricting it, so it cannot act out, which is why you can fight it to such an extent, otherwise, we would not be having this conversation, Aether."


"No matter, I have closed the rifts this time. But remember, your cosmic mana is a pillar of existence, it is not a simple element. Using it thoughtlessly will have consequences."

"I understand, my lord." As soon as I said that, I felt the oppressing presence of the Dragon King disappear.

'What the hell should I do now?' I inwardly muttered as I glanced at the scene of destruction below.

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