Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

T/N: Before the chapter start I got 2 announcements for you guys!

  1. The result of the poll had come out! According to the result, we will stick to Welner von Zeavert and Just sir for future chapters.

Its kind of funny since, in the end, nothing will change (ahahaha) so I guess you guys love my translation that much, huh. The joke choice I put on the Welner full names poll also got more vote than the actual one lol.

2. The conventional translation for and is Duke and Grand Duke. However, if I have used those conventional translations, the explanation about the difference between the western duke and Japanese duke and the nobility system in Western countries and China in chapter 14 would not make sense in English. So, Ive been using the terms Prince and Duke instead. But now since chapter 14 has been edited and I want to avoid the confusion of Prince peerage and the Royal Prince, starting from this chapter, Ill use the conventional terms Duke and Grand Duke. From now on, Duke Seyfart will be Grand Duke Seyfart.

Tldr: We will use Welner von Zeavert, Just sir, Duke, and Grand Duke for future chapters. Duke and Grand Duke replace Prince and Duke so Duke Seyfart will become Grand Duke Seyfart.

Thats all from me. Enjoy the chapter!

While eating, I told Mazells family about Mazells life in the capital. The story is from my own POV but all of them listened with great interest probably because they are Mazells family. I guess its similar to listening to the story of your sons life when he was studying abroad.

.Thats what happened. Now, Mazell holds the record for the highest mock battle win rate in the academy with 45 wins and 1 draw. These 45 wins include the mock battle he fought with the teachers.

That 1 draw was a battle with you?

Nah, its not. Im no match for him.

If we fought now, even if Mazell just used a tree branch while I used a real spear, I probably would still lose.

I see then, how did he get that 1 draw?

Well, it has an interesting story behind it.

It was a story that became a legend in our generation. It happened when we had just enrolled in the academy. We were gathered in an outdoor training area to do a mock battle to test our skills. Mazells opponent was the third son of some noble. He was not exactly weak, but if they fought fair and square, Mazell would still win.

At that time, both of them had readied their swords. Then, the second the referee teacher shouted Begin!, bird droppings fell onto Mazells opponents head making the whole place fall into silence.

Then, everyone burst into laughter. Mazells opponent stiffened and didnt move. I remember that Mazell was showing a really troubled expression which seemed to be saying what should I do now? Thats the first time I saw Mazell with that kind of expression.

The teacher announced the match as a draw and told Mazells opponent to go wash his head while holding back his laughter. Mazell accepted the teachers judgment with a wry smile. And thats how he got his 1 draw record. Considering his abilities, its probably going to be his only match that ended as a draw in his entire student life.

Anyway, everyone laughed back then.

The Hearthing family who had been staring at me also started to laugh. Good, just laugh. They just left their hometown in such a bad situation, so I have been feeling that they are quite tense. Its a good thing that they look more relaxed now.

Not long after I told the story, Neurath approached me so I threw the remaining meat in my mouth and turned to him.

Welner-sama, everyone had finished eating.

Good. Whats the state of the horses?

I believe they had plenty of rest.

Alright then.

I told the Hearthing family to start preparing for our departure and then called the knights here. Since I finally had some rest, my brain started to function again.

We will be traveling with a cart so our movements will be slow. Thats why I want two people to go first and report our situation to the main Zeavert army.

Understood. How about sending Vili and Firat?

Yeah, thats fine.

Everyone here is the skilled knight of the Zeavert house so Im fine with anyone. Other than that, there is also another important matter that I want to talk about.

I said to Vili and Feirat, After you guys finish your report, I want you to tell Max to report what we have experienced in Alea Village to the supreme commander and my father who is in the capital.

Its that village chief were talking about. He might spin some lies to his story and then lodge a complaint to the capital, so we need to tell the capital about how rotten that village is first. After I report the matter to Father, he will handle the rest.

Its human nature to judge the information that came later by comparing it with the information that came earlier. If the information that arrives first contains some outrageous things, then the information that arrived later will be perceived as an excuse. Thats why in a trial the people that are suing have an advantage. In other words, we need to act fast to deal with people that put their own interests above everything else like the village chief. Otherwise, he might succeed in creating the impression that we are in the wrong to the people in the capital.

After listening to my explanation, Vili then said, Then, how about we go straight to the capital after we finish our report? and I agree without any hesitation. 

I give you permission to use a magic item. After you report to the supreme commander, go to my office. Theres a storage box there. Open it, take out a shoe-shaped item from it, and say, To the capital, Weinzierl.


Keep the effect of the magic item a secret. Ill also write you an official permit to use the magic item. Wait.

Vili and Feirat look confused. I havent explained about Skywalk to them so their reaction makes sense. After all, there are a limited number of Skywalks so I dont want too many people to know about them. I also want to confirm the reason why the existence of Skywalk isnt widespread.

