Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army!

Chapter 1111: Sloth's Power

Chapter 1111: Sloth's Power

Crack, crack...!


As Arachne and Maria's Divinities attacked the Nightmare Beasts and Sloth as much as possible, the cracks across the Realm of Nightmares, which was directly connected to Sloth's own Embodiment, widened.

And from within, Maria was finally able to emerge, although her soul had been torn to shreds and absorbed, every single piece remained strong, resisting being digested, and through these "cracks", they started to rapidly reassemble back into Maria's true soul.

From within the cracks, her large appendages surged, amorphous and non-humanoid, showcasing the true nature of her soul powers. Maria had evolved into an Outer entity, blessed by the mysterious Ginnungagap, and becoming the [Void-Born Mistress Of Tenebrous Stars: Shub-Niggurath].

"It's too late now, Sloth! You're going to get what you fucking deserve!"

Using her powers, the mistress extended her influence even across the Realm of Nightmares that had devoured her very soul!

Her enormous tentacles rapidly shapeshifted into sharp and deadly spears made of spiraling Void and Chaos energies, rushing towards him, and piercing his body dozens of times!


Sloth felt utter agony as a part of his very existence was once more hurt! He thought Maria wanted to turn herself into their new vessel, but right now, she was trying to kill them?!

How can she kill a Sin to begin with? Not even Sloth, a Sin, an existence born from the materialization of an Archdemon's powers created by sacrificing millions of souls and other demonic treasures, knew how he could even die.

Primordial Sins were powerful existences, beings that could even go beyond the Tower and the Worlds they inhabited, they were seen as constants, parts of nature itself, to become a vessel was an eternal curse.

Only the Ancient Warlocks which summoned them into the World of Yggdrasil knew of ways to use them, but that was only a cheap way to transfer them from one vessel to another.

And that often ended badly, as both vessels would die and then the Sin would simply find anything else that was close by.

But it was different this time, Maria was not screwing around, she was going to kill him. She was going to kill a Primordial Sin!

"You can't possibly...! Are you planning to kill a Primordial Sin?!" Sloth screamed, his monstrous and aberrant, demonic body started to compress even more as he continued bleeding out his own demonic energies, the lifeblood of his existence.

"I AM!"

Maria roared with powerful Authority, her very existence becoming stronger as Arachne attacked Sloth from behind while shredding through the army of Nightmare Beasts. At the same time, the Divinities of Sunlight and the Seas moved back to Maria.

Her tentacles, her entire soul and mass continued pouring out from the cracks, combining together into a humanoid form, a tall, giantess made of completely pitch-black void and chaos energies, showing red, blue, and golden stars inside of her body, which looked as if it were made of a nebula.

Her long hair had been made into countless of long, thick tentacles, and there was only a single, crimson, gold, and dark purple colored eye in the middle of her face, no mouth or nose could be seen.

And right in her chest, a large hole, a black hole that absorbed all the energy in her surroundings, opened, the manifestation of her [Primordial Skill: All-Eating Black Void

Heart: Yog-Sothoth], an evolved Unique Skill!

"It's not my complete Soul, but it should do!"

Maria was back at long last, as Sloth had been weakened enough for her very existence and her soul shards to reunite within the Nightmare Realm before they were eaten.

Before, against Sloth's Authority, she could only see as she was eaten, but as he grew weaker, her existence gained much more freedom within his own Nightmare Realm.

"I'll make of this Nightmare Realm and all your powers mine, Sloth! I won't become your vessel; you're going to become my meal instead!"

Her Divinity of Sunlight and Seas fused back with her Soul Body, as Maria skipped through the imaginary space of the Nightmare Realm using her [Void Shifting Spatial Movement] Skill, appearing right at the left side of Sloth's monstrous body.

"She can teleport through my Nightmare Realm?!" Sloth thought, as he saw Maria conjure several powerful spells against him consecutively.

"{All-Consuming Void}!"

A wave of pure void engulfed Sloth's entire aberrant body within a split second, as a huge explosion of pure Void consumed him completely.



The Nightmare Realm started to grow distorted and broke apart even more, the Void consumed over half of Sloth's entire being. His flesh and blood rapidly beginning to regenerate, but it was too slow.

"You're Sloth, so I guess you're pretty slow, huh?"

"G-GET AWAY FROM MEEE!"n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Sloth panicked, hundreds of crimson eyes across his body and the realm fired beams against Maria, capable of piercing and tearing through souls. She quickly shifted through space, evading as many as she could as she conjured more of her powerful Spells and Skills. "{Chaotic Void Ocean Waves}! {Umbral Death Blight}! {God-Burning White Flare}!"

Three Skills were activated at the same time, as an oceanic mass of void rushed down, combined with black death light, and burning white flames, which Maria then compressed into a dozen spears of swirling elements.


Each time the spears pierced Sloth's body, large chunks of his flesh and blood were gone, his existence was fading away rapidly! For the first time ever through his life, the Primordial Sin actually felt fear for his life being in danger.

"Am I really going to die?! Is this even possible?" he thought. "No, this can't... This can't be possible! I am a Primordial Sin! I am an element of nature, born from mortal's sins! I am darkness and evil...! I am the creation of an Archdemon!"

Sloth kept growing desperate, the Nightmare Realm beginning to move towards his bleeding, dying body and beginning to rapidly fuse with him, making him larger and stronger, but at the same time, making him lose his entire sense of self.


With a monstrous roar, Maria had to evade countless tentacles moving her way, finding Arachne, having been grabbed by them and rushing to help her.


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