Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 232 - 232 Nie Zhenbang’s Rage_1

Chapter 232: Chapter 232 Nie Zhenbang’s Rage_1

Translator: 549690339

The Range Rover was speeding on the road from Urumqi to Bazhou City. After hanging up the phone, Nie Zhenbang became increasingly worried. The special funds for education in Lixian were something he had worked hard to obtain. Now, with a call from Yi Jun saying that there was a problem with the Education Committee, Nie Zhenbang knew it must be an issue with the special education fund. Unable to sit still, he set off back home in the middle of the night.

The drive from Urumqi to Lixian took almost seven hours. Nie Zhenbang did not set off until nearly midnight. He hurried along the way and finally arrived at Bazhou City proper around seven o’clock in the morning. He drove his car directly into the municipal party committee compound and parked at the front door of Liu Wenqing’s house.

By this time, Liu Wenqing was already up. One of his hobbies was to exercise early in the morning. When he saw Nie Zhenbang step out of his car, looking tired with bloodshot eyes, Liu Wenqing paused in surprise, then stopped his exercise and came over: “Nie, have you just come from Urumqi?”

Nie Zhenbang nodded, then broke into a small smile: “I received a report last night that something had happened at the Lixian Education Committee. So, in my panic, I immediately rushed back. Director, I don’t know much about the situation yet, but I am planning to first obtain your ‘Imperial Sword’ before I return.”

Nie Zhenbang’s joking words made Liu Wenqing laugh too. He quite liked Nie Zhenbang’s direct and straightforward character, and his way of doing things was something Liu Wenqing appreciated.

A problem had arisen with the Lixian Education Committee, and Nie Zhenbang didn’t even know what the problem was yet, but he had rushed over to request Liu Wenqing’s ‘Imperial Sword’. Liu Wenqing was satisfied with this openness. He trusted Nie Zhenbang. Smiling, he said: “Nie, as long as you are in the right, the municipal party committee and the municipal government will be your strong backers.”

With Liu Wenqing’s words, Nie Zhenbang immediately stood up: “Director Liu, with your support, I feel much more confident. I’m still not sure about the situation in Lixian, so I’m going to rush back now.”

Nie Zhenbang’s words stirred Liu Wenqing’s emotions. This youngster was really throwing himself into the fray. Just as he was about to speak, Nie Zhenbang had already walked out into the yard. The car quickly started, and he left.

The People’s Government of Li County compound

Nie Zhenbang’s car drove straight in. The guards basically recognized his license plate number.

When the government staff saw Nie Zhenbang getting out of the car, they were all stunned. Wasn’t Director Nie supposed to have gone to the district party school to study? And wasn’t the Disciplinary Committee also planning to investigate him? Why had he suddenly returned?

Despite their surprise, after all, those were just speculations. Now, Nie Zhenbang was still the county head and as he walked through the building, several associates waved and greeted him with smiles.

This was the first time in almost a month that Nie Zhenbang walked into his office on the third floor. Meanwhile, sitting in the outer office, Yi Jun stood up as well.

Feeling the coldness of human relationships following Nie Zhenbang’s sudden departure, Yi Jun had now learned some truths about the world of officialdom.

Seeing Nie Zhenbang standing in the doorway, Yi Jun heartily said, “Director, how come you came back so soon?”

Nie Zhenbang took off his coat and walked into his office. Hanging his coat on the rack, he responded solemnly, “I couldn’t sleep after receiving the call yesterday. Tell me, what’s the situation? Is it really that serious?”

Hearing Nie Zhenbang’s words, Yi Jun didn’t beat around the bush. Though, over the past month, officials like Chen Le, Yan Fengjiao, Fan Zhenming, and Lin Weimin had been under great pressure, now wasn’t the time to dump grievances. Nie Zhenbang’s character was very clear to Yi Jun.

Without hesitation, Yi Jun gave him the summary: “Director, since you left, Deputy County Head Bayaer, Deputy Director of the Management Committee Gao Yuanshan, Director of the Education Committee Huang Pingan, and Zhao Kunlun have all banded together. Apparently, they’ve all thrown in their lot with Deputy Mayor Zhou now…”

Upon hearing Yi Jun’s report, Nie Zhenbang’s expression darkened again. The allegiance of Bayaer and Zhao Kunlun was expected, but he hadn’t expected Gao Yuanshan and Huang Pingan. Not that Nie Zhenbang was upset about this; in the world of officialdom, pragmatism was commonplace, and he knew he wasn’t a saint himself. People are entitled to their own ambitions, so it was only natural.

