Reborn as a Noble's Son

Chapter 47 - 47: The Impostor Crown Prince_l

Chapter 47: Chapter 47: The Impostor Crown Prince_l

Translator: 549690339

Nie Zhenbang’s speed was far beyond ordinary people. Evelina had just been dragged into the alley. The two Russian men hadn’t laid a hand yet, but Nie Zhenbang already appeared at the entrance. Seeing these two, a line of Russian slipped from Nie Zhenbang’s mouth: “Stop!”

These simple everyday words were what Nie Zhenbang had learned on the way with Liu Kun. After all, being abroad, understanding a few phrases could come in handy.

The two men were both tall and robust, typical features of Russian men. Even their physiques leaned towards those of Russian strongmen.

Hearing Nie Zhenbang speak, one of the men immediately showed a fierce expression on his face, swearing rapidly in Russian. Nie Zhenbang didn’t understand a single word he was saying, but he did understand the phrase “your mother.”

According to Liu Kun’s logic, in any language, the easiest and most memorable phrases to learn are usually the ones for swearing. Unfortunately, Liu Kun had told Nie Zhenbang all the Russian swear words he knew.

Nie Zhenbang’s face darkened, his biological mother and stepmother were two people he would not allow to be insulted.

His biological mother held a fragile position in his heart. If anyone threatened her in this life, Nie Zhenbang would undoubtedly fight with his life. As for his stepmother, Ye Shuxian? This life was in stark contrast to his previous one. In his previous life, he was handicapped and she was indifferent. But in this life, Ye Shuxian had been nurturing him with great care.

Without further ado, Nie Zhenbang charged forward letting out a roar, using tiger-shaped boxing, a common move in his Shape-Intent Fist with the highest lethality. The man was instantly knocked down by the powerful impact. Seeing his companion fall, the other man also charged forward yelling. Nie Zhenbang snorted, observing the charging man. Without any proper technique and relying solely on brute strength, Nie Zhenbang could easily take down ten of him.

“Ignorant fools, rushing towards death. Today, I will show you that the people of Huaxia are not to be bullied.” Nie Zhenbang leapt up in the air, a kick landing squarely on the man’s chest, knocking him down deftly.

At this moment, Long happened to witness all this and mumbled in surprise, “With the young master being so capable, why did the Commander send us to protect him?”

However, Long immediately followed up, crouching swiftly and searched the two men. Two handguns were taken out from their pockets.

Seeing this, Nie Zhenbang also felt a hint of fright, he hadn’t expected the two men to be armed, fortunately, they were too careless to even consider using their guns, deeming him an easy target.

On the side, Evelina was already sitting on the ground, somewhat unsettled. Earlier, Evelina had been too eager. Her merchandise, after running for so many years due to its low cost and over-saturation had lowered her business.

Just now, the two men claimed they had a big deal to talk about, making Evelina follow them here. Initially, believing herself protected in view of so many people, yet shockingly encountering disaster instead.

“Are you okay, Li Lixue?” Nie Zhenbang approached Evelina, reaching out his right hand towards her.

Seeing Evelina’s state, Nie Zhenbang smiled, showing no awkwardness: “Before just now, I asked Brother Su. It was him who told me your name. To be honest, I admire your spirit, a girl travelling such a dangerous route alone. You are impressive.”

But Li Lixue managed to stand up by herself at the moment, ignoring Nie

Zhenbang’s goodwill. After straightening her clothes, Li Lixue said coldly: “There’s nothing impressive about it. Anyone can do it for the sake of survival.”

As Su Zhenhua, Liu Kun, Tiger, and others hurried over, workers from the platform and train police also followed. Seeing the two men lying on the ground in the alley, the Soviet police hesitated at first, then looked around at everyone, his gaze finally settling on Nie Zhenbang.

A person of Asian descent? At this time, due to the tension in China-soviet relations, Soviets from top to bottom had no good impression of Huaxia or Asians. In such a situation, if it were a Russian, it would probably be downplayed.

However, seeing the four Asians—Nie Zhenbang, Liu Kun, Long, and Tiger— the policeman’s face darkened, and he sternly asked, “Did you guys knock these two out?”

Li Lixue was about to go back to pack up her wooden tray, then board the train. When she heard this, she stopped immediately, turned around, and said, “Sir, a moment ago, these two men were trying to rob me. It was this gentleman who helped me before the two robbers could succeed. I hope you could go easy on these fellows, please?”

Listening to Li Lixue’s story, the Soviet police officer’s face darkened, and he said instantly, “Filthy liar. Do you think I don’t know who you are? You’ve been on this train so many times, I know it well. You’d better not meddle in this, or else, bear the consequences.”

In fact, train officers were well aware of passengers like Su Zhenhua. But the ordinary traders bribed them generously and they turned a blind eye. At this moment, Li Lixue’s words just angered him.

Su Zhenhua became anxious at this moment, walked up to the police, and was about to hand over some Rubles. But before Su Zhenhua could speak, the policeman said again, “Asimov, this is none of your business. You all, leave right away, or else, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Most of the spectators had left by now. At this time, only Su Zhenhua, Li Lixue, as well as themselves were left. Su Zhenhua’s loyalty, and the fact that Li Lixue had stayed behind, made Nie Zhenbang pause and his opinion of these two changed quite a bit.

At this moment, Liu Kun had an idea and walked up to the police, speaking sternly, “Scum, what are you? How dare you talk to us like that. We are from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. This man, he is the little son of Chairman Kim, Comrade Kim Jungsung of our National Defense Committee, and I am the son of General Cui of the Ministry of National Defense of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Cui Yongxian. What? Is it a crime for us to save one of your countrymen? We will lodge a complaint with your Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Do you want to cause a diplomatic incident?”

Liu Kun’s voice was loud and firm, and his proficient Russian, coupled with his arrogant demeanor, left the Soviet police stunned where he stood.

Nie Zhenbang noticed the police officer’s hesitation at the moment and signaled to Liu Kun. Liu Kun understood and nodded, handing over the passports. Four passports, well-faked. This showed Nie Zhenbang’s absolute trust in Yuan Xinghua.

If any random person could tell, Yuan Xinghua wouldn’t be skilled. Indeed, after the Soviet police officer had taken the passports and looked at them for a while, he saw the red steel seals of the direct-guarding troops of the Ministry of National Defense of North Korea on Long and Tiger’s passports. The Soviet police officer began to show respect.

Looking again at Nie Zhenbang, the Soviet police officer was even more respectful. The son of North Korea’s supreme leader. He was indeed an elite. When in Moscow, even Secretary Gorbachev might have to meet him. Such people have an air around them that ordinary people can’t mimic.

The more the Soviet officer looked at Nie Zhenbang, the more he felt that Nie Zhenbang had the demeanor of a crown prince. Then, the Soviet police officer smiled and said, “Comrade Kim Jungsung, welcome to the Soviet Union. Sorry to trouble you.”

At the side, Liu Kun started doing an accurate translation. At this moment, the two robbers had to face the wrath of the Soviet police. These two guys nearly got him involved in a diplomatic dispute. With a grim face, the policeman said to the men behind him, “Get them to the local station. Conduct a thorough investigation!”

Nie Zhenbang and his group took turns returning to the train. Seeing Li Lixue walking towards the hard seat, Nie Zhenbang felt a sudden pang in his heart, and blurted out, “Li Lixue, if you don’t mind, shall we go to the dining car and have a chat?”

PS: Five updates explosion, first post

Thank you to those who hit the ticket,.North, Newman889, seeing, four brothers for their generous rewards. Also, brothers, don’t rush for 12000 words anymore… How about… Old Cai can only cry….

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