Reincarnated Swordmaster

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

After that day, I continued to receive personal instruction from instructor Jin So-cheong. Contrary to my initial thought that it would end in a month, Jin So-cheong seemed keen to teach me passionately. Of course, I didn’t believe in the “mentor-disciple bond” since I knew there were ulterior motives hidden behind it.

Two months passed like that.


My entire body aches. I felt as though the round pill-like energy stored in my danjeon had burned to black ashes and melted away. Sweat poured from my forehead and back, making the spot where I sat damp with moisture.

Finally, when I had completely refined my energy, I opened my eyes.

Then, Jin So-cheong chuckled and said, “You’ve successfully refined the internal energy of the [Three Talents Heart Method]. So, it took exactly two months, huh?”

“Yes, I’ve been diligently practicing the [Thunder Dragon Breath Technique] for two months.”

The only thing I had learned in the last two months was how to circulate [Thunder Dragon Breath Technique]. I hadn’t learned any martial arts techniques or spiritual methods.

Jin So-cheong had stopped insisting on sparring. Instead, he had encouraged me to practice [Thunder Dragon Breath Technique] even during meal times, saying it was beneficial to dissolve the energy of the [Three Talents Heart Method] as quickly as possible. As a result, I spent seven hours each day sitting in meditation and walking meditation.

And as the internal energy of the [Three Talents Heart Method] was completely refined, I felt an immense power spread throughout the blood vessels in my body. It was as if I had upgraded from riding a powerless old donkey to galloping on a thoroughbred horse. Moreover, [Thunder Dragon Breath Technique] was an excellent first-rate internal skill, so I had accumulated a lot of internal energy as well.


Suddenly, Jin So-cheong swung the wooden sword he had been holding and brought it in front of my eyes. The speed was so fast that the wind brushed past the tip of my nose.

As I stared at the sword, instructor Jin So-cheong asked, “What do you think? Could you see my sword a little better now?”

I answered honestly, “Yes, I can see it more clearly than before.”

It was not an exaggeration; it was the truth. Before, all I could see was a vague afterimage when Jin So-cheong swung his sword. Now, I could see the outline and direction of the sword, even if just slightly. I felt confident that I could dodge it if I moved correctly.

“As your internal energy level has increased, your eyesight naturally improved. Eyesight is extremely important in martial arts, so it’s safe to say your skills have improved.”

I felt a general increase in reaction time, physical strength, arm strength, and healing ability. I smiled and said, “That’s good to hear.”

“Starting today, I have to teach you some weapon techniques… I guess I’ll start with the spear.”

“The spear?”

I have been learning swordsmanship for decades. Although I was as a courier then, having to start from scratch, I felt fairly proficient in handling a sword. But now, I’m told to use a spear?

Jin So-cheong said, “Of course, the spear is stronger.”

“What do you mean…?”

Jin So-cheong confidently stated, “Most martial artists typically use a sword or a blade, while only a few use a spear. Why do you think that is?”


“It’s because the spear is a very powerful weapon. If you master the spear, you will not lose to anyone. Even in the martial arts world, people avoid using spears not because they don’t like them but because they choose swords or blades as a secondary option. Fundamentally, the spear is the basis and the pinnacle of all weapons.”

“I see.”

For some reason, it made sense to me.

In the village, even if the peasants lacked strength, when they armed themselves with spears or iron staffs and roamed in groups of dozens, they were never to be taken lightly. I’ve seen instances where a second-rate expert was rendered incapacitated by such peasant militias. This proved that, despite the gap in individual martial skills, a spear was a powerful weapon that could easily level the field.

“But currently, the Chief Instructor excels in swordsmanship, do you not?”

“My swordsmanship is quite mediocre. The weapon I specialize in is the spear, so it can’t be helped.”


After saying that, Jin So-cheong effortlessly threw a sword, which landed precisely into a sheath located five paces away. It was a feat that an ordinary person could hardly emulate, clearly proving his expertise.

“Do not be disappointed. Once you master [Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique], I’ll teach you swordsmanship as well.”

“Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique?”

“It’s the name of the spear technique I’ll teach you.”


Jin So-cheong handed me a practice wooden spear. I had a basic grasp of how to hold a spear, so I clumsily attempted to emulate him.