“Xiaoyi, it’s been a month and you’ve turned quite around. Let’s put aside others’ affairs; everyone has their own journey and choices to make. You just tell me straight. Are there problems with the special education funds managed by the Education Commission?” Nie Zhenbang’s tone was somewhat stern.

At that moment, Yi Jun shook his head and said, “Director Nie, the special funds were indeed used for the construction of schools. However, it’s complicated. I can’t fully explain it. You need to see it for yourself.”

The Li County Shengli Township Central Elementary School had completely changed compared to half a year ago. Although the size remained the same, the original two-story teaching building had been redecorated and repaired. All the necessary reinforcements were made.

At that moment, Nie Zhenbang frowned at a building adjacent to the school. Across from the teaching building, beside the elementary school’s playground, a chic building incensed Nie Zhenbang.

Nie Zhenbang now understood why Yi Jun struggled to articulate the situation. The flamboyant design of a mere toilet attracted his ire. It was grander than the teaching building of the school itself. Ostentatiously decorated, the restroom was fitted with the latest urinals and squat toilets which, along with the impressive lights outside, made one feel as if they had stepped into a four-star hotel. The construction and sanitary costs of such lavatories added to at least 30,000 yuan. With current prices, a primary school could be built with just ten times that amount. Nie Zhenbang would not object if such lavatories were built in more affluent areas like the coastal belts of the East. However, in the Northwest, where many village schools were still made of simple adobe bricks, this extravagance seemed criminal and negligent to him.

Renovating every elementary school in the county would make more sense. The leftover money could have been directed towards educational equipment for middle schools or scholarships for impoverished students.

Nie Zhenbang turned to Yi Jun and said, “Xiaoyi, let’s go take a look at the Muli Township Middle School and Elementary School.”

By the time Nie Zhenbang and Yi Jun arrived at Muli Township, the Director of the Education Commission, Huang Pingan, and Deputy Director, Bayaer, who had received news of their arrival, had already rushed over.

Upon exiting one of the Muli Township Middle School’s lavatories, Nie Zhenbang’s face showed no acknowledgment of any irregularities. The pattern was consistent: every single toilet was opulent, to the extent where villagers joked that the school toilets were far better than the classrooms.

Nie Zhenbang, standing before the approaching Huang Pingan and Bayaer, remained silent. The atmosphere turned tense.

Bayaer, somewhat apprehensive of Nie Zhenbang’s commanding presence, nervously began, “Director Nie, you’ve finally returned. You see, this sudden situation…” Mid-sentence, he was cut off by Nie Zhenbang, “What sudden situation, Comrade Bayaer? As the Director of the People’s Government of Li County, do I need to inform you before inspecting the situation on the ground? Or, does my presence here unsettle certain individuals? I didn’t invite you here, why are you so agitated?”

Essentially berating a Deputy Director in the presence of the students and teachers of Muli Middle School, as well the township citizens, was unheard of. Bayaer, rushing to find a response, was left speechless by Nie Zhenbang’s rebuttal.

Nie Zhenbang turned his gaze to Huang Pingan, the Director of the Education Commission, and sternly commented, “Director Huang, excellent work indeed. The toilets I have inspected could easily be placed in five-star hotels in Hucheng City or the South China Sea. You have truly worked hard for the sanitation needs of our county’s teachers and students.”

Everyone understood the sarcasm in Nie Zhenbang’s words. Huang Pingan lowered his head and nervously responded, “Director Nie… this, this is a showcase project for Li County.”


Hearing this, Nie Zhenbang was completely agitated. He had always yearned for a government that wholeheartedly served the people. The blatant misuse of funds by the Education Commission was the last straw.

As the County Director, Nie Zhenbang cursing publicly was unprecedented. The scene went silent. His face filled with rage, Nie Zhenbang pointed at the marble-encrusted lavatory and roared, “Is this your concept of image and prestige? The way I see it, this is just a lavatory! How much did this cost, Comrade Huang Pingan? Have you calculated that? Each restroom of an elementary school costs no less than 30,000 yuan, and for middle schools, each is 50,000 yuan. Let’s total that up: across the county, considering fifty elementary schools and ten middle schools, that’s two million yuan. Two million yuan! This could have established twenty village schools, built two high-spec middle schools, and funded two hundred students through high school. Instead, it’s being wasted on toilets. Toilets, a place to relieve oneself! Does it need such opulence? Ask these villagers, would they dareset foot in such a lavatory? This is not image-building, you’re tarnishing the image of Li County! This is a crime and a dereliction of duty!”

Just as he finished, one person from the crowd raised his voice and shouted, “Well said! In my opinion, such people should be shot!”

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