Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 162 Poison Spells

Now that his master left, Michael let out a sigh of relief, deep in his heart he was worried because he once asked Zein why he focused in speed and his answer nearly made him vomit blood… "to flee from angry fathers, boyfriends and husbands".

When Zein was younger, he was quite a playboy, so it wasn't unusual for him to end up in a quarrel due to having spent a night with a girl which was already in a relationship.

Just like Michael, Zein was a commoner which only talent was his speed, he was a rare case of a second affinity manifesting later, so at the beginning he was only a wind mage, so it was normal for fathers to prohibit their daughters from falling for him.

Even now that he was a grandfather and a half emperor Zein had the bad habit of acting like a womanizer in front of pretty girls, of course Haylee had the task keeping him in check.

Still Michael didn't know if Zein had previously met Aura or Erin and her daughters, so he was a bit worried that the bad habit of his idiot of a master would make the negotiations fail, fortunately it seems that wasn't the case.

Haylee saw the relieved expression in Michael's face and she giggled before hugging one of his arms.

"You always become so tense when grandpa is around".

The corner of Michael's lips trembled as he remembered one time Zein disguised of him to flirt with the wife of a five-star fire mage, only to leave him to his fortune saying, "Nothing like a life and death situation to make you run faster".

Michael shook his head to forget about those traumatic memories and instead looked at Daimon.

"Is there a place for us to see Haylee's abilities… it would be better if there aren't others around due to her unusual affinity".

Daimon nodded, the training grounds had private training rooms which were exclusive of the elders since not all had the right to buy a mansion in the capital city of the Revy family.

"Yes, we can go to the training grounds for that".

The eyes of Yvonne, Leslie and Liliana and their mothers illuminated, the rumored natural wonder of the hot spring exclusive for women of the Revy family was also at the training grounds, so it was two birds one stone for them.

Calvin saw Haylee acting all clingy with Michael and he sighed.

"Even the shrimp is getting more action than this young master, why must the heavens must be so unfair?", he mumbled.

Mireya which was standing next to her nephew softly snorted.

"Humph, it's a well-deserved punishment".

On the way to the training grounds, Liz, Aisha and Aura walked next to Daimon, for Aisha it was the first night in practically her life that she wasn't with her son and she didn't like it, the same applied for Liz and Aura, after eight years of cuddling with him, sleeping alone was simply not up to their liking.

Unfortunately, yesterday when they complained about it using their mental connection, Erin put an end to their comments saying "I had to sleep alone a whole week, so shut up".

Aura's little nose wrinkled a couple of times, before she intensely stared at Daimon.

"You smell like Erin… way too much".

Listening to Aura's jealous filled voice, Erin softly giggled.

"Of course, he does, I made sure to mark him so other "females" doesn't approach him".

Sparks seemed to fly as Erin and Aura exchanged gazes, Liz on the other hand was having a similar conversation with her older sister, in a rare occasion Elaine actually bragged about her night which of course made Liz snort and reply.

"Luckily they are using the mental connection to discuss", thought Daimon as he chuckled, before Evangeline's sleepy voice interrupted him.

"Luckily my ass, they forgot to leave me out of it, so their yells woke me up".

But then Narasha's accurate comment made Daimon laugh.

"Who told you to stay awake to watch the show".

"Ughh", being exposed Evangeline feigned ignorance and just focused on telling Daimon what she originally wanted to.

"Since you got in contact with that ice basilisk guy the system will update, just keep it mind".

"Mm, thanks Evangeline", said Daimon, besides unlocking more things on the shop, in the past eight years Evangeline has never gone out of her way to mention an update, so whatever was going to change it was going to be something important if she mentioned it.

All the discussions ended as soon as they reached the training grounds, unlike Dana who wasn't taken into account for team battles due to her lower mana capacity, Haylee was a star ranked mage, so Daimon needed to assign her a role in the team.

Using her token of identity, Erin reserved a private training room for them, the insides of the room were similar to a court, there were also some equipment destined to measure the strength of both spells and physical attacks and a platform.

Haylee smiled at Michael before letting go of his arm, she went up the platform and then explained a bit about their fighting style.

"As brother Michael has already told you beforehand, I'm a wood and poison dual element mage, for the wood element my focus is support which includes defense and crowd control".

She extended her hand and softly spoke.

"Vine entangle", then green vines as wide as the waist of a teen appeared from the ground covering about ten meters, their flexible bodies danced like snakes, Haylee moved her hand and the vines followed her movement.

Then without cancelling her spell she casted another one.

"Thorn bramble wall".

After casting the spell, a dome made out of brown branches with spikes surrounded her, after that she did some other demonstration, but the concept was pretty much the same, either blocking the enemy or shielding and helping the allies.

Daimon nodded in recognition ad of right now, Haylee was a decent support mage, but there was still more to come, affinities which aren't elemental are as hard to come by as the rare elements like lightning or ice.

Haylee snapped her fingers and flowers grew on her vines as she mumbled.

"Spore rain".

The flowers opened and countless of little yellow spores flew from each flower bringing a sweet fragrant to the room.

While it didn't affect anyone of the present people, Daimon observed the spell with the truth seeker eyes, which let him know the effect of the spores, anyone that breathed them will be paralyzed for the next minutes.

Of course, the result depended in a variety of things, the realm and the natural defenses of the ones breathing the spores.

Haylee's face then turned serious, before she only used her poison element through her wood element just like previously, but recently she managed to dominate a spell purely based in poison.

"Acid arrow".

Before her voice turned off, a viscous green arrow was shot from her hand, the thing flew about twenty meters before landing on the ground, the arrow exploded at the contact with the ground spilling it with a green liquid.

"Shhh!", the sound of the ground sizzling came from the place where the arrow exploded, although there wasn't too much destruction it was because the platform as reinforced, so besides shaving a thin layer of concrete there weren't any other damages.

"I have wide range spells with the same effect… of course the consumption of mana is equally big, and that is basically all, there aren't too many spells designed for poison element".

Everyone was pretty much okay with her, she had a strong defense and a strong offensive, adding to that the fact that she had long range attacks, she was well balanced to fight alone against many.

Michael had a happy smile seeing Haylee not being shaken at all even after using a poison element spells.

"She has gotten stronger", he thought before looking at Daimon waiting for his verdict.

Daimon assigned tasks in his mind, Calvin and Michael were of course the vanguards.

Then the Risha sisters were the mages of the group and their task was of course long-range attacks.

Loren was a special case, because she had close combat skills to protect herself, but she was also the healer, so technically she didn't have ay job but to keep herself alive

Lastly, Aisha and him which could fulfill any of the other roles with the exception of healers.

"She'll be in the backline providing support, is that okay with you two", said Daimon to Michael.

"No problem", answered Michael.

While others were marveled by seeing a non-elemental affinity the only one suffering was Calvin, those poison spells gave him a bad memory after all.

Haylee got off the platform only to be dragged by the rest of the girls.

"Come with us, let's try the hot spring", said Leslie with her usual energetic voice.

Calvin saw Loren leaving and he sighed, the thought of spying on them flashed through his mind, but Daimon poured cold water all over him with his next words.

"There is an anti-spying magic formation, if you try it the formation will leave a mark on you and then thousands of angry ladies will come to kick your ass".

Calvin felt a chill running through his spine.

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