Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 165: One Path to Survival, a Thousand to Death

Chapter 165: One Path to Survival, a Thousand to Death

Your offer is tempting, Lord Longsword, Jack said, consciously relaxing his body and mouth. He even forced a small smile. The first step was to give Lord Longsword his respect in front of everyone. How could anyone refuse? You are an unmatched prodigy. Honestly, after fighting you once, my respect for you is through the roof.

Longsword nodded. He assumed Jack was just complimenting him to make up for his earlier disrespect. Before he could say anything, Jack continued.

Besides, I would have to be an idiot to let myself be handed over to that guy, he said, jutting a thumb at Bocor and laughing loudly. Not only is he an asshole, hes also a weak asshole. Dying to him would make for an ugly tombstone.

Longsword frowned. I acknowledge your intention, but you shouldnt insult my other subordinates. It is ungainly.

Oh? I apologize, Lord. I wasnt trying to insult anyone. I was just stating the facts. That person is, indeed, weaker than me. There is no shame in that, right?

I could destroy you with one finger! Bocor bellowed from the side. He was a minotaur, and bulls werent known for their composure. Just as Jack had hoped, he was outraged.

Of course you couldnt. Jack laughed again, latching on to this opening. We both know youre the weaker party here. Wouldnt you agree, Lord Longsword?

Longsword didnt reply immediately. Instead, his frown deepened. He wasnt an idiot. He could sense Jack was up to something; he just didnt know what. Bocor is obviously stronger than you, he said carefully. Whats your point?

To an outsider, Bocor absolutely looked stronger than Jack. Not only was there a difference of thirty-one levels between them, but the minotaur was also talented enough to be placed in Lord Longswords team. He was far stronger than most people at his level.

In fact, Jack also suspected he was the weakest of the two, but he didnt have many options.

He? Stronger than me? Jack said, feigning surprise, even incomprehension. My Lord, I understand you have to speak up for your subordinates, but this really isnt proper. I have seen this minotaur fight. He is extremely weak for his level. In fact, his being part of your team is an affront to your great strength.

His hesitant words threatened to take back the respect hed already given to Lord Longswordin front of everyone. That would be awkward for the Lord.

Bocor is obviously not weak, Longsword responded. He was starting to get impatient, so Jack cut to the chase.

I see. Well, I happen to disagree, and I wonder; do you enjoy gambling, Lord Longsword? The cat was out of the bag, so he spoke quickly, not leaving time for anyone to interrupt his carefully crafted speech. You mentioned before that subordinates are part of ones strength. However, that minotaur really is too weak. How about you let me test this part of your strength, my Lord? Lets make a bet. I will duel the asshole and prove his incompetence. If I lose, I will gladly die for my disrespect, or join your team, or whatever you desire of me. But, if I win, you will let me and my friends go for now. You can hunt us down again in the next ring.

Brows rose all around. Even Jacks friends were surprised by this turn of events. Lord Longswords eyes were narrowed now, suspicious. What are you trying to achieve? he asked. Obviously, he didnt think Jack had a shot against Bocor, so he assumed there was something else at play.

Nothing, my Lord, Jack assured him. No plans, tricks, or ploys. I am simply confident in my strength. If you are confident in your strength, too, and the minotaur is part of your strength, let me duel him. His expression hardened. I refuse your previous offer. Go ahead and hand me over to the Animal Kingdom; but, in the process, why not offer a spectacle for everyone present, humiliate me, and showcase your subordinates strengthif there is anything to show?

Jack seemed confident on the outside. Inside, he was gnawing at all his fingernails at once. This was the only plan he could come up with: take advantage of Lord Longswords playful arrogance to lure him into a seemingly impossible bet. Could Jack really beat the minotaur? He didnt know. But he believed his chances to be above zero. He had grown a lot stronger since they last met. He had faced a peak E-Grade beast almost equallyand grown a bit since then, too.

Of course, that all hinged on Lord Longsword accepting this bet. Jack had already done his best. He had even used the lords previous words to trap him. His only deficiency was that he had nothing to bet besides his own death, but there was nothing he could do about that. Revealing the existence of any secretslike the Life Dropwould be the same thing as revealing the secrets themselves.

Lord Longsword cupped his chin. He still looked at Jack suspiciously, like he suspected there were more tricks lying in wait, but he couldnt find thembecause they didnt exist.

However, his eyes held a hint of intrigue. Jacks heart lightened as he saw it.

Very well, he finally responded. Form a wide circle, everyone. Bocor, show no mercy.

The minotaur had the most bloodthirsty, sadistic smile Jack had ever seen. Yes, my Lord.

The cultivators quickly made some distance, leaving a wide, empty circle in the sand for Jack and the minotaur to face off. Bocor remained as everyone receded around him, solid as a boulder, staring down Jack while slowly grabbing his tower shield.

I dont know what got into you, he said, but I will enjoy this.

Jack wasnt paying attention to the minotaur; not yet. His eyes scanned the surroundings, taking in the cultivators. Lord Longsword stood at one end of the circle, accompanied by the icy witchwho still hadnt expressed emotion or said a single word. Nauja, Gan Salin, and Brock were by her side, surrounded by smooth ice lines ending in sharp tips.

They watched Jack with hope. Gan Salin, with amusement.

