Reborn as a DRAGON

Chapter 324: The Chronicles

Chapter 324: The Chronicles

Once the task was completed, Grandfather returned, his resplendent scales still ablaze, casting a radiant light that pierced through the darkness as he approached us. Each of us present humbly bowed our heads in reverence as he landed gracefully on the floating platform where we were gathered.

Dralina swiftly trailed behind him, maintaining her steadfast composure, while the elders maintained their positions outside, diligently safeguarding the perimeter in case any unforeseen circumstances arose.

A somber expression settled upon Grandfather's face as he cast his gaze upon the ravaged planet, his eyes reflecting the weight of the situation. He inquired with concern, "Were there any of our own who survived?"

Dralina, her massive head shaking solemnly, replied, "Regrettably, there were no survivors among our ranks. It appears that a few chose to sacrifice themselves in a final act of defiance, their self-destruction aiding in the collapse of the planet."

Acknowledging her words, Grandfather nodded with a sense of duty before he commanded, "Contact the Chronicles and gather the names of all those who fought in this battle. Their brave deeds shall be commemorated on the Royal Road."

"Yes, my Lord."

"As for the others," he continued as he glanced at the army of Dragons, "send them back to their respective battlefields, the bastards will try to take advantage of our absence the longer we delay."

Dralina nodded, acknowledging his command before she departed from the floating platform to pass on his command. Soon, affirming his command, the dragons in the vicinity promptly dispersed led by the elders, their large wings carrying them back to the various battlefields they had come from. The sense of purpose and determination was palpable as they heeded Grandfather's words, fully aware of the importance of maintaining their presence and defending their territories in the face of potential opportunistic enemies.

It didn't take long before it was just us, Grandfather and Dralina. His gaze turned toward us for a second causing us to lower our heads as we waited for his command.

"Dralina, you stay with the Chronicles, I'll take these brats to their next battlefield."

"Understood. Safe travels, esteemed Destroyer."

He nodded, his gaze distant as he turned to glance in an empty direction before speaking, "Make it quick."

As if responding to his unspoken command, the fabric of space itself seemed to ripple and shift, revealing the sudden appearance of five enigmatic humanoid figures.

These beings possessed an otherworldly aura, their presence both captivating and mysterious. Their eyes, with vertical, slit-shaped pupils, held a sense of ancient wisdom. Their hair, a blend of black and grey, cascaded down in ethereal strands. Their physical forms blurred the line between masculinity and femininity, their androgynous features adding to their enigmatic allure. Yet, it was their scaly tails and elegantly curved dragon horns that marked their distinction from any known humanoid race.

They all reverently bowed before Grandfather, their gestures displaying utmost respect. Acknowledging their reverence with a subtle nod, he signaled their dismissal. In response, the enigmatic figures dissolved into thin air, vanishing as mysteriously as they had appeared. The unexpected appearance and disappearance left me and my siblings astonished, our eyes widened in disbelief. We exchanged bewildered glances, mirroring our shared sense of shock. Breta, on the other hand, wore a somber expression, her grip on the helm of her spear betraying her nervous uncertainty.

"What are you brats dumbly standing there for?" Grandfather's voice echoed with impatience as he clicked his tongue, his tone brooking no delay. He lowered his massive claw, gesturing for us to climb aboard. "Get on," he commanded, his words leaving no room for hesitation. "It's time for you to move to your next mission."

It didn't take long before we left the floating platform and the destroyed planet behind, our destination unknown as Grandfather streaked across the vast darkness of space. His mana shield enveloped us, providing a protective barrier against the harsh elements of space and making our journey more bearable. Silence hung in the air, yet our thoughts were consumed by a multitude of questions. After a while, mustering my courage, I finally voiced the query that had been lingering in all of our minds.



"Who were those 'people' back there?"

"People? Hahaha," He gave a hearty laugh and continued, "Those are the Chronicles, brat. They are Dragons like you and I, albeit a bit more special. Their job is to keep a record of everything."

"Record?" Sidus mumbled by my the side.

"Indeed, their presence and duty are different from the rest of us," Grandfather responded with a knowing tone.

"I see," I slowly nodded. Grandfather did not speak again, and so we continued our flight in silence.

After a while, Ynos gathered his courage and raised his gaze to glance at Grandfather before speaking,

"What is our next mission, Grandfather?"

"Hmm, you'll first be sent to help with the reconstruction efforts of Everwyn. Consider it as a short break before you are sent back to battle."

"Reconstruction efforts?" Sidus questioned.

Grandfather chuckled, "It's nothing much. The Shades are already expelled from Everwyn, the problem, however, is in the aftermath. The mana there is in disarray so your job will be to help the Gods there get the situation under control."

"The Gods? What of the other Dragons?" I asked.

Grandfather shrugged, his massive form swaying slightly, before replying, "It's not a job most Dragons prefer. And yes, the Gods. Everwyn is under their control, the mortals there still worship their deities, and our presence is minimal. You are only being sent as support."

'Interesting,' I inwardly noted, intrigued by the prospect. I glanced at Breta, whose eyes seemed to gleam in anticipation. A world under the Deities' control, I wondered what that would look like.


Our journey this time took much longer, and I was unsure of the exact duration as it was challenging to keep track of time in the vast expanse of space. It became apparent that the teleportation portal to Everwyn had long been destroyed, leaving flight as the only means to reach our destination.

It was fascinating to observe the multitude of planets we passed by during our journey. However, the majority of them appeared desolate, devoid of any signs of life. Yet, this particular journey made me fully grasp the enormity of Grandfather's power. His speed was astonishing as we soared through space, and I couldn't help but marvel at it. Thankfully, the presence of his mana shield ensured that we remained securely in place, unaffected by the force of our rapid movement.

'I wonder when I'll get to become that strong?'I mused silently. Observing Grandfather's formidable abilities, I couldn't help but ponder my own potential for growth. It was a reminder that my journey was far from over, and there was still much to learn and achieve. Perhaps one day, I would possess the strength and speed that matched his, soaring through the vastness of space with ease.

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