Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 156: Growing Stronger

Chapter 156: Growing Stronger

A huge circle of darkness was superimposed on Jacks vision. It was close and far away at the same time. He could sense it just before his eyes, a threat of cosmic scale, but he could also see stars orbiting it in the distance, their shapes twisting and warping, elongated.

In this moment, Jack didnt have a mind to observe the universe around him. His gaze and soul were captivated by the darkness. He felt something in there, waiting, calling to him. It was gargantuan beyond belief.

He knew it was there. And yet, the darkness showed nothing. It was a circle darker than black, a void so impenetrable that not even light could escape, a place where even time and space seemed to lose their meaning.

A place that could trap even Old Ones.

Despite the absence of any clues, Jack could feel it beyond the shadow of a doubt. Something was hiding in the darkness. A deity shielded by an impenetrable veil. An existence on such a high level that it felt as sacred as the Dao itself, as the large fist hed glimpsed when he first touched upon his Dao of the Fist. It radiated life with such intensity that it overwhelmed everything else. It made death seem childish.

Jack was humbled. The incalculable physical distance between himself and that force of life seemed like a fitting metaphor for the immeasurable difference between them.

His mind ground to a halt, frozen in incomprehension, paralyzed by being in the presence of something so superior. It was a self-defense mechanism. If not, he would go insane.

The God in the black hole spoke, but Jack couldnt understand the words. Each buffeted him like a tsunami, and blocking off reality was all he could do to shield his sanity.

Eventually, a tired sigh resounded through the stars, and the vision faded away, returning Jack to reality. He instantly remembered the cruel, unending pain, a now inseparable part of his existence. He braced himselfbut it never came.

From one moment to the next, the pain was simply not there. The feeling was jarring. It took him some time to adapt. The environment began to creep into his mind again, slowly, hesitantly.

Jack was on the the stone cavern, lying on the floor. His entire body felt sore. Wounds brushed against the crude stone, but that pain was almost funny by now.

He simply lay there for a while. Not moving, not thinking, just waiting for reality to settle over him, for his brain to forget about hell and start operating again.

Many minutes later, Jack forced himself to stand. Slowly, tentatively, he rose to his feet. Nothing bad happened. No assault, no pain. Finally able to think again, he finally wondered, What the hell happened?

He first thought about the vision, but the mere memory filled him with horror. The visions intensity was such that even considering it stretched his soul. However, Jack wouldnt be stopped by mere horror.

A God in bottomless darkness he thought, suppressing a shiver. Enas. The Old One that was trapped in a black hole by his peers, for reasons unknown. It was his statue I touched to come here. The voice spoke about a divine gift.

Does this trial really have a direct connection to an Old One?

The thought was enough to fill him with anticipation. Just what would such an entity consider valuable enough to call a gift?

However, Jack had to admit that this trial was no joke either. He was extremely strong for his level, and also well-suited to fighting crowds of weaker enemies, but the combat trial had still almost doomed him. And the pain of that drop entering his body

Only his steel resolve, cultivated through many life-or-death situations, had pulled him through. How many people could boast the same decisiveness?

Who was this trial designed to find?

The rewards could only be suitable. Jack turned his gaze inward, afraid of what he might find.

There, inside his soul, was a new entity. A drop of liquid, vibrant green, floating around in his Dao Seedhis soulalongside his two Dao Roots. No; it wasnt just floating around. It was connected to him, fused. Little roots spread from its core to dive into the nearby space, resembling the Dao Root of Indomitable Will he had only recently fused.

Besides that, the drop looked nothing like a Dao Root. Apparently, the System disagreed.

Congratulations! The Dao Root of Life had been successfully fused with your Dao Seed.

Strength +20

Constitution +20

Will +20

Congratulations! Indomitable Body II Indomitable Body III.

Indomitable Body III: You possess more than mere physicality. The Dao of the Fist reinforces your entire body, making it indomitable. You have significant durability, extreme regenerative powers, and heightened control over your body, including its natural limiters. Additionally, your mind is fast enough to keep up.

Conveniently, the System italicized the differences from the previous tier of the skill. This time, it was only one word: his regenerative powers had become extreme.

What? Jack opened his status screen.

Name: Jack Rust

Species: Human, Earth-387

Faction: Bare Fist Brotherhood (E)

Grade: E

Class: Fiend of the Iron Fist (Elite)

Level: 80

Strength: 325

Dexterity: 305

Constitution: 325

Mental: 50

Will: 80

Skills: Ghost Step I

Dao Skills: Indomitable Body III, Meteor Punch II, Iron Fist Style I, Brutalizing Aura I

Daos: Perfect Dao Seed of the Fist (late), Dao Root of Indomitable Will (fused), Dao Root of Life (fused), Dao Root of Power

Titles: Planetary Frontrunner (10), Planetary Torchbearer (1), Second Ring Conqueror

What? he asked again. This didnt make any sense. The drop was the Dao Root of Life? And it had fused with him? When? What did he know about life? He had never even pondered the issue.

It didnt even look like a Dao Root at all.

Something was wrong here.

Either there are many things I dont understandor the System misinterpreted something, Jack thought. Still, I thought the Dao could only be understood, not transferred. Is this the power of a God? What happened? And how?

And how do I get out of here?

He waited a moment. The sun mushroom above still covered the cavern in still light, and the absolute silence was like heaven after all the trials intensity. Since the voice didnt seem eager to speak up, Jack focused inward again, taking a better look at his new Dao Root.

No matter how he looked at it, it still didnt look like one. The System could say whatever it wanted, but Jack knew that this wasnt a Dao Root. Or maybe it was, but it was also much more.