He spoke again, “Baek-woong, I know you don’t possess exceptional talent. However, in spear techniques, if you have diligence and effort, you can definitely reach the pinnacle! I’ll help you tap into your potential to its limits.”


Noticing my silent gaze, he asked, “Why the long face?”

“Well, I was wondering why you are investing so much in me.”

I have yet to consume the millennium snow ginseng. I haven’t had any special elixirs either.

However, I knew that being mentored one-on-one by Jin So-cheong was a rare fortune, an opportunity even wealthy people could not buy. I was curious about why he was devoting his time to me.

“You’re very forthright, aren’t you?”

“Chief Instructor, you’re not a person who would pick a side so easily. It doesn’t seem like you have a reason to be so fixated on the successor issue.”

I pinpointed this because I was sure that I was now on the same boat as Jin So-cheong. Given that he is teaching me something as important as [Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique], I was essentially a part of his tutelage. Therefore, it seemed safe to directly ask him the key question.

Jin So-cheong gave a bitter smile, “Let’s say, you’ll find out why when you prove your worth. You’re quite presumptuous for someone who can’t even fly yet.”

“I see.”

“Baek-woong, just shut up and learn.”

His following words became a maxim I pondered over my lifetime,

“Concerns like ‘why’ can wait until you become stronger.”


Time passed.

One year flew by quickly.

With no other place to go, I made this place my home, spending my days eating, sleeping, and training.

In the second year, I felt slightly lonely.

As I was growing, hitting my growth spurt, it seemed like adolescence was approaching.

By the third year, I managed to withstand twenty moves in a match against Jin So-cheong.


My iron spear clashed loudly and was deflected. Jin So-cheong effortlessly withdrew his wooden sword and chided me.

“When will the day come that I get to use my spear against you, Baek-woong?”

“It seems unlikely in my lifetime.”

I grumbled as I slumped down.

I had been virtually Jin So-cheong’s direct disciple at Azure Dragon Martial Hall for three years now, yet I   had never been able to draw out his real abilities. He had only ever used a wooden sword against me, never his actual weapon of choice—the spear.

I had grown significantly taller and had become well-built. Yet, I was still woefully lacking compared to Jin So-cheong’s abilities. Feeling disheartened, I muttered to myself when Jin So-cheong spoke.

“You’ve mastered our Azure Dragon Martial Hall’s [Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique], [Silent Thunder Sword Technique] and [Silent Thunder Steps]. What more could you ask for? If you’ve mastered all of that properly, you should be able to defeat me.”

“I am no genius.”

I knew it.

It was probably impossible to catch up to Jin So-cheong in this lifetime.

As Jin So-cheong mentioned, I had sufficiently mastered the secret techniques of Azure Dragon Martial Hall in these three years. I had gotten the hang of[Eightfold Thunder Spirit Technique], [Silent Thunder Sword Technique] and [Silent Thunder Steps]. Especially for the [Silent Thunder Sword Technique], I had achieved as much as 50% proficiency. Moreover, my internal energy was not lacking compared to my peers.

But in these three years, Jin So-cheong had grown stronger beyond the extent I had grown. I was at a loss for words, not even knowing his limits.

‘Is he truly the future top expert under the heavens and the greatest spear martial artist in the Central Plains?’

Jin So-cheong placed his wooden sword on his shoulder and scratched his belly.

“It’s been three years since you’ve come to our academy, hasn’t it?”

“If we go by solar years, yes.”

“Go visit your hometown once.”

At his abrupt suggestion, my body trembled.

“My hometown?”

“Yes. Shouldn’t you at least go back to your village for them to see whether you’re alive or dead?”


Should I call such a place my hometown?

The place where I cleaned up cow dung every day and ate and slept in a barn.

Where the villagers looked down upon me and where I was occasionally beaten by peers.

A place where I had no allies, forcing me to eventually flee to the courier station.

There were no good memories to speak of.

“Seeing as you haven’t even considered sending a letter, I can guess. But still, a hometown is a hometown. You’ll be even busier from now on, so I think it wouldn’t be bad to settle your thoughts with a visit.”

He had a point.

