Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 275: Journey back

Chapter 275: Journey back

The battle was over, but it had been nothing more than a fleeting moment. The beasts they had fought were mere shadows of the true Shades, and it had been an effortless victory. Sidus had dispatched the creatures with ease, crushing them with his massive body or using his dark magic to summon tendrils from the shadows to rip them apart.

I watched as Sidus stomped on the last bastard, a large dark bear with a rotting head, and liquid left paw. A disgusting creature, I had to say.

"That's the last of them, brother," he said and turned toward me.

As we regrouped, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. "That was hardly a challenge," I muttered under my breath.

Breta landed gracefully beside me, her gleaming white armor still unsullied by the brief skirmish.

"Indeed," she said with a hint of arrogance, "the ones here were no match for us."

"Done on your side as well?" I asked.

"Yes, none escaped," she answered calmly.

"That's good, then let's go back. I'm quite disappointed it ended so fast," I answered, "I didn't even get to do much," I mumbled with a sigh.

Breta and Sidus ignored my grumbling as we slowly flew back toward the small army. The humans and beasts easily spotted us due to Breta's glowing body that now, illuminated the surroundings.

We took to the air once again, soaring back towards the small encampment. As we approached, the soldiers and beasts cheered, their swords and spears held high in tribute to us.

"Hail the Goddess! Hail the great Dragons!" the commander shouted, his voice ringing out across the darkened landscape. The cry was taken up by the others, their voices rising in a chorus of worshipful praise.

We landed in the midst of the throng, the soldiers and beasts crowding around us, eager to bask in our glory. For a moment, I felt a surge of pride at the sight of their adulation, but it quickly gave way to a sense of indifference. This was simply how things were meant to be, a part of my mind spoke.

Sidus, on the other hand, appeared uncomfortable with the adoration and worship of the mortals. He shifted about uneasily, but still maintained a proud bearing and attempted to exude an aloof demeanor. However, I could sense his inner turmoil, despite his outward facade. 'Cute,' I inwardly mumbled.

After marching for several more hours, the army commander raised his torch high and shouted, "Halt!" The soldiers, though small in number, moved with military precision and quickly came to a stop. They parted, allowing the commander to walk back towards us as we followed behind at a slower pace.

"My Goddess, great Dragons, the men are exhausted. We must make camp for the night," he said with a respectful bow of his head.

"Very well, we shall resume our journey come morning," I replied with a nod.

"Thank you for your understanding, great Dragon," the commander said before turning to address his troops.

"Make camp for the night!" His command echoed through the ranks, and other officers repeated the order.

"Make camp for the night!"

"Make camp for the night!"

"Make camp for the night!"

The soldiers quickly sprang into action, setting up tents, building fires, and preparing for the night ahead. We watched over them from a distance, ensuring their safety, as they rested from their long march.

"The pace is agonizingly slow," Sidus grumbled by my side.

"Patience, brother. You'll get your fair share of excitement, don't worry. Besides, we just arrived and already clashed against those bastards," I answered lightly.

"Besides, the pace may be slow, but we cannot risk exhausting our companions," I added, my voice calm but firm.

Sidus huffed, clearly dissatisfied, but nodded in agreement. "I know you're right, brother. It's just that I crave the thrill of battle."

"I understand, Sidus. But we must be wise in our actions. We cannot rush headlong into danger without proper preparation," I explained, placing a comforting claw on his shoulder.

"The Shades we encountered today were feeble, yet their numbers were disconcerting. Now, imagine facing those of a much higher caliber, but with a similar multitude," I said, my voice low and grave.

Sidus's frown deepened as he slowly nodded in understanding. "I understand," he replied.

"Great, then rest up first. We'll continue our journey come morning," I said.

Sidus shook his head and replied, "The night is my domain, brother. I shall keep watch over our surroundings."

Knowing that I couldn't dissuade him, I simply nodded and said, "Be vigilant and stay safe."

"Fear not, brother," he said with a reassuring grin before heading off to survey the area. His departure was silent this time, his body seemingly blending in with his surroundings with ease.

I turned my attention to the still-glowing Breta and spoke with a frown, "Can you turn that off?"

"What?" she asked with feigned ignorance.

I rolled my eyes and growled, "You know what I'm talking about, the light. You look akin to a human torch at this point, it's blinding and unpleasant to look at, not to mention, everyone needs to sleep."

Breta silently clicked her tongue in annoyance and reverted back to her usual self. Her radiant aura disappeared, leaving the campfires as the only sources of light.

"Ah, that's much better," I remarked with a smile. However, Breta ignored me and sat down cross-legged on the ground. She raised her head to stare at the starry night, lost in thought. I followed her lead and laid down beside her, gazing up at the twinkling constellations.

"The beauty of the stars never fades, does it?" I spoke softly, admiring the glittering sky above us.

Breta remained silent for a while, lost in thought. Finally, she spoke in a hushed tone, "En, beautiful."


As the night wore on, the stars and the moon faded away, making way for the sun.

Sidus came back when the first rays of dawn appeared. His expression was one of disappointment as he landed by my side. I could already guess what was wrong. His search must have been fruitless.

The army awoke soon after, stirring from their slumber and breaking down their camps with military precision. I watched in interest. Led by their commander, the warriors quickly packed up their gear and made sure their surroundings were free from any signs of their presence. With the camp cleared and the soldiers ready, we quickly resumed our journey.

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