Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

I diligently began preparations to challenge Twin Gates Four Families the next day. First, I confirmed the location of Twin Gates Four Families as per the information I had received from the waiter and even jotted down the names of some of the well-known experts residing there. The waiter had a wealth of knowledge; he divulged a lot of information, as if he had been a part of the martial world for at least a decade, once I paid him.

“How do you know so much?” 

I asked him out of curiosity, and he chuckled.

“Well, stories about martial artists have always been interesting and entertaining. Besides, Twin Gates Four Families has a decent reputation, and many people in Luoyang admire their experts. I also have some interest, so I look it up from time to time.”

“Speaking of which, is there anopen market in Luoyang?”

[TL/N: I’ve asked around but the term ‘open market’ seems to refer to an intelligence group made of mostly commoners or regular people.]

The waiter clapped his hands together.

“Oh, goodness. Is there any place where people live that doesn’t have an open market? Once you cross Changheum Street and go under a secluded stone bridge where beggars roam, you’ll see informant experts. They also often wander around Luoyang’s back alleys.”

I pondered for a moment. I had obtained some basic information from the waiter after paying him, but I wondered if it would be better to visit the open market for more detailed information. However, information has a way of circling back, and using the open market carelessly might cause me trouble later on.

‘I should put off using informants for now. It would be better to try challenging Twin Gates Four Families first, and then gather only the information I need.’

I ordered some food and headed downtown. Then I began looking for a weapon shop. The streets were zoned commercially—there were entertainment districts, jewelry streets, and various other types of shops. The weapon shop I was looking for was about 3 li (1.2 km) away from the guesthouse streets.

As I entered the weapon shop, I noticed the ornate interior decorations. At a glance, it seemed like a place not fit for the poor. Naturally, the weapons were also likely to be expensive. Just as I was about to discreetly exit the shop, the shop owner grabbed the hem of my clothes.


“Ah, customer, please take a look at our products before you leave~”

“… Haha, I’m too broke for that..”

“Our weapons are often purchased even by officials. You won’t regret it.”

Listening to him, I began to peruse the weapons on display with a nonchalant attitude. Luoyang had many martial artists and martial clans, and because of its unstable public order, even commoners were permitted to carry weapons with proper authorization. It seemed that even unauthorized weapon shops like this one were thriving for that reason.

‘Hmm… I definitely need a spear. And my longsword is getting dull, so it needs to be sharpened. Having a dagger would also be convenient.’

However, when I thought about placing an order, the shop owner beamed and said, “That would be around 30 silver taels and 50 copper coins.”


“I can give you a discount down to 25 taels.”

Despite the shop owner’s hurried addition, I simply couldn’t afford it. Clearly, this was an exorbitant price level that even a courier saving up money for an entire year would struggle to afford. It was frustrating to think that the owner might have inflated the prices arbitrarily. I left that weapon shop and looked around elsewhere, but the prices were similarly outrageous.

*’Damn it. These guys are definitely price-fixing. The prices are similar no matter where I go.’*

I frowned. When businesses of the same type are concentrated in a small area, engage in ruthless price competition, they’d all go bankrupt. It seemed the shop owners had agreed to keep prices at a certain level to avoid that. Of course, it was obvious that these inflated prices could easily swindle warriors.

However, I was somewhat troubled. I always carried a long spear, a sword, and a short blade as my basic weaponry while continuously traveling. But after studying under Mang-ryang for three years, the wooden shaft of my long spear had rotted away, forcing me to use a shabby wooden spear I picked in Jinrang Valley.

It was a wooden spear given to me by a blacksmith living in Jinrang Valley. It was so shabby that even the guards let me pass without a second thought. It was bound to break after a few uses.

Moreover, my frequently used long sword was also getting dull. If I got into fights using a significant amount of my inner energy, it would undoubtedly break. With my weapons in such poor condition, it would be impossible to fight against first-rate experts from prestigious martial houses like Twin Gates Four Families.

‘F*ck it… I have no choice. I’ll have to borrow weapons when I go there to challenge them.’*

This idea wasn’t something a true martial artist would entertain. Martial artists should treasure their weapons like their lives. Asking to borrow weapons upon entering enemy territory was more than enough to make one a laughingstock. Especially in prestigious martial houses like Twin Gates Four Families, there was no telling what kind of criticism I’d face.