I dont have paper so I tear up a cloth and carved it with a pen made using wood, then bite my thumb until it bleeds and use the blood to create a thumbprint on the cloth. With this, the piece of cloth becomes a temporary official document.

In my worlds medieval europe, there were ring stamps but this world didnt have them. Maybe I can make a profit if I sell ring stamps here?

Were going to head straight to Valeritz. Tell Max to arrange a team to escort the Hearthing family to the capital. We will meet them on the way.

As you wish.

If possible, I want them to head straight to the capital from here, but they need escorts, plus theres also the problem of food. If its the adventurers and mercenaries, they can just hunt demons for food on their way to the capital but for normal people like Mazells family thats going to be hard.

Since they are only four people, they probably can somehow survive by just eating wild grass on the way but thats too dangerous. They definitely need an escort.

On the other hand, the possibility that the kingdom army is still staying in Valeritz is low. They probably headed to the Finnoi already. We dont know their exact location so its faster to just meet them on the way.

If I knew that this would happen, I would have bought more Skywalks. Well, there is no use in crying over spilled milk now. The trouble with Alea Village is an unexpected variable. By the way, Valeritz has become a ruin but I wonder if the Skywalk can still be used to travel to ruined Valeritz?

The rest will follow me to escort the Hearthing family. After we meet up with Maxs escort team, the Hearthing family will head to the capital with them.

We understand.

Really, sorry everyone for dragging you here and there.

Anyway, with this, I used up all of my Skywalks. I want to replenish them somehow. Lets ask Mazell to share some with me when he gets them.

After 2 days of hunting demons, explaining the situation to everyone, and listening to Mazells childhood story, on the early morning of the third day


Ah, youre fast.

I was a bit surprised when I saw a group with a carriage approaching me. They are led by the knight on a horseback. He was the second group commander on the construction site guarding mission. The entire group is composed of the members of the 1st and 2nd group of the construction site guarding mission.

Im glad that every member of the group is someone I knew so theres no chance for a bandit to sneak in.

My apologies for making you wait, Welner-sama.

Sorry for worrying you, but lets talk later. I wanted all of you Sire to escort the Hearthing family to my father in the capital.


How is the frontline?

The kingdom army attacked the demon army that invaded the Great Temple Finnoi from the rear. The battle has remained in a stalemate for a few days.

Whats the situation in Finnoi?

Its safe and sound, sir.

I sighed in relief inside. It seems like Feli finished his mission safely. And well, its a bit late to ask this but I am still going to ask.

In the end, who was chosen as the supreme commander?

Its His Excellency, Duke Grunding.

Woah. The head of the current queens maiden family? A big shot! Thinking about whats going to happen when I return to the main army I just hope that Im only going to end up with a lecture.

Come to think of it, hes Lauras maternal grandfather. Aha, there are definitely personal feelings involved here. I remember that he was also never depicted in the game.

Who else are participating in the battle?

I regret asking that. Well, participation of the kingdoms knights, 1st and 2nd division, Marquis Norpoth, Marquis Schramm, and a mage unit isnt surprising. Then, theres this. A total of 17 armies of different count and viscount are also participating in this battle Just how big an army is the kingdom is planning to create? WIll our supply last?

Its going to be dangerous if this battle becomes dragged out.

Just the other day, Grand Duke Seyfart has brought the supply corps to the camp.

Ah, I see.

The supply corps also needs to eat, right? Well, the kingdom has probably thought that out. In any case, this means including the non-combatants like porters of supply corps, the army easily exceeds 30,000 people!

The kingdom never dispatched an army as huge as this in the game or rather theres only the hero party in the game. The story has changed so much that I dont know how to react.

I guess the fact that Mazell and his party was already in Finnoi when this army was dispatched was rather a blessing since if theyre not in the middle of siege battle in Finnoi, the nobles will definitely make some troublesome request to them.

In any case, this means I need to go explain myself in front of this many big shots. My stomach hurts. Well, Im the one in fault for leaving the camp without permission though.

Got it. Im going to Finnoi so please take care of the Hearthing family.

Yes, sir.

I said my goodbye to the Hearthing family and explained to them that I need to return to report and return to my post. Im glad that they understand.

Welner-sama, please be careful.

Thank you.

Lily-san seemed to be worried about me so I answered with a light smile.

Wait. I got a feeling that somehow its been a really long time since anyone was worried like this about me?

Ah, damn, I think I just noticed something I hope I didnt. It seems like the jobs that the kingdom has given to me are pretty ridiculous. If its in my past life, the kingdom might get sued for forcing their employees to work long hours with below minimum wage.

T/N: I never thought it will take just a bird drooping to make our omnipotent hero get a draw in his battle record lol.

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