Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 256 Man Proposes, God Disposes And The Demon Decomposes (Part 2)

Calvin jumped onto the ship and nearly slipped on the floor, as he was received by the sight Scarlet and the other girls holding onto the cannons and looking at him suspiciously.

"Ahem, ladies, I'm on Daimon's side so don't shoot those things", although Calvin could block the fire from the cannons, the things had the capacity to damage his armor and it was a bother for him to repair it.

Only after seeing Daimon nodding at them, which he for some reason took a couple of seconds to do, making Calvin sweat a bit, they stopped aiming at him with the cannons.

"You should have let them shot him a couple of times", mumbled Leslie, making the other girls laugh.

"Let's go to the shore of that island, we have a lot discuss".

"Got it".

Following Daimon's order, Yvonne and Haylee who were piloting the ships guided them towards the shore.

Once they arrived, everyone got off and Daimon kept both in his inventory surprising Calvin and the others, but they left that subject aside for the time being, Calvin stomped and created a rock platform where Loren placed a blanket to that everyone could sit.

On the way, it didn't escape Daimon's eyes that the ship Calvin and the others were using, had a rough time, some parts of the deck had burning marks and one of the sides was patched, clearly using a different type of wood, probably Haylee's work.

He has yet to hear his mother's experienced during the past month too, so it was a good time to ask about it.

"How have things gone for you, have you fought the skeletal creatures or only the guys who owns that kind of ship?", asked Daimon as he pointed at the ship they were riding.

"Our original ship was obtained from one of those creatures, although their captains have strength on par with early-stage Lord realms, they can't maneuver on the air too well nor touch the water without suffering harsh burns".

"So, while the shrimp and me kept the captain distracted and blocked the cannons and other attacks, Loren focused on gathering all her mana in the spell you gave her, the same for Haylee, one destroyed their ship and the other would finish off the captain".

"Using that strategy, we easily defeated the creatures one after the other, unfortunately the ships are too big to be kept in the rings the academy gave us, so we had no other choice but to sink them, of course we changed the one we used from time to time".

Calvin then gritted his teeth before continuing.

"Everything was working pretty well, we also had an approximate idea of your location, but on the way, we were intercepted by one ship of the creatures controlled by the paladins of the Blue-Sky academy, and one led by guys with dark red skin…", Calvin couldn't help but steal a gaze at Scarlet as he said that, clearly remembering how the guy leading them looked at Loren.

Of course, that didn't escape Daimon's eyes.

"They aren't on the same side the ones you all met are from the Red Bone tribe, the "Tribes" are always guys and as you probably already noticed, they tend to be scum, Scarlet, Ruby, Amber, Lapis and Jade, were kept prisoners by them and after I got rid of the owner of my ship, they signed a contract with me, so I can respond for them, any objections?".

Calvin sighed and then leaned his arm on Daimon's shoulder.

"Class rep, you should teach us good brothers some of your secrets".

Seeing how Scarlet and the other girls looked at Calvin as if he was a weirdo, Michael facepalmed.

"Please don't judge our galaxy based on that idiot… I'm Michael, anyone who's trusted by Daimon has my trust too".

"I'm Michael's fiancée, you can call me Haylee".

"Loren Lefay, you can call me Loren".

"And of course, the young master of the Ghrish family and the most gallant gentleman of the White Fang galaxy, Calvin".

… Ruby tugged Daimon's sleeve and then pointed at Calvin.

"Daimon, sister Yvonne told us you are like a prince from two different forces, is the funny guy like your clown of the court?".

The tribes kept a feudal-like system to organize their planets, so when Yvonne explained that Daimon was the young master of two of the biggest forces, she took it as if he was some kind of prince, which wasn't too far from reality, if he would have kept his status as a vampire, he would have been the royal prince of the Naktis family.

Ruby's question made everyone laugh, Leslie specially gave thumbs up to the little girl for her accurate observation.

"Ahem, as I was saying, we were intercepted by those guys and managed to brush off the paladins, but the assholes from the other ship chased us, they had one cannon on that ship which was freaking strong, even with my ten-layer armor I nearly lost my hand just redirecting the attack".

"Anyway, we managed to make some distance from them and met the guys on this ship by sheer luck, so we kicked their asses and robbed this ship, still the red skin… the guys from the Red Bone tribe caught up and this time they had two of those stupid cannons".

