Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 251: A peaceful day

Chapter 251: A peaceful day

As I took to the skies, my wings stretched wide, catching the currents and taking me higher and higher into the clouds. I felt the wind rush through my scales, the cool air invigorating my body. I was going on a leisure hunt, something that I enjoyed quite a lot. And better yet, I was going with my mother which should be interesting.

We were leaving our sanctuary in the sky and venturing out to the world beyond, to hunt. As we flew, my mother and I chatted leisurely, catching up on all that had transpired in our lives since we last met. Her voice was deep and melodious, carrying over the wind as we flew in perfect harmony.

Needless to say, I was the one doing most of the talking while she occasionally gave me a nod and soft reply as she listened to my exploits in the mortal plane.

"Interesting, six disciples you say?"

"Yes, somehow it ended up that way," I replied with a smile.

"It seems like you enjoyed your time there."

"I can't say I didn't, it was an interesting experience, to say the least. Besides, the mortal plane has a lot of beautiful scenery."

"If you like it that much, then I'm sure you would love the other worlds," mother answered.

"Other worlds? Do you mean the Shades' realms?"

"By the King, of course not."

"Oh, so other worlds like ours?"

Mother nodded and continued, "Some are similar, but most are not. There is a world known as the Land of Fire and Ice," my mother began. "It is a place where volcanoes and glaciers coexist, a land of extreme temperatures and dangerous creatures. But it is also a place of great beauty, with shimmering auroras lighting up the night sky."

"Oh, have you been there before?"

"I have," she nodded, and I listened entranced as she continued, "Then there is the Sky Kingdom. It is a world that exists high above the clouds, a place of floating islands and endless skies. Somewhat similar to the island of the Gods. The creatures that live there are masters of flight, soaring through the air with grace and agility."

"And there are many other worlds," my mother said, her voice filled with nostalgia as she seemed to remember a distant memory. "Some are ruled by great empires, while others are wildernesses teeming with life. Some are filled with magic and mystery, while others are more mundane."

I slowly nodded, "I would love to visit those places someday."

"I'm sure you will," mother smiled.

Beneath us, we could see the sprawling forest that surrounded the familiar massive lake. The trees were tall and proud, their leaves rustling in the breeze. The water sparkled like diamonds, the sun reflecting off its surface.

We continued deeper toward the forest before we swept down. I could see movement below the trees. It was something massive. I frowned and turned to glance at my mother, she simply nodded unbothered as we both descended upon the unknown creature.

As we got closer, I could see that it was a massive beast, covered in green scales. Its eyes were a piercing yellow, and its teeth were razor-sharp.

"Oh, is that a Chimera?" I mumbled.

"Indeed, a rare sight."

A Chimera, a beast with the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and the tail of a serpent. Its wings were leathery, it raised its large head and roared in defiance as we approached.

My mother and I flew in tandem, circling the Chimera. I was about to use my magic before she spoke, "What's the fun in that, no need to use magic against a mere beast," she said to which I nodded.

It was then that the Chimera made its move, charging toward us with a powerful lunge. We both dodged with ease. The monster had a large body similar to mine, but it was still rather slow.

With a quick glance at my mother, we both attacked. She went for the Chimera's head, while I went for its tail. We coordinated our movements perfectly, striking the creature in two different directions.

The Chimera tried to fight back, but obviously, his trashing amounted to nothing, as mother almost decapitated the poor bastard. I managed to rip out his tail as well before the beast released a final roar of defeat and slumped dead.

We then lowered it to the ground and feasted on our kill. Chimera meat was surprisingly not bad. The tail, however, was not as tasty.

"It's good to use your body. You can't always rely on your magic. Sometimes, you might find yourself without it."

"I hope not," I chuckled.

It didn't take long before the massive Chimera was nothing but bones. I let out a satisfied burp and turned to my mother. Her gaze was distant as she looked at the sky.

"Is something the matter, mother?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing," she smiled and patted my head again. She was being awfully lot affectionate. Weird.

"Well, shall we head back?"

"En," I nodded.


The journey back was spent in comfortable silence. The familiar sight of our home, hovering high above the earth, was a comforting sight. By the time we arrived, mother simply smiled at me before she retired back to the cave and closed her eyes to sleep.

'Weird, is it just me, or did she become nicer?' I inwardly wondered.

I turned around and glanced at the sky. I could feel the warmth of the setting sun on my scales. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, the clouds reflecting the colors of the dying day.

I slowly made my way to the edge of the mountain, looking out over the vast expanse of the world below. From up here, everything seemed so small, so insignificant. But I knew that there was so much life teeming below us, so many creatures going about their daily lives.

I then laid down on the edge of the mountain, letting the warmth of the sun seep into my bones. The cool breeze blew across my face, carrying with it the scent of the forest and the lake below.

As I watched the sunset, my mind drifted back to the other worlds my mother had told me about. The Land of Fire and Ice, the Sky Kingdom, and all the other fantastical places waiting to be explored.

But for now, I was content to simply watch the sun dip below the horizon, the sky slowly fading into darkness. I closed my eyes, feeling the cool air on my scales, and let myself slip into a deep, restful slumber.

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