However, spending too much on weapons would make it difficult for me to travel going forward. Although it felt a bit disgraceful, I needed to save my money. If the worst comes to worst, I could go to the courier agency stationed in Luoyang and earn money by taking on courier work, but I felt it would be disadvantageous to leave too many traces in Luoyang.

With that in mind, I left the weapon shop. It was better to hold onto money for the time being and borrow a weapon when challenging Twin Gates Four Families. Upon identifying Iron Blood Gate and Great Sword Gate, I was a little shocked. Despite their size, I expected them to be at the level of a small sect, but they actually owned territory that stretched over a thousand acres.

In the case of Four Families, they owned estates, but the scale of their sects weren’t very large—only enough to house dozens of people. The size was just about what you’d expect from the martial clan.

“Chatter chatter”

When I approached Iron Blood Gate, the number of junior disciples alone was in the hundreds, buzzing around like a marketplace. The Great Sword Gate was no different. It was astonishing, while owning a single house in Luoyang is considered enough for one to live by, the sect owning hundreds of acres in Luoyang symbolized tremendous wealth. The masters of Iron Blood Gate and Great Sword Gate had to be among the richest in Luoyang.

“Now I understand why even sects like Huashan Sect and Zhongnan Sect can’t get a foothold in Luoyang…”

I had a hunch why Iron Blood Gate and Great Sword Gate were so prosperous. The Four Great Families; Jang-Seo-Lee-Han, are martial families that placed importance on blood relationships,  making it difficult for them to accept outsiders as disciples. While they could accept some as members, expanding their sect would be challenging.  Exposing the family martial arts could risk betrayal. 

However, Iron Blood Gate and Great Sword Gate had no such restrictions. Their aim was to expand their sects, with their Sect Master at the pinnacle. They even practiced large-scale fishing tactics, promising to teach advanced martial techniques to low-level martial artists as bait, similar to what Azure Dragon Martial Hall had always done. With the Twin Gates Four Families controlling the martial arts scene in Luoyang, it was no wonder talents flocked to them like bees. 

Suddenly, I realized the audacity of what I was attempting. How skilled must the high-ranking members of these giant sects be, who effortlessly control hundreds of disciples and fend off interference from other sects? At the very least, they’d be far beyond average fighters of my level could easily face.

However, I shook my head.

“Let’s not be too pessimistic. I don’t have to defeat the Sect Masters of Iron Blood Gate and Great Sword Gate. I’m merely looking for an opportunity to fight someone in the martial arts world who’s of similar skill level.”

Having finished my exploration for the day, I returned to the inn and quietly practiced the [Thunder Dragon Breath Technique]. It was thrilling because it had been a while since I properly cycled my inner energy through Macrocosmic Orbit1. Until now, I had only practiced Microcosmic Orbit  to maintain my internal energy without needing deep concentration.

Unlike Microcosmic Orbit, Macrocosmic Orbit enhances the absolute level of my internal energy and disperses true energy throughout my meridians. Because deep concentration is required, getting attacked at this time would result in fatal injuries, regardless of the martial arts level.



I felt my internal elixir boiling up in golden light. As the qi traveling through Macrocosmic Orbit ascended to the top of my head and descended back down, my skin felt tugged, with energy pulsing near my heart. I focused for a long while, trying to control this massive energy, and finally, a lightning-like qi plummeted towards my dantian.


A heavy impact surged through my body, but there was no pain. I sensed that a significant part of my previously blocked meridians had opened. I couldn’t stop practicing because of the daily progress I felt.

“How strong is my internal energy now?”

Mang-ryang had predicted that  my internal energy would be on par with the sect masters of the great Nine Sects. However, since he hadn’t trained in martial arts, he couldn’t precisely measure my level. In the end, the only way to gauge my real strength was to face a martial artist who had reached a similar level to me.

With my eyes closed, I thought.

“My first challenge should not be the Four Families, but rather the Twin Gates.”

The reason was a bit complicated.

If I were to challenge and win against one of the Four Great Families, they will likely resort to devious tactics to bury the fact, sensitive as they are to their honor. Moreover, the people I’d be fighting are the blood and flesh of their clan, so the resentment from a loss could be even greater. Also, although the clans are small; while there are fewer number of experts, the disparity in our abilities could be great. It means that there’s a high chance that an extremely skilled expert could suddenly emerge to challenge me. Considering my skills are still underdeveloped, I didn’t want to engage the Four Families in any duel recklessly.

