Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 269: Leaving

Chapter 269: Leaving

I woke up to the gentle hues of the dawn illuminating the world, casting an orange glow that lit up the sky. I stretched my limbs and let out a lazy yawn before stepping out of the cozy cave, feeling the cool morning breeze against my scales. As I turned to glance at the sunrise, I saw Breta already waiting by the entrance, towering in her giant form. It was still something I needed to get used to, seeing her in her original state.

"Good morning," I greeted her as I approached.

Breta nodded in response, her gaze fixed on the horizon. Her expression was hard to read, but I sensed a quiet determination emanating from her.

Soon enough, Sidus joined us, his eyes bloodshot with a mix of excitement and nervousness. I could feel his emotions running high, and it was understandable - we were about to embark on a journey that could very well cost us our lives.

"Take a deep breath and calm yourself down. If you can't control your emotions now, how will you handle it once we reach our destination?" I advised Sidus, who looked at me with a hesitant expression.

"It's not easy," he admitted.

"I know. But staying composed and level-headed could mean the difference between life and death," I responded, hoping to encourage him.

Sidus nodded, and then turned to Breta, his expression serious. "You've been to war before. What was it like?" he asked.

Breta lowered her gaze from the sky and regarded Sidus for a moment before looking at me. "It was chaos. Plans didn't always work out, and nothing went as expected," she said with a shake of her head before turning back to the sunrise.

Sidus's expression turned solemn, and he sat down next to her. "Are you nervous?" I asked him.

"Yes," he admitted, "What about you, brother?"

"I won't lie - I am too," I replied honestly.

"You hide it well. It's hard to tell," Sidus said, his voice tinged with admiration.

Before I could respond, a large shadow suddenly loomed over us, casting a dark shade over the sunrise. I looked up to see my grandfather's massive figure approaching us, slowly landing a distance away from us.

"I hope you brats are ready. There's no turning back after this," he said, to which we all nodded solemnly.

"Good, then let us be on our way."

Before we left, however, Immy stepped out of the cave and glanced at us with a serious expression on her face. She nodded at me before turning her attention toward Sidus.

"Don't get yourself killed, you reckless idiot. I won't be there to clean up after your mess," she said.

Sidus snorted and replied, "You just go play with the mortals, I'll be back soon."

With that, the three of us followed Grandfather into the sky, leaving the comfort of our floating home behind as we ventured toward the unknown.

It didn't take long before I recognized where we were flying to.

"The Royal Road?" I muttered.

Breta glanced at me in confusion but did not say anything. Sidus on the other hand was actively trying to calm his breathing. It seemed like I underestimated how he must be feeling.

To my surprise, however, just before we reached the Royalroad, my grandfather suddenly changed the destination and flew westbound, picking up speed as he did. It became a bit harder to keep up with him, as the scenery started to change.

The landscape below us transformed into a breathtaking view of magical terrains. First, we passed over a range of rolling hills, their slopes covered in emerald green grasses and wildflowers of every color. The hills seemed to stretch on forever, their undulating terrain creating a mesmerizing pattern beneath us.

Next, we flew over a dense forest, its canopy stretching as far as the eye could see. The trees were taller than any I had ever seen before, their trunks as thick as Ynos's tail. Rays of sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting a dappled light on the forest floor. The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and other magical creatures, their calls echoing through the air.

As we flew higher, we passed over a mountain range, its peaks covered in snow and ice. The mountains were jagged and rough, their sides sheer drops that plummeted down into deep ravines. The air grew colder as we soared higher, and I could feel the frosty wind whipping against my scales.

To my surprise, right after the mountain, we then passed over a vast desert, its sand dunes stretching as far as the eye could see. The desert was barren, with only a few scrubby plants and cacti scattered throughout. The heat was intense, even from this altitude, and I could feel the dryness in my throat. The lack of water elements made me feel a bit uncomfortable but It wasn't very bad.

After the desert, we finally flew over a shimmering lake, its surface sparkling like diamonds in the sunlight. The water was crystal clear, and I could see schools of fish and behemoth creatures lurking beneath the surface. A waterfall cascaded down from a nearby cliff, its mist creating a rainbow in the air.

Each terrain we passed over was more stunning than the last, but this last one had something special. The lake was not as large as the one near our floating home, but it was different.

I could clearly see the strands of mana that connected the stream to the center of the lake forming what looked like a massive portal floating above it. It was a sight I had never seen before. The portal was immense, easily towering over the faraway mountains, with a shimmering surface that seemed to pulse with energy.

As we got closer, I could see that the portal was surrounded by a swirling vortex of magical energy, and elements, with sparks of electricity dancing along its edges. The colors of the portal shifted and changed, moving through a spectrum of hues that ranged from deep blues to bright purples and pinks.

I felt a shiver run down my spine as we drew even closer to the portal. It was so massive, so powerful, that I could feel the energy radiating off it in waves. I could sense the raw mana coursing through the air around us, and it was both exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. But I couldn't help but stare at it in shock as I saw the familiar strands of cosmic mana.

"How?" I couldn't help but ask.

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