Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 212: Impressions of Lixian (Ten more explosive, second more)_1

Chapter 212: Impressions of Lixian (Ten more explosive, second more)_1

Translator: 549690339

Has the sample of the promotional booklet come out?

This was a surprise to both Nie Zhenbang and Yan Fengjiao. Yan Fengjiao was especially astonished and said, “Director Yi, that was quick. It has only been a month since we decided on this plan in our meeting. Has Fan Zhenming already delivered results?”

A secretary, especially a leader’s secretary, must possess certain qualities: they should not meddle in the leader’s affairs, they should not ask about personal matters and should not reveal or comment on things that they shouldn’t.

Yi Jun was well aware of the commotion Yan Fengjiao’s husband caused yesterday at the County Government’s compound. Specifically, he pointed fingers at Yan Fengjiao and Nie Zhenbang. Today, though both had not come to work, they had returned together in the same car. Such a scene would naturally spark speculations, especially with Yan Fengjiao looking as spruced up as a young girl.

If it was a year ago, Yi Jun might not have known how to handle this. But now? With aplomb, he replied, “County Mayor Yan, it has arrived. Each leader from the County Party Committee and County Government has received a copy. In addition, copies have been delivered to the Development Zone Work Committee. I skimmed through it briefly, it is very well made.”

Hearing Yi Jun’s comment, Nie Zhenbang became interested and promptly said, “County Mayor Yan, you can continue with your work. Hearing what Xiaoyi said, I’m a bit curious now. Come, Xiaoyi, let’s go to the office.”

Nie Zhenbang’s office also had a small kitchen, located right next to the restroom. There were food supplies like noodles and malted milk. A small electric stove served the convenience of having something to eat when working overtime.

As soon as they entered the office, Yi Jun went to the storage room and told Nie Zhenbang, “Director, you haven’t eaten lunch yet, right? I’ll cook some noodles for you. The sample and today’s documents are on your desk.”

“Haha, I almost forgot if you didn’t mention it. Just cook some noodles, not too much. I had a late breakfast today. Anything simple would be fine.” Nie Zhenbang said while laughing and sat down on his chair.

At that moment, Yi Jun’s expression changed slightly. Waking up late? Could it be that Director Nie and Deputy Director Yan…? If so, it might not bode well for the director. After all, the Director is only 24 years old, while Deputy Director Yan is now 35. The age gap isn’t trivial. Would the public accept this?

The first document on the desk was the sample brochure from the Department of Commerce. Nie Zhenbang was quite satisfied with what he saw. The cover page was hard white paper, with four simple, beautifully written characters reading “Scenery of Lixian”.

Upon opening the first page, there was a color photograph. The pristine grassland, herds of cattle and sheep. A cluster of poplar trees with a backdrop of clear, meandering streams, completely overturning the public’s impression of the Xibei Autonomous Region. The concept certainly pleased Nie Zhenbang, as such a photo was great, fully showcasing the natural beauty and resources of Lixian. However, the title of the brochure, “Lixian Scenery”, was too common and didn’t highlight Lixian’s theme.

The point of attending the upcoming Canton Fair was to promote Lixian and attract investment. ‘Lixian scenery’ does not seem appropriate, it gives the impression that it is promoting tourism.

Immediately, Nie Zhenbang picked up a pen, circled the title, and wrote alongside, “The title ‘Lixian Scenery’ gives the impression of promoting tourism. I suggest that the Bureau should emphasize the theme, perhaps using phrases like ‘Lixian Investment Guide’, ‘Lixian Investment Brochure’ etc. Wouldn’t that be more appropriate? Nie Zhenbang.”

The flowing, elegant handwriting stood out. The second page contained a full text introducing the history, cultural background, and natural resources of Lixian, focusing on the Li County Development Zone.

At this moment, Yi Jun came out of the small kitchen with a bowl of egg noodles and carefully placed it on Nie Zhenbang’s desk, saying, “Director, your noodles are ready. You may want to eat before continuing with the document.”

Watching Nie Zhenbang eat, Yi Jun hesitated, remaining silent for a moment before abruptly asking, “Director, may I ask you something?”

Upon hearing Yi Jun’s words, Nie Zhenbang was slightly taken aback but then laughed and said, “Xiaoyi, what’s gotten into you today? Why are you stuttering? If there’s anything you want to say, just say it. Don’t you know my character by now after all this time?”

Just now, while boiling noodles, Yi Jun had been contemplating this matter. As a secretary, he felt that in addition to being obedient to his superiors, he sometimes needed to appropriately remind them of things. Doing so could not only showcase his usefulness but also ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that his superiors would not make any major mistakes.