However, the situation with the Twin Gates is different. The larger number of members implies a balanced level of skills across the board. Moreover, since it’s a coalition formed by disciples for mutual gains, they would likely be relatively neutral. Though they are also sensitive to honor, their large numbers increase the likelihood that if someone loses, that individual would simply be labeled a ‘loser.’ While the Twin Gates aren’t an easy opponent by any means, I prefer to challenge them first.

Of course, all these are just my thoughts. Nobody knows what will happen when the real fight starts.

I calmed my rampant thoughts for a moment and continued to practice my Thunder Dragon Breath Technique. Ever since I started walking the path of martial arts, the desire to win was surging within me.

The next day, I woke up at dawn, braced myself.

I then headed to the entrance of Iron Blood Gate, a prestigious sect with a tradition of producing the largest number of martial artists in Luoyang. As I arrived before dawn, two half-asleep disciples were standing guard in front of the signboard.

“Who are you?”

I replied calmly.

“I am Baek-woong. I have come to challenge Iron Blood Gate.”

“… A challenge? Haha, this guy…”

The disciples looked at each other with incredulous expressions. Then one of them smirked and said, “People like you aren’t rare, but you’ve made a foolish choice. Do you know how many martial artists ended up crippled after challenging Iron Blood Gate?”

“Is it up to you to decide whether to accept my challenge?”

His face tightened at my sharp response. Then he went inside.

“Fine. Wait. We’ll follow the procedures.”

“I’ll wait.”

After hearing my reply, one of the Iron Blood Gate disciples sneered at me in a gruff voice.

“Don’t act tough. Either you’ll get beaten up and it ends, or end up as a cripple.”

‘Acting tough,’ huh?

I thought that might be true. I was more energized and tense than usual. It was my first proper martial challenge, so being nervous was unavoidable. I relaxed my face and chuckled to relieve the tension.


“… Is he crazy?”


I laughed whether he found it absurd or not. By doing so, my tension eased, and my muscles relaxed. My internal energy flowed like a mighty river, empowering my fists.

That’s right. There’s no way I’m losing.

After all, I’ve even consumed a thousand-year ginseng as a result of my efforts.

If I lose here, I might as well die.

Soon after, one of the Iron Blood Gate disciples came out.

“Hey, come in. We will guide you to the challenge arena.”

I followed him to the challenge arena. The scale of the sect was truly enormous, as I had seen from outside. In addition to dormitories that house hundreds of disciples, there were training grounds and even physical conditioning centers. Most surprising were the training facilities that looked like they were prepared for military training. Perhaps they were training for martial exams.

Shortly after, I was led into a large indoor training hall that was filled with fragrant smells of wooden floors. Despite arriving before dawn, there were already senior disciples prepared to face me, as well as junior disciples who had come to watch the sparring. Dozens of eyes focused on me, which was quite intimidating.


All of a sudden, the Iron Blood Gate disciples shouted. It was less of a shout and more of a collective display of spirit, possibly aimed at quashing my own spirit. The sound echoed deafeningly in the wooden structure. Any average martial artist with shallow cultivation would likely be overwhelmed by their vigor.

‘These bastards?’

However, I didn’t want to intentionally lose in this hostile environment. Thus, I channeled my internal energy and shouted back.





Suddenly, wooden boards around the building cracked and shattered. A few lower-ranking disciples of the Iron Blood Gate screamed and collapsed, spitting blood. The whole building vibrated before the doors burst open.

Across from me, a man in white robes shouted, “Hap!”


Then the room, which had been noisy due to my outcry, quieted down again.The high-ranking martial artist before me had neutralized the qi wave I had released. With an unpleasant expression, he looked at the fallen Iron Blood Gate disciples and got angry with a disciple standing next to him.

“You idiots… Take those with internal injuries to the medicine hall immediately. And only disciples above the ‘fourth-rank’ remain; send the rest back to the dormitory!”

“Yes, sir.”

“Also, call for the Sect Leader and the elders. Understand?”


Immediately, the senior disciples bustled about quickly. As the injured were carried away and the lower-ranking Iron Blood Gate disciples left, the interior became quiet again. The area now seemed much more spacious, like a grand training hall.

As things quieted down, the man in white spoke solemnly.

“I apologize. Our disciples were rude while trying to gauge your abilities. Please understand, Baek-woong.”

“That’s quite common. More importantly, will I be sparring against you?”

“Yes. I am Gyo-jun, the head of Sword-Facing Hall within the Iron Blood Gate.”


