Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 167: Directional Shenanigans

Chapter 167: Directional Shenanigans

That was amazing! Nauja said, walking excitedly next to Jack. The way you tricked them Genius! And here I thought you were a dumb meathead!

You are literally a barbarian, Jack replied, but he wasnt annoyed. He was exuberant. Just now, hed earned a great victory and secured the safety of himself and his companions.

Plus, hed punished the asshole who slapped Brock.

That was for you, little bro, he said, turning to the brorilla, who was walking with his back almost perfectly straight.

Bro! he replied, giving Jack a big thumbs-up. Good!

Ohh! Youre learning new words by the day now, arent you? I cant wait until you speak to everyone.

Brock somehow stood even straighter.

I have to say, youve come a long way, Jackie, Gan Salin added, walking on Jacks other side. Once upon a time, you struggled to beat even me. Now Well, Bocor is a known prodigy in the Animal Kingdom. This victory of yours will make waves.

Eh. They are already after me. How much worse could it get?

If your bounty gets any higher, even I may be tempted.

Jack glanced at him sideways. You wouldnt do that. I just saved you.

Im insane. I can do anything.

Jack wasnt sure whether Gan Salin was kidding or not. In the end, it didnt really matter. If you ever want a crack at me, just let me know, he said. Now, can someone finally tell me whats the deal with that lord guy?

The village was before them. It was mostly emptyeveryone had rushed to witness Jack and Bocors fight, and theyd stayed behind to honor Longswords words.

It was a surreal sight. These flat-roofed forest cabins stood in the middle of an oasis, taking in the breeze. But nothing was as normal as it seemed. Did the delvers build these cabins, or had they always been here, like the barbarians, the Forbidden Cave, and the Ancient ruins?

To think that most of the galaxys strongest immortals once passed by this normal-looking place

Lords, Gan Salin began explaining, is the name we give to the strongest scions of Trial Planet. They are the movers and shakers. The literal lords of the rings.

I see, Jack replied. Thats why Longsword was so strong.

Yes. Youve heard about Elite and King monsters, right?

Jack raised a brow. I dont think I have.

Theyre power classifications. Elite beasts are a tier stronger than regular beasts of their level. A low E-Grade Elite monster can battle middle E-Grade monsters.

I know those, yeah.

Well, King monsters are another tier higher. Kings are to Elites what Elites are to everyone else.

Okay And what does that have to do with anything?

The B-Grade factions use a similar system to assess the strength of their members. An Elite cultivator is one who can fight a tier above his strength. A King cultivator can fight two tiers above. Right?

Jacks eyes narrowed. And I suppose Lord Longsword is a King cultivator?

Exactly. Not just him; all lords are. Of course, there are differences between them, but the King level is generally the strongest that cultivators can get. After that, the difference in attribute points becomes too much.


They passed by the ruined tavern, admiring the destruction theyd wroughtwithout consequences. Jack even considered taking some extra food, but they already had plenty. Brock was munching on a pack of bananas.

Then, am I a King? Jack asked. I think Im about as strong as a peak E-Grade beast, but my level is only 84.

Technically, yes. Thats why Longsword tried so hard to recruit you. Just keep in mind that things get a bit weird around the peak of each Grade. Since there is a large difference between a normal peak E-Grade and an Elite peak E-Grade, a normal beast could technically fall anywhere within that spectrum of power. So, if you see a beast at Level 124, dont just go running. It could be much stronger than it seems.

Ill keep that in mind, Jack said, nodding thoughtfully. So, how many lords are there?

Right now? Three. Theyre gathered for the annual Garden Assault, where every strong cultivator works together to defeat the seventh rings guardian.

Cultivators work together? Without killing each other? Nauja laughed. Ill believe it when I see it.

Oh, they kill each other, alright. They just pause for a moment to defeat the guardian.

Is it that strong? Jack asked. I thought each lord was a King at the peak E-Grade. What could stop them?

A D-Grade guardian, Gan Salin replied seriously. Jacks smile faltered.


Yep. Think of it like this: Elite is one tier above normal monstersand cultivators. King is two tiers above. And the next Grade is three tiers above.

Thatswait. So, the breakthrough to the D-Grade will increase my power as much as my entire rise through the E-Grade?

Salin did some quick calculations. Finally, he beamed a smile. Yeah! Theres a reason we call those people immortals.

Because they live long.

That, too.

Man... Jack whistled. Theres a long way to go How will I ever make C-Grade in a year?

Oh, is that your plan? Salin asked. You wont. Okay? Its absolutely impossible. People take centuries to become C-Grades, and only one in a billion succeeds.

Jack frowned. I have done impossible things before. Dont dash my hopes.

Whatever you say, boss. Lets just focus on reaching the next ring for now.

The Space Ring, right?

The Space Ring.

Anything you can tell me about that?

Oh, many things.

Jack waited, but Salin didnt speak anymore. He simply kept walking like everything was said and done. So? Jack finally asked.

I can tell you things, Salin replied, but I wont. Come on! Wheres your sense of adventure? It will be a surprise!