Hey, Jackie, he said, ignoring the ice that almost bore into his throat, I dont know what youre planning, but go for it! Im sure it will be fun.

Im planning nothing, Jack replied honestly. Ill just kick his ass.

Somehow, Salin believed him. His face dropped. He turned his eyeshe would be impaled if he moved anything elseto Longsword. Say, Lord, normal battles are so last millennium. Could we consider something else instead? Perhaps a dance-off?

Shut him up, Longsword ordered. The ice lines wound so thick around Gan Salins throat that even breathing was a struggle. When he swallowed, two shallow lacerations were drawn on his Adams apple. He didnt speak anymore.

Jack drew his eyes from Salin to Nauja, who simply nodded at him, and then to Brock, whose eyes burned with passion. It warmed Jacks heart. The little brorilla didnt have the slightest of doubts about Jacks victory.

Around them, people were getting ready to watch the show. Jack spotted the bald woman from before. She was glaring daggers at himprobably still pissed hed killed her two teammates, the ferretfolk and the fire mage.

The wizened treant was also there, the one with leaf magic, accompanied by a club-wielding woman and a robed individual Jack hadnt seen beforeperhaps the invisible enemy from the Forbidden Cave?

Besides those, there were plenty of cultivators in attendance. More had arrived after Jack and Longsword started talking. A human with blue hair, white at the tips, through which ran blue sparks. A lanky, pale-faced teenager who rode a scaled lizard with a sneer on his face. A completely naked man. A kovan with a dirty apron and the most professional glare Jack had ever seen.

Not everyones powers were easily discernible. There were plenty more who just stood there, clad in robes or armor, carrying sheathed weapons or odd trinkets. For a moment, Jack let his mind wander. What Daos could these people be following? The Dao of Victory? Of the Drunken Fist? Of Love, War, Sand, or Sky?

Maybe the Dao of Bad Breath? The Dao of No Clothes?

He couldnt wait to find out.

Then, relishing in this small respite, he took a deep breath and fortified his mind, focusing on one person: Bocor, the Animal Kingdom minotaur.

Jack had a bone to pick with this guy. Not only had he tried to kill Jack on multiple occasions, but hed also mistreated Gan Salin badly. He had even slapped Brock during the Forbidden Cave chase. Jack still remembered the sound, crisp and clear. He was determined to get revenge, thenhe just didnt imagine the time would come so soon.

Bocor stood opposite Jack, weighing him with his gaze. Are you done sightseeing? he asked, but Jack ignored him.

Minotaur, Level 115

Faction: Animal Kingdom

Title: Resilient

Meanwhile, Jack himself was thirty-one levels below.

Name: Jack Rust

Species: Human, Earth-387

Faction: Bare Fist Brotherhood (E)

Grade: E

Class: Fiend of the Iron Fist (Elite)

Level: 84

Strength: 325

Dexterity: 325

Constitution: 325

Mental: 50

Will: 80

Skills: Ghost Step I

Dao Skills: Indomitable Body III, Meteor Punch II, Iron Fist Style I, Brutalizing Aura I

Daos: Perfect Dao Seed of the Fist (late), Dao Root of Indomitable Will (fused), Dao Root of Life (fused), Dao Root of Power

Titles: Planetary Frontrunner (10), Planetary Torchbearer (1), Third Ring Conqueror

He had gained four levels while touring the desert, which all went to evening out his Dexterity against the other Physical stats. Now, they all sat at a not-so-round 325, sixty-five times the average pre-System human. With all three working together, he would seem like a God to anyone in the pre-System era.

Unfortunately, his training with the Dao Soul through the desert trip hadnt yielded any tangible benefits, but he felt himself sharper, more aware of his surroundings and how the System channeled his Dao to use his Dao Skills.

Compared to other people of his level, he had two fused Dao Roots, a perfect Dao Seed, the Immortality Serum, an Elite Class, a third-tier Dao Skill in Indomitable Body, and the old reliable, Meteor Punch. The Life Drop was unfortunately off-limits for this fight. If he used it, he still wouldnt escape, and he would have revealed himself to the great forces the Ancient voice had warned him about.

He would have to win this purely on his own power.

The minotaur, on the other hand, no doubt had his own advantages. Elixirs, resources, fused Dao Roots, maybe an Elite class or a perfect Dao Seed. Undoubtedly high-class training, all sorts of top-tier resources, and who knows what kind of equipment.

But more than anything else, Jack had his fist and the resolve that, if he lost, he would die.

Simple and clean

He licked his lips, finding them dry, and settled into a fighting stance. The minotaurs hulking body was eight feet tall, crowned with sharp, twin horns, covered in bulging muscles, and hidden under a full set of plate armor that only left his face exposed. His face had thick, masculine features, his fur was a light brown, and his eyes were hateful little slits clouded with rage.

A large tower shield was in his hands, easily the size of a door and undoubtedly weighing ten times as much. When he stuck it in the sand before him, it sank down easily until it hit the stone below with a hollow thud.

In the name of the Animal Kingdom, are you ready to die? the minotaur asked, reveling in his soon-to-come glory.

Are you? Jack replied, clenching his fists. The Dao coursed through him, filling him with power. His body tingled, his pores opened, his hair stood on end, a wild grin appeared on his lips.

He was ready.

Bocor bellowed and charged.

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