Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 249: Back home

Chapter 249: Back home

After I brought Kaida back to the church and introduced her to her fellow apprentices, I quickly took my leave. There was no point in me staying any longer, I was bound to come back soon anyways. For now, however, I still had to head back home.

The matter of the Shade was still heavy on my mind. It was best to handle it as fast as possible. And so, as I soared through the endless expanse of sky, the cool wind brushed past my scales, I couldn't help but feel a sense of melancholy. My time spent in the mortal lands has come to an end, and I'm already on my way home. It's been months since I left my family and ventured into the world of mortals, and it honestly doesn't feel like it was that long ago.

The sights and sounds of the mortal lands were a stark contrast to the forbidden continent. It was more alive, in a sense. And I did think I'd say it, but I had seen the beauty that I didn't believe was possible here in these lands. Throughout my travels, the lush greenery of the forests, the vast oceans that stretched as far as the eye could see, the vibrant colors of the flowers, and the unique scents that filled the air; all of it left an indelible impression on me.

As I flew, I began to question my purpose. Was it time for me to join the other dragons and protect the world from the Shades that threaten to destroy everything we hold dear? Or should I leave this plane, head outside, to the massive expanse, and explore its vastness?

I was honestly quite conflicted. A sigh escaped my mouth. In the end, I decided to take the safe way out. For now, my strength was still not enough for me to travel safely through the void. What would happen if I was to come across a Shade with the same strength as my grandfather or grandmother?

That would be an outcome I shudder to think about. And so, the most logical thing to do for now is to stay here and grow stronger before I set my sights on the stars. I raised my head and glanced at the sky.

"One day, though. One day."


I quickly made my way through the vast oceans, feeling the wind whipping through my scales as I soared towards the forbidden continent that I called home. I occasionally swam, and occasionally flew as I approached my destination.

As I neared the landmass, I couldn't help but be struck by its otherworldly beauty. The fog that covered it slowly dispersed as I approached. My eyes scanned the sprawling forest that seemed to stretch on forever. Here a sense of magic and wonder that was not present in the mortal plane permeated the air, making me feel as though I had truly entered a realm of myth and legend.

As I flew over the continent, I caught glimpses of the creatures that called it home. Beasts and Monsters of all sorts roamed the forests, their eyes glinting with a primal fury as they sensed my presence. Yet despite their ferocity, they all lowered their gazes and scurried away in fear as I flew past them. It was a testament to the power that I held as a dragon, and I would be lying if I said it didn't fill me with a sense of pride. Still, I ignored them and continued on my way.

It didn't take long before I reached my destination - the floating mountain that housed my family. As I landed at its foot, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. "Home, sweet home." It was a place that brought me a sense of safety and comfort, and I was eager to be back in its embrace.

But as I made my way towards the cave that led to my family's dwelling, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The air was thick with an uneasy silence. And then I saw him - my grandfather, his massive form looming in the darkness.

As soon as I walked in, all eyes turned toward me. My father was nowhere to be seen, only my mother along with my grandfather. Mother's eyes lit up in joy as she saw me come in.

"Aether! I sensed that you came back. About time too," she said and approached me before gently wrapping her tail around me and patting my head with it.

"Welcome home, my child."

Her words warmed my heart as I nodded back with a smile, "I'm back, mother."

Grandfather who was laying in the corner opened his eyes and glanced at me with a smirk, "Welcome back, brat. I've been waiting for you."

His words made me uneasy but I still lowered my head and replied, "Thank you, grandfather."

"Father, he just came back, I say let him rest first," mother turned to glance at him with a gentle smile, yet her words were sharp and direct.

"Hmph, rest from what? Playing around?" Grandfather clicked his tongue and shook his head.

"Did something happen?" I asked as I glanced at them in confusion.

Mother was about to reply when grandfather interrupted her, "You should know best. You were the one to fight that bastard after all."

My eyes widened in surprise, "You already know about that?"

"Of course we do. What with the mess you made back there."

"What your grandfather means to say is, it was hard not to notice. The King personally intervened, after all, you almost destroyed the plane," mother explained in her soft tone and gently continued patting my head with her tail.

"Oh... About that, I didn't know it was going to be that bad..." I awkwardly replied. It seemed like the whole situation was much more serious than I expected.

"Bah, in the end, it's our fault for not explaining it clearly to you. There were no pillars of magic for a very long time, after all..." grandfather sighed as he spoke.

"Speaking of which, where are the others?"

"Your father healed back from his injuries and is already back on the frontlines. He joined a raid to avenge his previous loss," mother said while shaking her head hopelessly before continuing, "Little Essie is still with your grandma, while Immy and Sidus are hunting Shade spawns further west. Ynos went to visit the fairies."

"Oh, wait, what? Ynos went where?!"

"Haha, he went to visit the fairies, something about putting their differences behind," mother answered with a smile.

"T-That's not possible...Ynos did? Just what the hell did I miss?" I mumbled in disbelief.

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