Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 296: Should we buy the house too

Chapter 296

"Buying a car cost a total of 1.15 million yuan.

In Huang De Han's bank account, there were only 87,000 yuan left.

The dealership didn't have the car in stock, so it would take about a month to get the car.

After buying the car, Yi Bing was extremely happy. In front of everyone, she gave Huang De Han a passionate French kiss.

Feeling the gaze of those around him, Huang De Han felt light-headed once again.

It feels good to have money!

On the way back to the inn in the car, Yi Bing affectionately linked her arm with Huang De Han's and said, 'Darling, we're getting married. We can't keep living in an inn, can we? How about we buy a house too?'

Yi Bing had developed a spending addiction, thinking that Huang De Han was wealthy.

She didn't even bat an eye at spending over a million yuan on a car.

Buying her diamond rings and gold jewelry didn't make her bat an eye either, as she spent nearly 500,000 yuan.

Who would dare spend like this without a fortune of millions?

So, she thought that buying a house for Huang De Han was just a small matter.

Little did she know that when Huang De Han heard Yi Bing ask him to buy a house, he turned pale with fear and stammered, 'Um... isn't it too early to buy a house? Maybe we should wait a bit... when the inn starts making a profit, we can buy one then...'

Where would he get the money to buy a house now?

Before Huang De Han could finish, Yi Bing unhappily said, 'What do you mean it's too early? A house is meant for living in. Without a house, where will we live? Where will we get married? We can't get married in an inn, can we? And when we have children, without a house, how will they go to school?'

Yi Bing's words left Huang De Han speechless and frustrated. He truly regretted why he had pursued marriage in the first place. Now, Yi Bing wanted to buy a house, but how could he come up with the money to buy one?

Feeling irritated, Huang De Han took out a cigarette and was about to light it when Yi Bing snatched it away. 'No smoking! I can't stand the smell of smoke, and besides, you're not allowed to smoke anymore. Smoking is bad for the baby!'

Hearing this, Huang De Han nervously asked, 'Are you pregnant?'

Yi Bing gave a shy smile and said, 'You never use protection. Do you think I might get pregnant?'

They were intimate several times every night, so getting pregnant was just a matter of time.

Huang De Han looked extremely worried as he asked, 'Does that mean you're pregnant?'

'No,' Yi Bing said, caressing her belly and speaking gently, 'but I feel like there will soon be a little life inside me.'

Huang De Han's face turned pale, and he really didn't want a child!

Sensing that Huang De Han seemed unhappy, Yi Bing asked, 'What's wrong? Don't you want a child?'

Huang De Han shook his head and looked at Yi Bing, saying, 'Darling, can we not have a child for now? I haven't had enough time alone with you.'

Yi Bing's face filled with displeasure. 'If you don't want a child, why don't you use protection? You only care about your own pleasure...'

With that, she gave Huang De Han a disdainful look, turned her head in anger, and ignored him.

Huang De Han quickly tried to appease her. 'Darling, please don't be angry. I just forgot to buy them. When we go back, I'll buy them immediately, and I promise to use them from now on.'"

"Yi Bing spoke with a hint of annoyance, 'It's too late now. Who knows, maybe the child is already in my womb.'

Turning her head, she looked at Huang De Han and asked, 'But what if I do get pregnant? Would you ask me to terminate it?'

Huang De Han couldn't meet Yi Bing's gaze and his eyes darted away. 'Well, you haven't conceived yet, so let's wait until you do,' he replied cautiously."

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