It was a reservoir of unlimited energy, a well of infinite vitality, like an ocean of life compressed to the size of a droplet. It made sense that his regeneration would be ramped up so hard that his Indomitable Body rose an entire tier.

But there was more. He gazed into the drop, focusing more and more on it. As he did, its details sharpened, its ocean of life growing ever deeper. His current spiritual perception wasnt even enough to reach the bottom.

Just what is this thing? he wondered for the hundredth time in one minute. His thoughts immediately whirled in a new direction. And what else can I do with it?

He sensed the endless vitality, the power. There were roots connecting this drop to the rest of his soul, but they now seemed tiny. The amount of power they could transmit to him was nothing in comparison to the drops reserves, a tiny fraction of a fraction.

What happens if I draw more?

He tried. The drop was in his soul, after all, so he had good control over it. He sensed the thin barrier keeping the power of life contained, and he very gently parted it, letting a tiny part of the drops energy seep out, infiltrating his soul through osmosis and quickly reaching a point of balance. Something clicked.

The change was instantaneous. He was filled with such power that his body was about to burst. He quickly let the barrier drop again, releasing a cry of surprise, but the energy that had already been released flooded him, coursing aggressively to his every nook and cranny. It pushed at him from the inside like a flood, demanding that his body expand or explode.

He really was afraid that he would burst. Instead, somehow, he expanded.

Jacks eyes snapped open, observing the changes in his body. He couldnt believe it.

He grew taller and wider. His body was magnifiedeven his pants. He instantly grew a whole foot in height, all his proportions remaining constant. He sensed power course through his body like when he leveled up. His overall power had just increased by a significant margin, though no System notification accompanied the change.

Before he could digest what happened, staring at his own hands with wonder, he realized that the life energy wasnt done yet. It circled around his body, frustrated that hed stopped growing, and focused under his armpits.

There was a momentary spike of pain as his skin ruptured. Then, to Jacks absolute shock, two more arms grew out under his regular ones, flesh and muscles entwining to form elbows, forearms, hands, and fingers. It resembled the way his cut-off arm had regrown after the combat trial.

Jack had four arms.

Only now was the life energy satisfied, content to course around his body and continuously support its changes.

Jack was left as a four-armed giant. He was stupefied. He flexed his fingers in disbeliefall twenty of themoverawed by how he had complete and easy control over his two new arms like they had always been there. Instinctively, he clenched one into a fist and punched out. A purple meteor unfurled, its starry line crossing the room to land on the floor ten feet to the side with an explosion.

What the fuck? he couldnt resist saying. He couldnt stop looking over himself, conflicted between shock and glee.

He had suddenly grown massively stronger. The life drop was a tremendous boon to his combat abilities. It also gave him extra arms. He could punch much faster. But he had four arms.


He checked his status screen, but nothing had changed. His stats remained as they were, as did his titles and dao roots. There was no indication that his body had just changed completely.

Will I stay like this forever? he thought with a spike of horror. It wouldnt be too bad. He would be strong. But everyone would look at him weird. Did he really care?

However, he soon realized that was not the case. He hadnt noticed it before due to the shock, but the life energy coursing through his body was under his control. With an effort of will, he pushed it back inside the drop, where it remained easily.

The changes reverted. His two new arms shrunk back, the skin closing without a trace where they used to be, and he shrunk until he regained his normal size.

It was like nothing had changed.

Jack wasnt sure he could process this.

Congratulations, the booming voice came again, fanning Jacks hopes of an explanation. This time, the voice carried emotion. Deep, trembling joy. You have succeeded in inheriting the divine gift, the Life Drop, a drop of blood from the Old God of Life himself. This is an unfathomable honor, as well as a great duty.

You will notice that the Life Drop has joined your body as an already fused Dao Root. The System will say so, if it still exists, but that is false. It simply cannot comprehend the powers of an Old God. That is also a gift. If the System recognized the Life Drop for what it was, a sign of the Old Gods, its forces would descend on you and this place, demanding to take it away or destroy it.

Fear not. The soul is inviolable. Neither the System nor anyone else can discover the Life Drop inside you without special means. However, there is more power in this divine gift. Look deep into it, let its power seep out to fill you, and you will assume a form that vastly increases your powers.

I did that already, Jack replied. The voice either couldnt hear him or ignored himprobably the former, given how talkative it now was. Success really did change everyones attitude.

It waited a few moments, expecting Jack to realize and experiment with the Life Drops powers.

That form is a great weapon that requires utmost secrecy, the voice finally continued. If word of it gets around to the ones in power, they will know what it means. That will be your end. Therefore, that form should only be used as a final resort, when you are certain there is nobody watching, or when you are certain that those watching will not report your powers.

I see, Jack replied, nodding. An ace in my sleeve.

Giving you access to that power is a gamble, the voice admitted, suddenly sounding a bit hesitant. But, if you are to achieve the feats we require of you, trusting your judgment is essential. You have attained great power today, young mortal. Use it wisely. Your path is endless, your potential limitless. Make us proud. Right our wrongs. Undo the evil we have created.

I, uh Thank you. Ill do my best, Jack replied. Could you perhaps tell me more about this evil? I, uh, have no idea what youre talking about.

You will exit this hall shortly. We ask that you use your power rightly, with the Dao as your guide, and with utmost secrecy. Tell no one about it, not even your closest allies, for it is always them who tempt betrayal. If you stand out sufficiently, as you doubtlessly will, the great forces of the universe will stop at nothing to get your secrets.

Okay, that sounds dangerous. I noticed you keep talking about important things, like great forces and such, but not saying names. Could you maybe

Goodbye, chosen one. May you scale the peak we failed to master.


And just like that, Jack teleported away.

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