Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 291: The march

Chapter 291: The march

In the aftermath of a long discussion with the royals of the South, I found myself leading the vast joint army of humans, ready to launch the joint attack on the Shade lands. The North had already begun their attack, and their success was critical to the smooth execution of our own plan.

Although they didn't know it, to the humans, the stakes were far too high to even consider the possibility of failure. I was well aware that the future of this plane depended on the success of this mission along with that of Sidus and Breta. If we failed, and the Shades' corruption were allowed to spread even further, I would be left with no choice but to take drastic measures and annihilate the plane completely.

But for now, however, there was still hope. As we marched forward, I could sense that the timing of our arrival couldn't have been better. Though the Shades were numerous, their individual strength and prowess were weak. Perhaps it was due to the low level of the plane, or the restrictions it paused, either way, it was a good fortune for us.

As I led the army, we battled our way through the corrupted lands, I was heartened by the humans' resilience and determination to fight for their survival. With me at the forefront, it was clear that the odds were in our favor, and rightfully so, as wave after wave of Shades fell before us, their ranks decimated by my and the army's might.


As we approached our destination for the day, a large plain that was once green, according to the humans, but now turned dark due to the shade's aura, we began to settle down, my massive body casted a shadow on the humans behind me, as they proceeded to set up camp for the night.

My mind, however, was still reeling from the ease of today's battle. The Shades that we had fought were no match for me. Their appearances did bring terror to the humans, as they were creatures that looked like they were ripped straight out of a nightmare, with twisted and malformed features, dark and shadowy fur, and razor-sharp claws. Yet they were still pitifully weak.

I remembered the fight vividly. The Shades had come at us in a horde, as soon as we left a mountain, snarling and clawing at anything that moved. They were caught off guard by our sudden appearance but attacked us with reckless abandon.

The humans had held their ground, their weapons glinting in the fading sunlight, but it had been me who had turned the tide of the battle. I had flown above the Shades, my body crackling with might, and breathed a torrent of dragon breath down upon them, scorching their twisted flesh and sending them fleeing in terror.

Thinking back to the scene brought a satisfied grin to my face. As I looked out at the humans below me, I couldn't help but feel a sense of approval. They had fought well today, and with my help, they had emerged victorious. Before I knew it, I had become something of a hero to them, and many of them looked at me with a mixture of awe and reverence.

'Not a bad feeling,' I mused.


The next morning, the army resumed its journey, and I led the way once again. The humans were in high spirits, their morale bolstered by the victory of the previous day. I could hear them singing and chanting behind me as we marched forward.

"We march through the darkness, our hearts filled with light, Our spirits unbroken, our will unyielding might. We fear not the shadows, nor the beasts that they bring, For we stand with our dragon, and our swords we'll sing."

"March on, march on, through the blackened land, With our dragon in the lead, we'll make our final stand. For freedom, for glory, for the victory we seek, With our hearts United, we shall never be weak."

The thunderous roar of the army's voices, echoing through the barren landscape, brought a wry smile to my lips. Their bolstered morale was a welcome sight, and I could feel their fervor and determination in each step they took. I shook my head in amusement, as I continued to lead them toward our ultimate goal.

But as we crossed the blackened plain, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The Shades' aura had corrupted the land, turning it into a barren wasteland. But there were suddenly, no more signs of their presence. It was as if they had all retreated, or perhaps were waiting for us to enter their territory fully.

The army marched on, and I kept my senses alert, scanning the surroundings for any sign of danger. My eyes were fixed on the horizon, searching for any movement or disturbance.

But there was nothing. It was eerie, the silence stretching out around us, broken only by the sound of our marching. We walked for hours without any resistance, until finally, we reached the edge of the blackened plain and entered a new land.

Leaving it behind, the aura of the Shades grew stronger and the air itself seemed to be suffused with their malevolent energy. The ground trembled underfoot, and the sky was stained with an ominous hue of red and purple.

As we entered the new land, the corruption was even more pervasive. The very trees seemed to writhe and twist in agony, their branches elongated and misshapen, the leaves turned a sickly hue of green. The earth was scorched and barren, devoid of any life except for the twisted shadows that lurked in the corners of our vision.

The very air itself was heavy with an oppressive energy that sapped at our strength and willpower. I could sense the fear and despair rising in the hearts of my companions.

A frown took over my face at that sight, I inwardly clicked my tongue in annoyance before I paused and turned toward the humans,

"As we traverse this treacherous land, I, Aether, ask you: what is it that you fear? Do you fear the Shades and their dark aura? Do you fear the corrupted land that lays before us? No, I say! For with me here, fear shall have no place in your hearts. For I, shall lead you through the darkness and into the light, through the corrupted land and into the pure!"

I spread my wings and roared, my voice echoing across the darkened skies. As I finished my short improvised speech, I let out a breath, and with it came a soft rain that began to fall on the army behind me. The drops seemed to sparkle as they fell through the dim light, creating a mystical scene amidst the cursed land.

The soldiers looked up, eyes wide in amazement, as the cool drops of water landed on their skin. They felt their spirits lift, and the weariness that had been weighing them down was lifted by the refreshing rain. The sound of their cheering echoed through the land as they began to chant my name in worship.

I looked down at them with a nod, watching as they lifted their weapons high and continued to march forward. The rain had brought new life to their tired bodies, and they were now filled with strength and determination. It was a relatively easy thing to do with the healing properties of the water mana, and with this, I have done all I could for the humans, it was up to them to find their courage to fight.

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