Return of the Tower Conqueror

Chapter 342: Return Home (II)

Chapter 342: Return Home (II)

Chapter 342

Return Home (II)

The beach was clean--it looked as though absolutely nothing had happened on it, as though a tragedy was merely an act of imagination. While Cain, Quinn, Lear, and the twins sat some ways in the forest, resting in silence, more and more people were gearing toward the portal and entering it, leaving the world. Though in no particular hurry to leave, Cain had also planned to do so today at the latest, as he wanted to go back to Earth.

Though a part of him wanted to stay behind still and explore the Primal World further, he was directly told by the powers-that-be to go home and continue climbing normally. And even if he didnt understand why, he was obliged to listen, in part at at least to not incur their wrath.

The atmosphere in the group was hardly light, with everyone seemingly focused on something deep inside their minds. Cain absentmindedly ate some freshly cooked meat, occasionally watering it down with some ale, stroking Tegha that was lying comfortably on his lap. To his surprise, Domin had already made himself at home--nestling between Tegha and Cain, curling up into a strange-looking ball and seemingly falling asleep.

Im going to go home, Lear suddenly broke the silence. I mean, my home.

... while everyone looked at him with complex expressions, Cains was simple. Alright.

... youre not gonna stop me?

You could have just escaped, Cain shrugged. None of us here could have caught you. But you didnt.

... Im sorry, Cain, Lear said. I... Im all for adventure. Excitement. But...

Dont worry about it, Cain smiled faintly, understanding without needing to be told. Live a nice life.

My world is called Halandres, Lear said. If time ever comes for our atonement, come and find me.

Will do, the man stood up and, nodding toward everyone, turned into a bolt of lightning before disappearing. Cain glanced at Quinn who was staring at the fading figure.

You dont trust him? Cain asked.

I dont trust anyone, she replied. But you do. Thats enough.

Mighty nice of you, he said. What about you three?

Im coming, Quinn said.

Us too, the twins replied in unison.

You cant get rid of us that easily, Quinn joked halfheartedly.

Youll be sleepers for a while, Cain said, taking a sip. My world is well behind yours.

Thats fine, Quinn said. There are other ways to grow stronger than just climbing and fighting. Besides, a short vacation wouldnt hurt.

Do you think Im weak? Cain suddenly asked, surprising the trio.

W-weak? What do you mean? You could obliterate the three of us in a single breath, Quinn replied.

Not that, Cain shook his head.

Oh, she sighed. I... I dont think youre weak, Cain. I think you are... different. The truth is that the world is the way it is because of people like me--people who are able to fully fuel the ends justifying the means. A small sacrifice in lieu of greatness. And while, on occasion, I truly, unquestionably believe it is the best course of action, it also, inevitably, ends up being used as an armor, a shield against our sins.

Theres two people inside of me, Cain said. A hopeless child in want of a hopelessly perfect world, desperately believing it can be achieved, despite all the evidence of the opposite. And then theres a grown man in want of silence, knowing that the world, whether on a micro scale or one spanning the entire cosmos, will never change. People will always remain haplessly the same. Envious, petty, vile little creatures who wouldnt hesitate to betray and backstab anyone and everyone in pursuit of their own little dreams.

And these two people, he continued after taking a sip. Are at a constant war. A never-ending, never-ceasing, never-stopping war. On good days, the child wins, and cries out in delirious laughter that theres hope yet. And on most days, the grown man wins and simply sulks back into the corner, increasingly unhappy that hes winning. And thusly the ebb and flow of life continues, and on every corner Im left feeling like a hypocrite. Truth be told... I dont even know why Im fighting, he sighed. Its not as though if the universe was suddenly handed to me Id have the capacity to make it a better place. If anything, like most noble heroes who took the mantle of change upon themselves in the past, Id just fuck the whole thing up even more until, one day, thered be shadowy gatherings of new heroes in want of a change.

... theres nothing wrong with being a hypocrite, Quinn said. At least you recognize it. But being wish-washy will be the death of you.

