Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 319: Rescue

Chapter 319: Rescue

As I observed Grandfather's departure, my focus shifted to Dralina, and she sensed my gaze, prompting her to speak, "What is it child?"

In response to her earlier mention of the stream and the absence of time, I couldn't help but inquire about the meaning behind her words. "Why does the entire plane need to be destroyed? Why not simply eliminate the Shades and cleanse the realm? What would happen if they got to the stream?" These questions had been weighing on my mind, as I thought our purpose was to be seeking revenge, cleaning up the mess, and eradicating those vile bastards, rather than remaining in this state.

Sidus, standing silently by my side, nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring my own thoughts.

The old dragoness let out a deep sigh, her voice carrying a somber tone as she responded, "If the Shades were to reach the mana stream, their power would escalate significantly. They would taint it, harnessing its energy to rupture a tear in space, enabling them to launch an invasion on the spirit realm." Her pause was laden with gravity, and even the elders' countenances turned serious as they gazed at the planet. "Should they succeed in invading the spirit realm, the repercussions would be devastating for all of us."

"The spirit realm?" I muttered, lost in deep contemplation. It was a revelation that took me by surprise, and Sidus appeared equally absorbed in the gravity of her words, her demeanor growing more solemn.

"Does that mean our purpose for gathering here?" I inquired.

Dralina's response carried an air of determination, her voice tinged with a fierce resolve. "Even if the planet is destroyed, it doesn't guarantee the demise of all those wretched beings. We are here to undertake the necessary cleanup that follows," she stated, her words infused with a palpable intent to kill.

"I see," I nodded slowly in understanding.

"That's why you should stay vigilant and be prepared," she continued, emphasizing the importance of our readiness. "None of those bastards that can withstand the destruction of a planet are ordinary beings," she added, her tone firm and resolute.

"I understand," I replied, acknowledging her warning and affirming my understanding of the task at hand.


Ynos muttered to himself, his voice barely audible, "Is this where my journey ends?" The oppressive aura emanating from the Shades made it increasingly difficult for his regenerative abilities to function properly. Wounds continued to multiply across his body, draining his energy with each passing moment.

His reserves of earth mana were dangerously depleted, unable to be replenished in this tainted environment. Ynos found himself reaching the limits of his endurance. Though he had managed to fend off the relentless horde that surrounded him, two colossal corpses of fallen deities began to stir and shift. Despair washed over him as his claws betrayed him, unable to offer any more defense. Collapsing to the ground, he let out a long sigh, finally accepting his impending fate.

Suddenly, a booming voice shattered the silence, penetrating Ynos's ears and causing his eyes to widen in astonishment and disbelief.

"Why are you lying on the ground, you little brat? Where's your usual fiery spirit?" the voice resounded.

Ynos's aura surged, a whirlwind of emotions engulfing himdisbelief, relief. "Grandfather!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of joy and gratitude.

As soon as Ynos finished speaking, his grandfather's overwhelming aura descended upon the area, its weight causing mountains and hills to flatten beneath its power. The colossal corpses of the deities were forcefully pressed back into the ground, unable to offer any resistance.

In the midst of this spectacle, Ynos remained unharmed, unaffected by the immense aura of his grandfather. Then, his grandfather opened his mouth, and a torrent of flames cascaded forth, engulfing the world in a crimson hue. Whether they were the remains of mortals, gods, dragons, or even the tiniest details, all succumbed to the flames, turning to ash. The fire continued to spread, seemingly purifying the world from the darkness that had consumed it.

Before Ynos could fully comprehend the astonishing events unfolding before him, his grandfather swiftly descended and grasped him with his claws, propelling them both toward the sky. They then made their way out of the dying planet and into the vast expanse of space, where the rest of their companions awaited their arrival.

"Grandfather, I" Ynos began, his voice wavering with uncertainty. He struggled to find the right words, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt and unworthiness for having survived while others remained down below, fighting for their lives. He perceived himself as a coward, fleeing from the battle, and what pained him the most was the secret relief he felt in escaping.

His grandfather's deep voice cut through his inner turmoil. "You did well to survive, you brat. This battlefield is too small for you to die," his grandfather's words resonated, causing Ynos's own words to catch in his throat. He lowered his head, consumed by a whirlwind of emotions.

In the end, he couldn't suppress the gratitude that swelled within him. "Thank you, grandfather" Ynos whispered, acknowledging the support and guidance his grandfather had bestowed upon him.


"He's returned already!" Sidus couldn't contain his excitement, blurting out the words as our grandfather's fiery form emerged from the planet's atmosphere. Soon after, he materialized before us, clutching a heavily wounded and exhausted Ynos in his massive claws.

"Brother!" Sidus exclaimed, the surge of his killing intent evident as he beheld Ynos's injured form.

Following closely behind Sidus, I approached our grandfather, witnessing the protective shield of mana he had enveloped Ynos in, gently guiding him towards us. The sight of my younger brother in such a state stirred a tempest of emotions within me, difficult to restrain. My mind screamed for vengeance, for retribution against the bastards who had inflicted such harm upon him.

Observing us, Ynos's head drooped with an air of shame. The vibrant energy that typically radiated from him had dissipated, replaced by a heavy sense of defeat.

"I am sorry you had to see me this way," he murmured, avoiding our gazes. The flames of anger within Sidus intensified, his expression reflecting his fury. Clenching my teeth, I hastened towards Ynos and swiftly employed my water mana to envelop him in a healing bubble of water.

"Don't speak such nonsense. Focus on resting first. We will make those bastards pay for what they've done to you," I asserted, my voice filled with determination. Sidus, standing silently at my side, nodded in agreement. Dark mana began to gather around him, the struggle to restrain his growing rage becoming increasingly challenging.

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