Moreover, Yi Jun was well aware of Nie Zhenbang’s character. He knew that Nie wasn’t the kind of leader who couldn’t tolerate even the slightest bit of criticism. If his words were justified, Yi Jun believed that Nie would accept them.

Quickly, he composed his thoughts and then turned to Nie Zhenbang, “Director, were you and County Mayor Yan in the city all day yesterday?”

Hearing Yi Jun’s words, Nie Zhenbang understood what Yi Jun was getting at, and laughed, “Xiaoyi, have you also started meditating like those gossipy women? All that fuss over nothing. Yesterday, I did indeed go with County Mayor Yan to Bazhou City. However, it’s not as you might think. End of discussion. I know what I’m doing.”

As soon as the afternoon shift commenced, Nie Zhenbang went through the documents that had piled up from the morning. At this moment, Yi Jun walked in from outside and said to Nie Zhenbang, “Director, the head of the Investment Promotional Bureau, Mr. Fan, is here.”

Upon hearing that Fan Zhenming had arrived, Nie Zhenbang nodded, “Perfect timing, there’s something I need to discuss with him. Let him come in.”

As soon as Fan Zhenming entered the office, he laughed and greeted Nie Zhenbang, “Director Nie! The sample for the investment brochure of Lixian is ready. You’re the expert in some areas, so please help guide us.”

Nie Zhenbang nodded and signaled for Fan Zhenming to sit on the sofa, then, plunging directly into the topic, he said, “Mr. Fan, earlier I looked over the draft of your brochure. Overall, you’re on the right track. The details about the natural scenery, environment, and unique location advantages of Lixian are all well-placed and clear, easily-convenient for potential investors. However, when it comes to detailing the local resources of Lixian, for instance, the abundant livestock resources. The number of cattle and sheep presently available, annual product and fur production, as well as other mineral resources, etc. are somewhat lacking in data. This time, our main goal is to attract investors. We need to show our sincerity and reflect the various advantages of Lixian. Only in this way, can we attract people and drive investment. Empty descriptions do little to whet investors’ interest. Additionally, a mere brochure may not be enough. I suggest printing separate colored promotional pages based on the different categories. These should include an overview of Lixian, separate sections about our investment policy, livestock resources, mineral resources, etc. This way, investors will immediately get a sense of our professionalism and be able to perceive the importance Lixian County Party Committee and County Government attach to enticing investment and creating a favorable investment environment.”

As Nie Zhenbang spoke, Fan Zhenming took notes. After Nie Zhenbang finished speaking, an expression of admiration appeared on Fan Zhenming’s face.

Then, Fan Zhenming laughed and said, “Director, I have to admit that I underestimated you. Previously, I heard talk of Lixian’s capable, promising young Director and presumed it was exaggeration. Now, I realize my folly. Compared to you, I feel as though you should be the one heading the Investment Promotion Bureau.”

At this, Nie Zhenbang laughed. He had not expected that Fan Zhenming, known for his competence and pragmatism, would be such an accomplished flatterer. Flatterers fall into many categories. The basest among them offer empty compliments devoid of substance – such words, once heard frequently enough, simply induce laughter. However, the likes of Fan Zhenming, who masterfully manipulate human psychology by using the backhanded compliment technique, provide a boost to pride and self-esteem.

Nie Zhenbang laughed and said, “Haha, Mr. Fan, enough with the flattery. Next, I want to advise you on something.”

Nie Zhenbang handed the sample back to Fan Zhenming and continued, “The phrase ‘Scenery of Lixian’ seems to lack something. Our focus is on attracting investment. I suggest changing it to ‘Investment Guide to Lixian’ or ‘Impression of Lixian’. This would be both simple and direct, conveying a pragmatic spirit and attitude. All right, Mr. Fan, hurry back and make the changes. Then, let me review it one more time before we officially commence printing.”

Just as Fan was about to leave, the phone on Nie Zhenbang’s desk rang. He answered the call and appeared relaxed, but quickly his face took on a serious expression, “County Mayor Yan, are you serious? Are you certain this isn’t a joke? Okay, immediately notify the colleagues from the Development Zone. We need to hold an immediate meeting in the small conference room at the County Government Office.”

After hanging up the phone, Nie Zhenbang looked grave. He turned to Fan Zhenming and said, “Mr. Fan, I’ve just received an urgent message from County Mayor Yan. There’s a problem with the investment project. Don’t head back to the Investment Promotion Bureau. Come directly to the small conference room with me for a meeting.”

PS: Congratulations to Dragon’s Son Yi for becoming the new guardian of this book. The second update is here; I will continue writing. I am requesting support through monthly votes. My goal is to reach a total of 2000 votes today. Can my brothers and sisters fulfill this small wish?

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