"We managed to block most of the impact but I fainted, Michael took over and we escaped those guys, Loren healed me so everything is cool, also we discovered how useful were the radars on the ship and used them to track a ship which we hoped was taken by you".

Daimon nodded, apparently the radar could only track inanimate things, so it wasn't the fault of the Risha sisters that they encountered him, but his since he left the ship out of hi inventory, although it turned out to be a happy accident.

Then as he was about to ask Aisha to tell them her experiences, his mana sense detected a small group of three ships, about one thousand kilometers at the east of their current position, one of them clearly had a stronger mana radiation and an emblem which caught Daimon's attention.

"Did the ship that chased you had an emblem similar to this?", asked Daimon as he drew the flame crossed by a skull emblem which symbolized the royals of the Red Bone tribe.

"Yeah, I remember that emblem, why?", answered Calvin.

"Well, it seems it's payback time", mumbled Daimon, before he looked at Haylee.

"Can you manipulate the wood to make a rudimentary ship, as long as it floats and it is big enough to carry all of us it would be enough?".

Haylee nodded, as she pointed at the trees on the island.

"If I were to create the wood, I wouldn't be able to build one in a single session, but if I have the materials then I'll be done in about ten minutes, as long as you bring me the logs".

"Okay, Michal, Calvin come with me, the rest of you prepare for a battle, we leave in fifteen minutes".

"Mm", the girls nodded, although they haven't heard Daimon's plan, they trusted he wouldn't mislead them, so for the time being focusing in recovering and preparing was their task.

"Let me go too Daimon, I can help you choose the better trees", said Jade, her feet felt way better than earlier after being surrounded by trees and other vegetation, so she wanted to take a small walk to recover mobility.

"Okay", having gotten Daimon's greenlight, they entered the jungle to cut the trees Haylee needed.

Daimon noticed Michael only had one knife left and he looked in his inventory, where he kept the things inside Eleazar's ring.

"Take this", Daimon handed Michael all the knives he found there, their grades varied from the three star to the eight star realm grade, although their designs were all different, they would work as a charm for what Michael needed.

"That one is perfect… if you can please leave the root intact", Jade pointed at a tree of about twenty meters tall.

Daimon took out a sword from his inventory and with a single slash, the trunk fell down without affecting the root of the tree.

The trunk then disappeared as Daimon kept it in his inventory, before they went for the next one, this time Michael cut it and Calvin used his body to kept it from falling and causing a mess, while Daimon stored it.

Soon they returned with about thirty trunks which Daimon left on the sand for Haylee to work with them, he also handed Haylee a piece of paper with the design he wanted her to take inspiration on.

Needless to say, but Calvin and the others were all intrigued by Daimon's capacity to store things as big as the trunks, since the space of the ring granted by the academy wasn't small, but he would have needed to cut them in half due to the quantity.

"I guess there is no harm in telling you now, I can learn to use any element, also…", it was easier to show it than to explain it, so Daimon casted a wisp of Demon Light and as he expected, they all reacted differently.

"Battle aura!".

"That's light element".

"And fire too…".

Calvin who has been sparring with Aleah since he was a kid, was the first one to recognize Demon Light's nature was similar to battle aura, Loren noticed the strong light element in the mix and Michael the fire one.

And the surprises weren't over, Aisha then summoned her "tamed" magic beast, this time since they saw the blood bat coming out of thin air, they were sure it wasn't a spell of some kind but a living being.

"Being friends with you two is bad for our self-esteem… but it's also a good reminder to not fall behind", mumbled Calvin and this time the others couldn't help but agree with him.

"We'll continue with our discussion later, the ships have stopped advancing for some reason, the plan is pretty simple I steal those dangerous cannons, and then we take over the ship, leave the captain of the biggest ship for me, sis you deal with the other and Calvin and Michael will take the other one".

"We can use our air transportation, but you'll have to use the improvised ship to get there, since they can detect the ones created by themselves or the creatures, but this rudimentary one doesn't radiate enough mana to be detected on the radar".

"Okay", without any objections, Daimon explained the details of how to attack the three ships and then without a second of delay he jumped onto the blood bat followed by Aisha, and they flew away towards their objective

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