Tell me about it, Cain shrugged. Push and pull, push and pull. It doesnt matter. The story, now, is set in stone--as is my fate. Just, the next time, shield me from the hypocrisy and be stealthy about it.

Ha ha, I will try, Quinn laughed for a moment.

For you, there wont be a next time, either Harmony or Nature echoed the statement. Just live in your blissful hypocrisy.

Well, heres to hoping, he raised the gourd and drank the rest. Shall we go too?

Lets, Quinn nodded. Im mighty curious to see who has managed to tamed you.

Theres plenty of them, Cain chuckled faintly as they packed up. But before that, Ill have to ascend properly. Technically, Im still a measly once-Awakened.

Yeah, I think if people knew your tale, Quinn said. Many-a-tear of shame would be shed.

I havent seen you shed any.

Oh, Im a big girl.

Girl? You mean grandma, right?

Girls a girl as long she feels like a girl in her heart, Quinn said as they began moving toward the portal.

Wow, I havent heard that cope yet, Cain said. My wife uses Im a girl as long as you call me one, and when I refuse, she withholds sex. So, shes a girl until grave.

Ah, men and sex, Quinn commented. Civilizations spend lifetimes creating tools of comfort and ease, and yet the greatest tool of them all is gotten at birth.

You clearly havent taken a shit after holding it in for hours, Cain said. Sex is great, but nothing beats the feeling of your stomach getting deflated. Its like the angles blow into you a heavenly breath, revitalizing you.

... no comment.

The passage through the portal was as was the arrival--at least for everyone except Cain. For him, it was quite literally like stepping through the doors. There was no discomfort, no waiting, no nausea--he took one step in, and within the second, he was back in the valley, surrounded by hundreds of preying eyes that were hidden in the surrounding crevices.

It wasnt a strange sight; similar thing often occurred around dungeon entrances in the past--hundreds would wait for what seemed like easy prey and steal their items. It looked for a moment like Cain was to become that easy prey, but Quinn and the twins arrived right then, and the aura of the thrice-Awakened immediately dispelled any straying thoughts. Even the bravest werent morons, apparently.

As such, the four left the valley without interruptions, flying out casually. Since Cain had no clue how to return home besides recharging the bead--which was only around halfway done since he didnt prioritize it, he handed the reins over to Quinn.

What? I dont know how to get us to your world, she said. I only know how to temporarily get us into a world with a Tower so you can ascend.



Oh, well, he sighed. Looks like well have to delay it for a few days. My beads not recharged yet. While I fully focus on charging it, can you three go farm us some potions, pretty please?

Alright, Quinn shrugged; it was better than sitting in a cave and doing nothing, at least. Where will you be?

Hmm... that rock, Cain pointed at the most open spire in the surroundings, clearly visible to everyone.

Youre evil, either Nature or Harmony said.

Charging the bead is boring, Cain shrugged. Ill need some entertainment.

Alright. Will five days be enough? Quinn asked.

Should be, Cain replied as both Tegha and Domin appeared on his shoulders, having just seemingly woken from their naps. Just blow something up if you need help.


See ya.

Good luck.

While the twins and Quinn left for the potion hunting, Cain slowly flew up to the exposed rock and sat down, Domin and Tegha looking around curiously, having both spotted thousands of eyes that descended on the tiny peak immediately.

Kekeke stupid human, everyone hates you now! Tegha gleefully noted.

Good! Domin exclaimed in excitement. This is how a man should be! Ha ha ha, great Domin will dominate the world, muhahahaha~~!!

... theres something seriously wrong with the both of you, Cain commented, taking out some snacks that Tegha enjoyed nibbling on. Domin, too, joined when he saw the cat eat away happily. Of course they hate me, they think Im an arrogant piece of shit whos too big for his diapers. And no, you wont dominate shit, little one. You cant even dominate me and you want to dominate the world?

No, you are the world! Domin exclaimed. I want to dominate not-world things for you!

... wow, Cain sighed. Youll fit right in, I guess. Thats all that matters. Yeah, thats all that matters...

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