Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 193: Investment Strategy_1

Chapter 193: Chapter 193: Investment Strategy_1

Translator: 549690339

Li County Development Zone

With the commencement of the relocation and construction of the Li County Party Committee and government agencies, combined with the groundbreaking of Li Lixue’s infrastructure projects, Li County has now become the busiest place in the entire Bazhou City. At least over five thousand workers have flocked into Li County for construction. Some even brought their families. Consequently, the population of Li County has increased, as have the businesses and stores sales.

The increase in population naturally brings about commercial prosperity. This is an inevitable outcome and a rule of the market economy. At this time, there are more privately owned shops and restaurants in Li County. There is a demand, so naturally, people will see this as an opportunity in the market.

Li City Avenue

This is a new city main road in Li County, widened and solidified from the national highway. The design of six lanes in both directions fully considers the future development needs of Li County. There is no need for eight lanes in both directions. Even ten years later, this road will not be outdated based on the population of Li County. This is Nie Zhenbang’s advanced planning.

In later generations, many local leaders only consider the present when planning and developing. As a result, new roads or other infrastructures often become outdated or obsolete in just a few years. This is a kind of redundant construction. Nie Zhenbang, coming from the future, naturally don’t make the same low-level mistakes again.

The foundation construction of county party committee and county government office buildings has now begun along both sides of Li City Avenue, covering an area of ??a hundred acres. In front of the buildings, a massive fountain garden of 6000 square meters has been planned.

Other county direct agencies are arranged on the lateral Yingbin Road. In Nie Zhenbang’s plan, in the future, both sides of the avenue within a range of fifty meters will be commercial plots. This is a stipulation that must be reserved. Otherwise, having a factory next to the county party and county government office buildings would ruin the overall planning and image.

“Director Nie, there are currently thirty-seven ongoing projects in the Development Zone. In addition to the self-construction projects of the government, the Wal-Mart Group’s meat deep processing plant and Hemp Textile Factory are building as fast as possible, with an expected completion and production deadline in half a year. So far, the Development Zone has introduced contract investment funds of 130 million and an actual investment fund of 61 million.” Yan Fengjiao, the director of the Development Zone Management Committee, was currently reporting to Nie Zhenbang.

Yan Fengjiao exuded a faint fragrance, sweet and delicate. This is a woman who knows how to fully leverage her feminine charms.

In Nie Zhenbang’s view, women in official circles can be divided into three types. The first type, like Yan Fengjiao, are smart women who are appreciated by leaders. The future of these women is often the brightest and most glorious. The second type are diligent women. This forms the foundation of female officials. Many middle-level cadres in various units are such women. Of course, the prospects for this type of woman are limited. At most by their retirement, they might become deputy director-level officials. The last type are like Wang Lili. These people may appear successful on the surface, but they are usually the least liked.

As a woman, she is very good at handling relationships. After just over a month, she has formed a tight relationship with Dong Wan and Li Lixue. This surprised Nie Zhenbang. Nie Zhenbang is very clear about Dong Wan’s character. It is not a simple matter for Yan Fengjiao to win the approval of Dong Wan and Li Lixue.

Listening to Li Lixue’s words, Nie Zhenbang pondered for a while. Right now, the initial investment is mainly focused on the Wal-Mart Group. Out of the 61 million, probably over 85 percent is occupied by the Wal-Mart Group. The investment recruitment is still not strong enough.

With this in mind, Nie Zhenbang immediately said, “The embryonic form of the Development Zone is already emerging. I think it’s time for the county to seriously consider the grand configuration of investment promotion. This afternoon, the government side is convening an expanded meeting with government team members, along with comrades from the Development Zone Committee and the Investment Recruitment Bureau, to hold a preliminary meeting and discuss what to do next in Li County and what path to follow. We must have a set of regulations.”

Li Lin, who is still serving as Director of the Office of Government, is now promoted to the position of Deputy Director by Yi Jun. However, Nie Zhenbang has not proposed the election of the Office of Government Director. The leadership of the county government is clear that this position is probably still reserved for Secretary Yi.

Li Lin is naturally very grateful. She is also dedicated to Nie Zhenbang’s affairs. She immediately smiled and replied, “Director Nie, in that case, we’ll arrange it in the county government’s large meeting room this afternoon.”

Two o’clock in the afternoon.

The large meeting room of the county government.

Nie Zhenbang doesn’t really recall this meeting room; in fact, he hadn’t ever been in there before. The Directors’ meeting is held in the small meeting room while Standing Committee meetings are held at the County Committee. Other cadre meetings are held in the County Committee Auditorium. This time, it is the first time Nie Zhenbang is using the large meeting room.

