Revenge of the Wife

Chapter 331: The Compliment

Chapter 331

"I don't care," Yi Bing, taking advantage of her pregnancy, said with a demanding tone, "You must buy me a villa in full payment. Otherwise, I'll get rid of the child. Without a house, how can I give birth?"

Ever since losing Brother Li's goods, Huang De Han dared not leave the house. He was afraid of being found by Brother Li.

Right now, apart from earning money from this inn, he had no other source of income.

Where could he find the money to buy a villa?

Wasn't this asking for his life?

Huang De Han could only plead softly, "Can't we do it differently? Let's make a down payment for a house first. When we earn enough money in the future, we can buy a villa, alright?"

"No, no, no!" Yi Bing cried in grievance, "I've told my relatives and friends that my boyfriend is a big boss. The way you are now, where should I put my face? I really hate you. Without money, what's the point of pretending to be rich? You're a liar, a cheat!"

Huang De Han's face turned pale with anger as he said, "Are you with me just for the money then?"

Of course, Yi Bing couldn't admit it, even though she did get together with Huang De Han because of money.

She hurriedly denied, "Of course not, I'm not with you for the money. But the way you are now, where should I put my face? Who gets married without buying a house nowadays?"

"Well, didn't I say we can make a down payment for a house? If you insist on buying a villa, then we'll have to sell the inn," Huang De Han said.

Yi Bing exclaimed, "If we sell the inn, what will we live on? Will we just sit idly by?"

"In that case, let's buy a smaller house for now as a temporary solution," Huang De Han said earnestly.

"I don't want a small house. I want a villa!" Yi Bing stubbornly insisted.

Seeing that Yi Bing couldn't be reasoned with, Huang De Han slammed the door and left in anger.

The two of them were now in a cold war, not speaking to each other.

A week later, Yi Bing couldn't hold out any longer.

Her parents and brother and sister-in-law were coming to visit her.

Yi Bing found Huang De Han and asked him to come with her to pick them up.

She drove the BMW X7 that Huang De Han had bought for her.

Fortunately, the X7 was a seven-seater, so it could accommodate so many people.

When Yi Bing's parents and brother and sister-in-law saw her driving the BMW to pick them up, they were overjoyed. They couldn't stop smiling and praised, "Yi Bing has really made it now, she even drives a BMW."

Yi Bing hooked her arm through Huang De Han's and coquettishly said, "This is the engagement gift Huang De Han gave me."

The family's eyes towards Huang De Han changed, and Yi Bing's father complimented, "Mr. Huang is truly an outstanding young man."

Huang De Han humbly said, "Not at all, Uncle, you flatter me. You must be tired from the flight. Let's go back to the inn and rest. We've prepared the rooms for you. This time, just stay here with Yi Bing for a few more days and don't rush back."

Yi Bing's parents couldn't stop smiling and kept saying yes, thanking him for the trouble and other polite words.

And Yi Bing's brother and sister-in-law couldn't stop complimenting Huang De Han, calling him the big boss and asking him to do business together and get rich together.

Huang De Han, who cared a lot about his reputation, readily agreed and asked them to stay in Lijiang to help him manage the inn.

Not wanting to run the inn, Yi Brother and Yi Sister-in-law asked, "Besides the inn, is there any other job?"

They thought Huang De Han had many businesses because Yi Bing had bragged to them, saying that Huang De Han was wealthy and a big boss.

Being a big boss, of course, meant having more than just one industry like the inn.

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