Even if I had no lingering affection or regard for my hometown, I agreed with the need to sort out my feelings. Of course, how I would go about that would be up to me.

I gave a hollow laugh.

“Well, in that case, I’ll go and come back.”

“I’ve talked to the headmaster, so you’ll be given travel money and three months’ time. Take as much ‘hometown air’ as you want during that time.”


Hometown air.

What would that feel like?

One thing was certain—I would not let that air remain undisturbed.

The next morning, I packed my things and left Azure Dragon Martial Hall. After living there like a prisoner for three years, even the sights of the capital city Gwanjung seemed fresh to me. I thought of riding a horse from the station, but I decided to save money and gave up on that idea.

‘Is the reason to sort out my mind… because he wants to place me in the ‘Embroidered Uniform Guard’ (Jinyiwei)1!

Embroidered Uniform Guard

The organization overflowing with talented martial artists, currently an influential power within the Imperial Court. Whenever I met with headmaster Lee Gwang to have tea and chat, the man showed a strong attachment to ‘Embroidered Uniform Guard’. Although he is originally a military instructor for the young lord and a martial arts expert in the ruling faction, it seemed like he missed his time at the Embroidered Uniform Guard more.

And secretly, Jin So-cheong also frequently brought up the organization’s name, making it hard not to think their intentions are somehow related to the group. But why would they, who are running Azure Dragon Martial Hall and living well, would benefit from any association with the Embroidered Uniform Guard?. The organization neither pays respects according to the formalities nor looks favorably upon people who pried open their organization’s secrets. So it didn’t make sense.

Anyway, judging by their talk, it was clear that they would use me for something soon.

‘If things go south, I can just run away.’

As long as I’m not implicated in their schemes, it doesn’t matter.

For the past two days, I followed the official road, resting at inns or civilian houses along the way. Unlike when I first arrived at Azure Dragon Martial Hall, I was traveling leisurely and comfortably.

Then it happened.

“Hahaha!! Where are you going~?”

Mountain bandits emerged from the bushes by the road; there were five of them. I checked their outfits; they seemed to be regular members of the Green Forest. These nuisances were somewhat skilled in basic martial arts. I calmly addressed them.

“I have no money. I’ll give you everything I have, just leave.”

“Huh? No money?”

The burly bandit at the front snickered and shouted in a raspy voice. A hostile aura filled the air.

“Then we’ll have to cut off your hide!!”


Two of the bandits lunged at me with their blades. I deftly dodged by activating [One Thread Thunder Shadow], avoiding even a scratch. If this were three years ago, I would’ve had difficulty even dodging. Now, it was no issue.

‘Just murderers disguised as bandits.’

Bandits generally come in two types: those who just rob, and those who kill and rob.

People often think the latter is more common, but it’s the opposite. The more people die and the bandit group’s infamy grows, the more likely a suppression force will be dispatched from the government office. Therefore, most of the Green Forest’s bandits just rob and let people go. Even couriers and bandits usually had this unspoken ‘tribute’ agreement.

But the ones I met belonged to the minority who killed and robbed indiscriminately. Such groups were deeply despised even among bandits.

Had I encountered these men three years ago, this would’ve been my grave. But I smirked coldly.

“I might not be able  to defeat Jin So-cheong, but—”



As soon as I drew my sword, the initial move of [One Thread Thunder Shadow] sliced through the necks of two bandits. Before the remaining bandits could react, I dashed and struck another one in the chest with my palm.

A thudding sound followed, and the bandit spat out blood, his chest visibly crushed. There was no way he could survive.

“Hee, eek.”

“That guy is a martial artist…”

The remaining two bandits realized they were in trouble and tried to flee, but I chased them and sliced their necks one after the other. The sensation of cutting through flesh was one I hadn’t felt in years. I felt tense at first but quickly regained my composure.

Wiping the blood off my blade with a cloth, I muttered, “I’ll be reaching a village soon.”

A glint appeared in my eyes.

“Let’s pay a visit to the village chief’s residence, shall we?”

  1. A secret service agency that served directly under emperors in China. Members of this organization are tasked with collecting military intelligence and carrying out the Emperor’s orders, be it to  protect the imperial institution itself or national interest.[↩]

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