From the side, Nauja frowned. The Space Ring is

Shh! Salin jumped in front of her, bringing a finger to his lips. Dont tell him! Hell just see it in a bit, anyway.

She frowned.

Ill see it tomorrow, Jack corrected him. The tunnels between rings are fucking long.

Not for the Space Ring. Salin winked. Trust me. Its better as a surprise.

Jack and Nauja rolled their eyes. By the side, Brock was nodding in agreement with the canine. After all, he liked surprises.

They had reached the lake in the center of the oasis by now. Due to the low night temperature, it was frozen over, letting them simply walk over to reach the little island in its midst.

There, they found a small shrine. It was a simple circle made of stone, with an obelisk rising thirty feet into the sky. A stone door blocked their way, carved with images of scorpions, sand worms, lizards, even creatures that looked like sand sharks. There were also many humanoid figures carved into the stone, depicted as living in houses similar to the ones in the village.

This is the mystery of the Village Ring, Nauja whispered, approaching the door and tenderly touching one of the figures. These people are depicted everywhere in the desert. Yet, nobody has ever found them. The villages were empty when the first delvers arrived. What happened to them? Nobody knows.

Thats intriguing and all, Jack said, but why is the door on the floor?

He was right. This door wasnt placed on a vertical surface, as all doors should be. It was flat on the ground in the middle of the stone circle. It could have been a trapdoor, but its shape was like a normal door.

Oh, this is part of the surprise, Gan Salin replied, giggling. Come on, open it.

Jack frowned. Im not opening it.

It will be fun.

Nope, not doing it. You open it.

But I know whats going to happen!

Can you stop acting like children? Nauja said, rolling her eyes. She grabbed the doors handle and pulled it open. A passage was revealed beneath, similar to the previous tunnels, exceptvertical? It was like this tunnel was meant for people to walk on the walls, like ants.

Before Jack could say anything, an odd feeling came over him. He was disoriented for a second. Felt like he was tipping over. When he came to, he was standing on the tunnel inside the door like nothing was wrong.

He blinked. What? Looking back, the door was right behind him, placed against the wall, except he could only see sky through it. The path under his feet was placed properly, not vertically, as hed seen before. As he peeked outside the door, he saw that the entire Village Ring had been tilted sideways. What used to be a door flat on the ground was now a door on a cliffside. What? he repeated.

Surprise! Gan Salin cried out, raising his hands. Ta-dah! I present you, gravity!


Jack looked around. His feet were steady on the tunnel that had seemed vertical from outside the door. From inside, where he stood, what seemed vertical was the Village Rings ground.

This tunnel warps gravity, Nauja explained. Instead of pulling you down, toward the center of the planet, it pulls you sideways.

It doesnt feel like Im sideways, Jack said.

Its all relative. She shrugged. Get used to the feeling. Theres a bunch of this in Space Ringor so Ive heard.

There is indeed, Salin agreed with a grin. The Space Ring is very fun.

Really? Jack raised a brow. Is that the word people use to describe it, or is it just you?

Well, just me, but Im plenty. The others just call it impressive.

No kidding. Jack glanced outside again, at the Village Ring that had turned sideways. Im looking forward to it.

Like in every tunnel so far, there was a basket of torches at the entrance. Brock grabbed one, lit it with a snap of his fingers, and led the way. The rest of them followed.

Jack prepared himself for a long trek. Belatedly, he realized hed forgotten to check the new skill hed received after his fight with Bocor.

Iron Fist Style II: You have surpassed the limitations of mortal forms of combat. Your body is infused with the Dao of the Fist. Reality bends before the Dao.

The Iron Fist Style is the spine of its user. It allows you to combine all your skills, weapons, and resources, integrating them seamlessly into one fighting style.

The first paragraph had just been condensed a bit. As always, the real change compared to the previous tier of the skill was italicized.

Would you look at that, Jack thought. So it better integrates the rest of my skills. Is it because I used all of my skills while fighting Bocor? Or because I finally developed enough of them for Iron Fist Style to utilize?

I wonder what the next tiers will be.

In any case, it was a welcome improvement, the fruit of his hard training against Copy-Jack. More strength was always good. Especially when he was hunted by Longsword.

The rest of the trip went by in silence, spiraling down and down the tunnel. It was the same as always. However, the trip didnt last long. Only some minutes of jogging later, light appeared at the end of the tunnel.

What? Jack said in surprise. But we just came here. He squinted to see past the open door at the other side. Before he could manage, Salin pushed him from behind.

Jack tumbled into the door. He was assaulted by the same disorienting feeling as before. Gravity changed directions again, and suddenly, he found himself standing on gray stone, surrounded by colossal sun mushrooms that threatened to blind him. The door hed just passed through was flat on the ground next to his feet. He saw Gan Salin, Brock, and Nauja walk on the wall like it was nothing, then stumble and rotate sideways as they crossed the door.

Were on the ceiling of the Space Ring, Nauja explained after reorienting herself. It feels like were standing on the ground, but were actually upside down. Thats why the tunnel was so short. It only had to cross the few miles of stone between the two rings, not go all the way to the floor.

However, Jack wasnt listening. He was captivated by the majesty of the Space Ring. It was absolutely surreal.

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