Road to Mastery: A LitRPG Apocalypse

Chapter 179: Cracking One’s Soul

Chapter 179: Cracking One’s Soul

The super horde washed over this side of Space Ring, causing widespread confusion and casualties. Several cultivators were overrun. A few more were swept up by the space monsters but managed to make it out alive. Most were in bubbles when the horde came, or found one in time. Even the Lords mobilized, exerting their fearsome powers to rescue themselves, their teammates, or some of their many followers.

In the end, the horde broke against the far wall, sending disproportionately strong space monsters flying everywhere. It was chaos for a day. When the monsters realized there was no danger, they receded back to the darkness, officially ending the super horde like nothing had happened. The only lasting evidence of this event would be the many bubbles that were swept by the horde into the outer wall, ripe for the taking and easy to access.

As a result, the smartest cultivators spent another day exploring those bubbles, hoping to find something useful. Unfortunately, not many were from the darkness, but there was still treasure to be found.

All of this was no longer Jacks business. Following the Sage, his team traveled to the nearest light beam and dove into it, piercing the darkness. Given the absence of space monsters and the confused state of cultivators, there was nothing to stop them.

The source of the light beam was as Gan Salin had described. A bowl-shaped rock formation filled to the brim with mushrooms, focusing their light ahead like a powerful headlight.

It was so bright, in fact, that they couldnt stare directly. The last part of their journey was made looking sideways. By the time they reached the base of the light beam, Jack was horrified. The inner wall of Space Ring was just a hundred feet away, behind the light. That was where the strongest monsters of the ring, like the D-Grade kraken, awaited.

He had never been happier to have light.

Their group flew into the base of the light beam until they landed in its center. Most of the brightness instantly dissipated. There was a patch of rock twenty feet across that was empty of mushrooms, letting them finally open their eyes.

Right in the middle of that empty patch stood an iron pedestal.

Whats that? Jack asked, approaching it.

The entrance to Labyrinth Ring, the Sage explained.

Its not a door.

Its a teleporter.

A what?

A teleporter. Like the big ones youre used to, but far smaller and with shorter range.


Jack wasnt even that surprised. After Space Ring, with its bubbles floating in space and the hordes of space monsters, simple teleportation devices sounded almost homely.

Any last things to say? Jack asked. You know, something to warn us about, or what we should do in the labyrinth?

The Sage cupped his chin. Hmm. There are monsters, obviously. Strong ones. This is the last hostile ring of Trial Planet, so the challenge is hard enough that even Lords may fallif they are careless. Besides that, the labyrinth contains dungeons, which contain trials.

Dungeons, huh? That brings back memories

Be careful, though. These ones are designed to challenge people who have made it this far. Theyre far nastier than the ones on Earth.

But they contain great rewards! Gan Salin spoke up. One of my ancestors got his Berserkers Axe here, and I hear that even one of my factions B-Grades once found their luck in Labyrinth Ring.

With danger comes opportunity. Jack nodded. I know the concept.

Then, there isnt much else to talk about, the Sage spoke again. We will be split up as soon as we touch that pedestal. Challenge a dungeon if youre up for it, or avoid the monsters if you arent. Ally with anyone you findgetting through the labyrinth alone is dangerous. And remember to follow the colorsthe darker the walls, the deeper in the labyrinth you are. Lets all reconvene at the guardians gate.

Wait. Jack raised a hand. You said to ally with anyone we found. But before, you said we should hurry to get here before the Garden Assault does. Who are we supposed to ally with? Each other?

The labyrinth is large enough that we probably wont find each other. But dont worry. The Garden Assault isnt as united as you think. There are benefits to entering the labyrinth quickly, so there will be plenty of cultivators already inside. The reason we enter quickly is that, right now, those people will also be desperately looking for allies. If the entire Garden Assault enters, your group will be ostracized.

Hmm. Okay, then. Lets say our goodbyes and get going.

Of course. Well go first.

The Sage, Dorman, and their djinn ally, Poppy, simply walked up to the pedestal and touched it. No goodbyes, no kind words, no nothing. In the next moment, they simply vanished.

...I bet they have a way to find each other, Nauja said.

If they do, good for them. They werent obligated to share.

Maybe theyre just crazy, Salin tried.

Jack laughed. Then, he gave his friends a warm look. Listen, guys. We are all strong now. We may be split up in there, but I believe well all pull through. Just focus on staying alive. Well meet again at the end of the ring.

You silly bastard, the canine said with a big smile. Im not strong. Ill probably die.

Youre inventive and decisive. I believe youll make it.

Salin giggled. Well, if I was afraid, I would have teleported out at the ring entrance, wouldnt I?

Space Ring was one of Trial Planets exit points. If one scoured the outer wall, there were many teleporters leading outside the planet. Many people rushed there as soon as they got the Fourth Ring Conqueror title. Salin, even with his relative weakness, never even considered it.

I will try my best. If I die, I die, Nauja said, her head held high. That is the barbarian way.

Jack chuckled. And so will I.

I dont worry about you. With your strength, you can easily protect yourselfand Brock, since youll probably be together.

You heard what the Sage said. Even Lords can fall in this ring, if they arent careful, and Im no Lord. He smashed his fists together. But I sure as hell dont intend to fail. If there are monsters, Ill just get a few more levels.

Salin laughed. Ah, theres the Jack we all know and love. Always ready to punch stuff. Anyway, this sentimental stuff makes me feel awkward. Wanna go?

The four of them exchanged a look, knowing it was possibly the last time they saw each other. Lets, Jack and Nauja said together.