At the top of the county government office building, a meeting room about the size of four rooms. The top of the room is not precast concrete. The office building was built in the 1960s. Now it looks a bit rundown. Next to it, on the wall of the meeting room, you can still see the trace of leakage.

The meeting room is about a hundred square meters in size. The meeting table is made up of individual office desks instead of being oval. The tables are also very old. The office desks appear to have been discarded ones. Given Wu Zhixiong’s way of doing things, he would not intentionally replace them with new ones. Maintaining operations became difficult under the previous financial situation, so where would Wu Zhixiong care about these? As long as they could be used, it would do, as this large meeting room is not used very often throughout the year. As for Nie Zhenbang, although we now have more financial resources, a new office building is already under construction. Naturally, there is no need to waste funds. However, the room looks very clean, suggesting that Li Lin arranged for someone to tidy up specially at noon today.

“Hehe, I haven’t been to this meeting room for almost two years.” As soon as executive vice-county mayor Bekri entered the room, he laughed and began to talk.

Yan Fengjiao standing nearby also frowned, “This desk really does have some age on it. It’s split right here.”

Deputy County Mayor Bayaer laughed and responded, “Director Yan, your split isn’t even that big. Look at my desk, the split is bigger than yours.”

This comment was somewhat ambiguous, which was common in official circles, especially at county and township levels. Men and women often made such ambiguous dirty jokes to each other. This could be considered a characteristic of grassroots levels in Huaxia.

Although Yan Fengjiao worked in the city, she understood this. She immediately said, “County Mayor Ba, why don’t I give you this piece of glass I use as a desk weight so you can seal your split.”

Bayaer waved his hands and laughed, “Oh no can do, if I take it, your split would be even bigger. If anything falls in, that would be trouble.”

At this moment, Nie Zhenbang walked in from outside, and the entire county branch team – including executive vice-county mayor Bekri, Vice Mayor Yan Fengjiao, Bayaer, Li Lin, as well as the Deputy Secretary of the Development Zone Work Committee Yang Zhengping, Vice Chairman of the Management Committee Gao Yuanshan, Leng Guohua, and Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau Fan Zhenming and Deputy Director Li Yan – all stood up.

The prestige of County Mayor Nie was clear to all Lixian cadres. Xing Wenbiao was still not promoted right? Even Xing Wenbiao’s support fell, if you still can’t understand this reality, then you are just wasting time in official circles.

Nie Zhenbang also laughed at this moment, raised his hand to motion everyone to sit down, and then said, “The environment in this large meeting room is quite poor.”

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone smiled knowingly. The attitude of the leader determined the nature of the meeting – whether it would be relaxed, serious or suppression. This was related to the leader’s opening remarks.

“Comrades, the conditions are a bit harsh. But it doesn’t matter. It only emphasizes our determination to work under such conditions in the Lixian government leadership team. I think we need to preserve this set of tables and chairs in the future.” Nie Zhenbang made the opening remarks in a humorous and relaxed manner.

Although investment promotion work is top priority, being too serious is not good. What Nie Zhenbang needed was collective wisdom. He may direct the development of Lixian, but the collective wisdom must also keep pace. Depending on him alone, Lixian might be able to do it now, but he will not be able to work in Lixian forever. Even staying in Bazhou City might not be possible in the future. The economic development of Lixian would still depend on this group of people.

Surveying everyone, Nie Zhenbang said again, “Regarding investment promotion, does everyone have any ideas? Now that the Development Zone team is complete, you are all talented cadres from all over the city. If you have any ideas, feel free to propose them and speak up.”

At this moment, the meeting room was silent. For those present, taking care of the Development Zone was a novel task. After truly entering the Zone, they found the limitations were too great. Many things couldn’t be done. Polluting enterprises can’t do it, and those irrelevant to Lixian can’t do it. With these restraints, everyone’s thinking became restricted.

Nie Zhenbang laughed and said, “Since everyone is carrying forward the style, then I will point some out. Director Fan, you are the Director of the Investment Promotion Bureau, responsible for the overall investment promotion work in the county. The Development Zone is the most important part of your work. Director Fan, do you have any specific ideas?”

Upon hearing this, Fan Zhenming did not evade any longer. The county mayor had named him, even if he had no idea, Fan Zhenming must bite the bullet. As the head of the bureau, he is responsible for the investment promotion work. This is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed. After stewing in silence for a while, Fan Zhenming slowly said, “County Mayor, and all leaders present. Regarding investment promotion in our county, I suggest that we need to think outside the box, go out.”

PS: Brothers and sisters, it seems that the situation is dire. The gods behind are catching up again, the gap is only fifty-seven votes. Asking for a monthly ticket to support. Let’s secure our second place.

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