Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 31 - 30 Peng City’s Hai Ge 1

Chapter 31: Chapter 30 Peng City’s Hai Ge 1

Translator: 549690339

South China Sea

This is the forefront of domestic economic reform and opening up. From the sound of the first dynamite fuse ignited a decade ago, to a few years ago, the South Sea National Trade Building even set a record construction speed of one floor every three days, hailed as the “South China Sea speed”.

By the time Nie Zhenbang arrived in the South China Sea, it was already past eight in the evening. He parked his car at the side of the road and dialed a number given to him by his uncle Nie Guodong.

As soon as the call was connected, Nie Zhenbang immediately said respectfully: “Uncle Luo? This is Nie Zhenbang.”

Three years ago, following the orders of the Huaxia Military Commission, more than 20,000 engineers from two divisions and seven brigades were transferred to the South China Sea to support the economic construction of the South China Sea Special Zone. Uncle Luo on the other end of the phone was the commander of one of those divisions back then, holding the rank of colonel.

Upon hearing Nie Zhenbang’s words, a booming voice on the other end exclaimed: “Zhenbang! Your elder leader called me. Where are you now? I’ll send someone to pick you up right away.”

The revolving restaurant at the top of the South Sea National Trade Building has become a landmark building in the South China Sea area since the building was completed.

Luo Pingan was now waiting at the side. As the CEO of the South Sea

Construction Group, Luo Pingan had been perplexed when he was transferred. His superiors cherished him. But he paid close attention when he got a phone call today—the leader’s nephew was coming to the South China Sea.

His leader is Elder Nie’s eldest son. Isn’t his nephew Guowei’s son, Elder Nie’s grandson?

But Luo Pingan was also puzzled. In his memory, he had never heard of Guowei having a son. Just as he was pondering, Nie Zhenbang appeared at the door of the revolving restaurant.

As soon as Nie Zhenbang stepped in, he saw a middle-aged man walking towards him. The man was not tall, about 1.7 meters, and a bit chubby. When he laughed, he was very affable. Before Nie Zhenbang could say anything, the man said: “Zhenbang? I am Luo Pingan.”

Nie Zhenbang also smiled slightly, extending his hand and saying, “Nice to meet you, Uncle Luo. My uncle always speaks highly of you, saying that you’re his top general.”

Hearing this, Luo Pingan laughed. From the moment Nie Zhenbang walked in, there was a calm smile on his face. His moves were poised and measured. This restraint, far from annoying Luo Pingan, instead earned his respect. This was the demeanor expected of a member of a prestigious family. Expecting nothing less would feel unnatural to Luo Pingan.

Despite knowing that Nie Zhenbang was merely being polite, Luo Pingan modestly replied: “Haha, Zhenbang, you are too kind. What general am I, just an engineer. Not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning.”

The two had just sat down inside the revolving restaurant when Luo Pingan waived a waiter over to serve the dishes. Then, turning serious, he said: “Zhenbang, the leader told me that you are here in the South China Sea planning to find a place to set up a supermarket. You’ve come to the right person for that. I specialize in building houses. Where there is land, I know better than anyone. Right now, there is a plot of about 70,000 square meters near this National Trade Commerce Circle. I think it’s very suitable for your supermarket. What do you think?”

Upon hearing this, Nie Zhenbang was taken aback, but soon laughed. Luo Pingan’s words were truthful. As an engineer, he dealt with real estate matters the most. Instead of looking aimlessly, it was more efficient to ask Luo Pingan.

But before Nie Zhenbang could speak, a voice suddenly spoke from nearby: “General Luo, I was wondering why you wouldn’t give that place to me. So it turns out that you are planning to give it to this kid.”

The newcomer was a man in his thirties or forties, wearing a fur coat. His hairstyle was the popular slicked-back look of the time, and he was wearing a pair of sunglasses on his forehead.

Although Nie Zhenbang didn’t understand Cantonese, the change in Luo Pingan’s expression was not lost on him. Luo Pingan sneaked a glance at Nie Zhenbang, then stood up and said, “Brother Hai, I’m really sorry. I have my own use for that place, I hope you can forgive me.”

Luo Pingan deliberately spoke in Mandarin. This made Nie Zhenbang’s impression of Luo Pingan rise a notch. Luo Pingan was transferred to this place in 1983, and after staying in the South China Sea for so many years, he certainly spoke fluent Cantonese. Yet at this moment, his intentional use of Mandarin indicated that he was considerate.

Nie Zhenbang was a northerner and, being so young, naturally did not understand Cantonese. If Luo Pingan had conversed in Cantonese, it might have given Nie Zhenbang the wrong idea. But, as things were, Luo Pingan had made clear his stance to Nie Zhenbang.

The person addressed as Brother Hai was taken aback for a moment. He turned his gaze to Nie Zhenbang and bowed: “Young man, you’re not simple. Able to have Luo, the CEO of the South Sea Construction, as a companion. I don’t know which field you’re in. That place is crucial for me. I have searched all over South China Sea, and only that place suits a supermarket. Would you be willing to let me have it? And if you ever need anything in the South China Sea, just let me know.”

Supermarket? Nie Zhenbang was surprised. Although he knew very well that, with the continuous expansion of Wal-Mart, there would inevitably be followers in China, he didn’t expect that it would happen this fast. It seemed that the pace of expansion of Wal-Mart needed to be sped up.

Thinking about this, Nie Zhenbang gave a faint smile: “Sorry, that place is also important to me. I’m also planning to open a supermarket.”

As soon as Nie Zhenbang finished speaking, Brother Hai’s expression changed. Brother Hai never believed in coincidences. Right now, he believed that this kid was intentionally opposing him. Brother Hai’s face darkened and he turned to Luo Pingan: “Good, very good! General Luo, it seems you do not intend to continue doing business on the land of the South China Sea.”

As Brother Hai finished speaking, Luo Pingan’s expression also changed. Ever since Brother Hai had entered, Nie Zhenbang had been observing Luo Pingan’s reactions. It seemed that this Brother Hai was not a small player, or Luo

Pingan would not have been so wary.

At this moment, Luo Pingan whispered in Nie Zhenbang’s ear: “Zhenbang, this Brother Hai is the younger brother of Wei Wenoge, secretary of the Party District Committee of Nanhai City Port District. His name is Wei Wenhai. Because his brother Wei Wenoge is a standing member of the municipal party committee and has strong backing from the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, in South China Sea, Wei Wenhai can be considered a local tyrant.”

Upon hearing this, Nie Zhenbang’s expression turned grave. From both his former and current life, particularly due to the suppression experienced in his previous life, he held a deep disdain for those who abused their power to oppress others. After his rebirth, Nie Zhenbang vowed that if he encountered such people again in this life, he would not hesitate to trample them underfoot.

Back in Jingcheng, he had shown his firm hand with Zhou Chen. Now, hearing Luo Pingan’s introduction, Nie Zhenbang couldn’t help but smile, displaying a carefree demeanor. He played with the cup on the table and said: “Haha, it seems Brother Hai has a big temper. Let me say something too. For now, this ground is still General Luo’s. If General Luo agrees, I will have no objection. But if General Luo disagrees, then I can only say I’m sorry.”

Caught between the two, Luo Pingan found himself in a predicament. One side was his old leader’s nephew, a direct descendant of the Nie Family in

Jingcheng. On the other side was a local bully of South China Sea. Offending either side was not good. But under such circumstances, having it both ways was simply impossible. Gritting his teeth, Luo Pingan looked at Brother Hai and said firmly: “Brother Hai, I am really sorry..”

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