Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 316: Advance

Chapter 316: Advance

The dragons, in tune with their innate knowledge, swiftly assumed their respective roles. With remarkable efficiency, they divided themselves into two groups, one dedicated to the establishment of arrays and formation. As I observed, a sense of curiosity and awe enveloped me, witnessing the awe-inspiring spectacle unfolding before my eyes. The colossal shield enveloping the planet expanded at an astonishing pace, growing denser and more impenetrable with each passing moment.

It was a mesmerizing sight as half of the dragons channeled their energies, becoming conduits for the shield's reinforcement. They seamlessly synchronized their powers with the vast well of mana, pouring their collective might into its sustenance. Their connection to the raw essence of magic allowed them to fuel and maintain the formidable shield that shielded the planet from impending threats.

Simultaneously, the other half of the dragons orchestrated a swift alignment, standing shoulder to shoulder in a united front. It was a rare occurrence, for as far as I knew most of the dragons, were renowned for their independence and solitary nature, now, however, they all stood united as a formidable force. Their synchronized movement and focused gaze converged upon Dralina, who emerged from the distance

An involuntary surge of pride coursed through me, compelling me to stand tall and lift my head high. The multitude of vibrant auras pulsating around me ignited a profound sense of exhilaration, making it a challenge to rein in my overflowing emotions. In that exhilarating moment, Dralina, her figure still radiating with a luminous glow, spoke with an air of solemnity that commanded attention.

"Move out!" Her voice resonated, carrying an authoritative weight that reverberated in the ears of all who heard it. The impact of her words rippled through the beings gathered, their auras swelling with renewed intensity. The very fabric of their essence seemed to respond, amplifying their resolve and igniting a surge of purpose.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Dralina's commanding voice sparked a unifying force among those present. A symphony of auras rose in harmonious response to her call.

With swift grace, the old dragoness pivoted and surged forward, propelling herself towards the distant horizon. Her majestic form illuminated the dark expanse like a radiant, celestial beacon. Following in her wake, the first row of dragons swiftly fell into formation, their synchronized flight a testament to their discipline and unity.

To my astonishment, I witnessed smaller dragons deftly leaping onto the backs of our much larger brethren, finding efficient passage through this unprecedented means. It was a sight that defied all I knew and understood of dragons, and it was now unfolding seamlessly before my eyes. Contemplating whether I should follow suit, I was taken aback as the colossal blue dragon, whom I had encountered before, delicately scooped me up within his powerful claws and settled me upon his broad back.

Once again, he chose silence as his means of communication, patiently awaiting the arrival of additional dragons. Like an orchestrated ballet, more dragons swiftly joined our gathering assembly. Among them, Sidus, recognizing my presence, hastened towards me with urgency, his determination evident in every stride.

The scene pulsated with a mixture of purpose and camaraderie. Each dragon's aura radiated with an unwavering resolve, their collective actions symbolizing unity in the face of adversity. Together, we embarked on the flight, borne aloft by the wings of the much larger dragons, an unspoken bond that transcended words, seemed to have been forged between us all.

As a dozen or so smaller dragons seamlessly joined the blue dragon on his back, our collective journey commenced in swift motion. With a powerful burst of energy, he launched himself from the floating platform, propelling us forward with tremendous speed. The blue dragon's mastery over mana manifested in the formation of a protective shield, enveloping us and shielding us from the boundless expanse of space, ensuring we remained securely anchored to his back.

In the midst of this interstellar voyage, the sheer magnitude of our surroundings was kept at bay, thanks to the azure barrier generated by the dragon's mana. This shield not only guarded us from the harshness of the cosmic void but also served as a vital safeguard, preventing any possibility of being flung off his massive form.

The sensation of acceleration mingled with awe as we hurtled through the celestial expanse. A fusion of excitement and trepidation coursed through my body, causing me to glance at Sidus who seemed to be feeling the same. I silently nodded at him and turned to scan the others. The resolute determination displayed by each dragon affirmed their commitment to the mission at hand, while the unwavering strength of the blue dragon beneath me provided a sense of security and trust.

Thus, within the embrace of the dragon's shield and propelled by his indomitable power, our journey continued onwards, venturing into the unknown depths of the cosmos, heading toward the fallen Aerendel.

It did not take long before our journey brought us to a colossal, lifeless planet. Its desolate surface was adorned solely by fiery volcanoes, belching forth their molten fury. Yet, suspended in the sky above this barren landscape, a massive gate materialized, radiating a mesmerizing spectrum of rainbow-colored light. It stood as a beacon, a gateway to another realma teleportation portal.

The sight was both captivating and foreboding. The contrast between the planet's lifeless terrain and the vibrant brilliance of the gate hung in the air. My body instinctively shook as I sensed the cosmic mana within. The immense gate kept shimmering with ethereal luminescence, its hues dancing and intertwining.

Bathed in the glow of the rainbow-colored light, I mentaly prepared myself for the next stage of this quest. Sidus's aura was the same as mine, pulsating with a mixture of determination, curiosity, and a hint of trepidation.

My gaze remained fixed upon Dralina as she took the first step, vanishing into the shimmering gate, and the dragons in succession followed her lead. With each passing moment, the ranks steadily advanced, until finally, it was our turn to step into the unknown.

As the blue dragon approached the threshold, a surge of anticipation coursed through our intertwined auras. With a sense of familiarity, we passed through the gate, and in an instant, the telltale sensation of teleportation washed over me, enveloping our beings once more. The cosmic mana, like an ethereal embrace, transported us effortlessly, propelling us forward into the next chapter of our journey.

Moments later, the disorienting sensation dissipated, and we found ourselves along with many others, standing upon a fractured floating island, suspended amidst the boundless expanse of space. The scene that unfolded before us was nothing short of horrendous, leaving an indelible mark on my senses...

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