He then took a step, grounding his foot and slowly rising to his feet, taking a basic stance.

I also stood up, gripping my sword in a neutral position.

I wasn’t sure about the standing of Gyo-jun, the head of Sword Facing Hall, within the Iron Blood Gate, but I sensed he wasn’t simply for show; he was an exceptional martial artist. Not only did he neutralize the qi wave my previously released lion-like roar cultivated from consuming thousand-year ginseng, but the man managed to maintain his emotions calmly. The aura of his martial prowess was exceptionally strong.

‘What the hell… Is this like saying even a lion uses its full power to catch a rabbit?”

I was inwardly perplexed. I had thought someone of about senior disciple level would show up. But Gyo-jun, the head of Sword Facing Hall, seemed like a person who could make a name for himself even in the martial arts world. He scanned me briefly with clear eyes and said, “You are an impressive one, Baek-woong. I have never seen someone with your level of internal energy. From which sect do you hail?”

“I am self-taught. I have neither a master nor a sect.”

Perhaps he might know of the Azure Dragon Martial Hall’s martial arts, but for now, I denied it. It’s better to deny it than admit it from the beginning. Unless they directly bring in someone from Azure Dragon Martial Hall to verify, no one can intimidate me with that information.

Gyo-jun held his sword and sighed.

“Hmm… I honestly don’t think I can beat you. However, I have no intention of dishonoring my sect. Could you wait a moment?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Wait for a while, and a master from Iron Blood Gate who can match your level will arrive.”

What is he talking about?

I had been tense, preparing for a fierce fight against the head of the Sword-Facing Hall, Gyo-jun, but now he was backing off. My instincts told me he was seriously misunderstanding the situation. He genuinely thought he would lose to me, so he had asked for the elders and the sect leader of the Iron Blood Gate.

‘What? I haven’t even integrated my internal energy with a state of enlightenment yet…’

But I didn’t accept Gyo-jun’s request. Instead, I responded with a cold smile.

“Do the people of the Iron Blood Gate often speak out of both sides of their mouth? Stop wasting time and face my sword.”

I felt an urgent need to force a conclusion. Although my sword was dull, if I let Gyo-jun lead, something felt like it would go awry. Thus, I decided to push for a quick end.

“What, what did you say…”

“I’ll start the duel now.”


The next moment, I lunged at Gyo-jun, the head of Sword-Facing Hall. Surprised by my straightforward charge, he quickly drew his sword stance. Despite my dull blade, I employed my Thunder Sword Technique to swiftly cut through.

Gyo-jun’s sword form was precise and spirited. His posture was also very stable, making me realize he was at least a first-rate swordsman. Assuming this wouldn’t be over quickly, I just attacked as best I could.




After clashing blades with me once, Gyo-jun coughed up blood and was thrown out of the arena. Struggling to get up, he eventually fell to his knees, his legs unable to support him.

“Da-, damn it…”


Did we only exchange five moves?

I looked at my sword in surprise. The blade, though worn, showed no signs of breaking. In contrast, Gyo-jun’s sword was half-broken, with half of it embedded in the wall. It was proof that my inner strength had overwhelmingly surpassed Gyo-jun’s. A disciple of Iron Blood Gate standing beside us screamed in fear.

“Mo-, mo-, monster! To think he defeated head Gyo-jun…”

What on Earth is going on?

I was standing there, puzzled, not understanding what had just happened.

From the entrance of the arena, a calm voice reverberated as if it was right next to my ear.

“Indeed, it has been a long time since we’ve seen a challenger of this caliber. Perhaps ten years?”

I turned my head to look at the entrance.

I saw a middle-aged man dressed in a fur coat, radiating confidence, and six warriors accompanying him as if guarding him. The middle-aged man’s “Qi” was so concentrated—according to my senses—that it was almost visible, and the six warriors also exhibited considerable martial prowess.

Following them were more individuals, like head Gyo-jun, who wore swords with tassels attached to them.

As soon as they appeared, the Iron Blood Gate disciples around the arena shouted.


“The Sect Leader and the Elders are here!!”

“All the other heads are here too!!”


I couldn’t help but have a grim expression on my face.

‘Son of a…’

Against all odds, all the high-ranking executives of Iron Blood Gate, who are at a leader-level position, have all appeared here.

  1. Also known as Large Heavenly Circulation. This circulation includes the qi energy channels that travel through the rest of the torso (existing outside of the microcosmic orbit) and into the full extent of the arms and legs.[↩]

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