Yes, Brock agreed. Bros.

Jack cracked a bitter smile. Bros, he agreed. Everyone else repeated the word, too. Gan Salin wrapped them all up in a group hug. They laughed.

See you, Jack said. All four of them touched their hands to the pedestal at the same time. With a violent tug through space, they disappeared.


Jack stumbled from the middle of inter-space void onto a stone floor. It was a corridor of brown, dusty stone, with a height and width of nine feet. It instantly felt claustrophobic.

The air was stuffy. The corridor turned sharply to the front and back of Jack, at ninety-degree angles, and lit torches hung intermittently on the walls, dense enough to illuminate the labyrinth but sparse enough to leave deep shadows between them.

Jacks eyes surveyed everything instantlymostly because there wasnt much to see. He chuckled. Holy shit, Brock, he said. This place is

And then his heart dropped, because Brock wasnt there.


Edgar watched Vivi pace through his room with purpose. Her steps were solid, her entire body exuding authority, confidence.

He, on the other hand, was just sitting on a chair with his arms crossed. I appreciate you giving the leadership of the alliance to the professor, he said, but if you think thats going to change my mind, youre mistaken.

Its not a bribe, Vivi retorted, frowning. I am fit to lead from the front, and she is fit to lead from the back. Thats all there is to it.

I understand.


No. He shook his head. I am not fighting.

He expected her to argue fiercely. In truth, his heart had been aching all this time, and his enhanced brain had already ran a hundred scenarios for how this conversation might unfold.

To his horror, Vivi chose the path he feared most. She sighed.

I understand how you feel, Edgar. And you are right. You have already contributed greatly to our cause, both during and after the Tournament. If you dont want to fight, I cannot force you. Another sigh. She plopped into a second chair, ignoring the neat stacks of paper piled around her. But Edgar We are dying.

He wanted to interrupt and say something. The more he let her go on, the more right she would be. He didnt want her to be right. Fighting a war, using his magic to inflict harm on others, would break his heart into a hundred pieces.

It would be nothing like the Integration Tournament.

But he found nothing to say. Not fast enough.

Just yesterday, the Ice Peak assaulted my headquarters in Ouagadougou while I was away. They killed my citizens and soldiers. They decreased our battle power, crumbled our morale, and tore a wound into our flesh.

Edgar flinched. She didnt have to be so vivid. His high intelligence pictured the scene, the mutilated corpses, the stench of war, the screams. It came as natural as visualizing his magic. He couldnt stop it.

That all happened because I was away, Vivi continued. The Ice Peak has me in a headlock. If I stay in my headquarters, my people will be fighting a losing battle in the dungeons. If I go with them, my headquarters will be vulnerable. There is nothing I can do before one of my lieutenants gets strong enough to hold the fort, and that could take a long, long time. They dont have the titles we do. They arent planetary frontrunners.

Edgar gritted his teeth. Evacuate everyone, he said. Bring them here. We have Sparman. He

You already know thats impossible. Why suggest it? Her gaze was piercing. I could evacuate my elites, but that would mean leaving everyone else to Petrovic and the Animal Kingdoms mercya quality they lack.

You can

I can do nothing. She shook her head, and the pain in her voice made him unable to retort. We cannot win this war without you, Edgar. I know how difficult it is for you to fight. I know how desperately you dont want it. I know, because I am also a Mental cultivator. I feel every scrap of pain I cause. I am aware of every mother crying because I killed her son. But Edgar, I cannot let that stop me. If I dont fight, my people will die. It will be their mothers crying. My mother. I am carving up my soul to save the ones who believe in me, and I implore you to do the same. When everything is over, half the people will be dead. You get to choose whether it will be me, you, Margaret, Harambe, everyone youve ever known and lovedor the enemy, who sold out our planet to the Animal Kingdom to save themselves.

She stood up, letting her flame-painted cape flutter in the small room. Edgar saw she was upset. He saw her tight jaw, her narrowed eyes. Her calm voice was only a facade. On the inside, she was burning.

Her words came from her soul. How could he possibly retort?

Vivi approached the open window and grabbed its case. What Im trying to say, Edgar, she said, placing one foot on the window sill, is that you have the choice to protect your friends or let them die. You cannot avoid it. Sitting idle is also a choice. And I expect you to make the right one.

She jumped out, not looking back. Edgar saw her body fall from the second story, then rise back up, carried by flame wings. He watched until she disappeared in the horizon, not speaking to anyone else.

She left him miserable. His heart was about to break in half. His soul was in deep pain.

He understood what she was saying. But his Dao It wasnt one of battle. It was magic. Beauty, wonder, dreams. It was supposed to be a breathtaking wow, an escape, what he felt as a child reading his favorite book. Using it to cause harm wouldnt just pain him deeply; it would injure his Dao, dilute it, stain it, refuse it.

He had only understood this after the Integration Tournament, when he finally had time to look deep inside himself. Back then, he had just been doing what others told him to, even if he hated it. Now, he understood that battle was not his path. And yet

Why does it have to be me? he lamented, burying his face in his palms. Why is the world like this?

Who knew that so much beauty could bring so much pain?

He loved magic. If there was no war going on, he would be the happiest man in the world. Its all he ever wanted.

But there was a war going on. He had to make a choice. And, between the bubbling pressure inside him and the terrifying pressure from outside, Edgar felt crushed.

But from the pressure came a spark. And the world opened its eyes. And Edgar sunk into his soul, meeting the breathtaking, wonderful, indescribably beautiful essence that was magic.

His breakthrough began.

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